Two sentence horror stories
Try to scare somebody with two sentences. Can deeply describe (Two Sentences!!) or shortly described but make it terrifying so much that the reader will flinch just imagining it!
only if
write a poem/prose starting with only if
“Only If”
Only If my life was a dream, you never would have been that mean.
Only If in my childhood you stopped screaming, maybe then you would have seen all my tears make that stream.
Only if we could have been more of a mommy, daughter team, you wouldn't be standing at this crime scene wishing only if your life was a dream.
Quote time!
Write a quote. Two sentences or two paragraphs. It doesn't matter, just write a quote you love, hate or it's sad or happy. Be creative! This was mine as an example, "I don't need them anymore. I'm the person they needed, and what they wanted to be."