I get it
You think you're not enough
Think I'm too good for you
That you don't deserve me
Well honey
I'm yours
And I'm here to stay
No one can take me away from you
I don't care if they
Are the most beautiful
The richest
The most famous
Because those are all lies
Those titles don't belong to them
They're all yours
(Maybe not richest
neither of us are hun)
I like to call myself the richest
Because baby
You're priceless
And you're mine
So next time you doubt yourself
Just remember
I love you
And I'm yours
I thought I was on the right track
Turned away from that dark road
Hadn't looked back since
I never fully left
All I did
Was drift away for a while
I was fooling myself
"I'm on the up and up
I'm happy
I don't want to pop those pills
Everything's fine"
All of them
I tried to escape
Go to a couple places
Make a couple friends
Post that shit on Instagram
Make it look like I'm
Lies lies lies
I finally realize my lies
I can't stand to look in the mirror
Even more than usual
My face disgusts me
As I see not myself
But a loser
I don't want to talk
I want to sleep
Because it's as close to death
As I'm
She's a beautiful
That temptress calls me closer
And sometimes
I want to call her embrace
But I'm too much a coward
To walk into her arms
She invaded my sacred space
Somewhere I thought I was
A place with memories
That bridge
With my name written on it
The bottom of that river
Waiting for my signature
I can't swim well
Not while
I'm being held up
By the one
That won't
Let me go
I didn't know it
We were just friends
Nothing more
Not lovers
Not significant others
But she
Was the one to save a sinner
Her golden hair
Draped down her face
Like rays of sunshine
Her hand
Grasping mine
Not letting me go
Holding on until the end of time
A forever
She loves me
And I her
She's the only reason
Why I can wake up
And love something
She's as bright as any star you'll find
That dark sky behind her
But when the morning comes
Her light does not fade
She is
My sunshine
And I
Am proud to call myself hers