this is my first non-writing challenge post, mainly because of the challenges/prompts I have written over the past few days. The funny thing is, although I haven't entered into any of my own contests I feel my creativity flowing, just a few simple words can get any willful or creative flowing which is why i like to keep my prompts simple. No directions, no prize money, as cheesy as it is, the only prize is the satisfaction you get after looking at what you've written and saying to yourself "I wrote that". But anyways, I hope you guys enjoy all the challenges i've written so far, which some come from song lyrics or some random dramatic thought that comes across my mind in study hall (i should probably be studying)
Lost at Sea
Falling in love with you
Is like being lost at sea
Without a map
And never knowing
What the tide will bring
Falling in love with you
Is like drowning in salty waves
And hoping that
The sandy surface below
Could become your grave
Falling in love with you
Is like gasping for one more breath
When you know
It will only
End in death
Just A Second.
Stifling. Stretching, still somehow stagnant. Simply sulking. Stop.
There. Triumphs, treasons - thrice thought. Tumbling through time, thrashing to try to
rest. Restless, relentless, reoccurring. Returning raging, rioting, real revenge. Resistance -
endless. Empty. Enormous empire, ending eons evaded. Ever-evolving, ever earning
streaming straits, simmering sweat, stilled shivers, silenced shock. Still stifled.
Struggling. Staggering. Standing. Stranded, striving some serenity. Staying ~
to fight another day.
Don't go into the woods, girl, on All Hallows' Eve.
Any other time, you are safe, for the world of the fae is sealed by an impenetrable barrier. But on this night, and this night only, they can cross into the world of men.
Oh, I know, girl, you wish to make a deal. Everyone does, at first. But a smart girl will stay away from the monsters in the forest, the fae who will steal everything you have and give you nothing in return.
Fair? The fae don't play fair. To them, the greatest reward a human can receive is death, for our mortal souls are weak and unfit for this world. They will not heal your dying mother, they will not make you rich, and they will not give you magic of your own.
Instead they will give you pain, and fear, and sorrow. They will call it a fair trade and you will not be able to argue, for who can argue with the fae?
No, stay away from those woods. They are looking for someone like you, someone young and weak and easily tricked. Someone who will give them waht they desire most: A human soul, for all the magic in the world cannot stop a human soul from crossing the barrier. Your soul is freedom, and you must not give it to them, though they will try to convince you it's only a soul. They cannot know the value of your soul, for they have none.
Trust not a word they say. Trust no one on this terrible day, for the barrier is thin and the woods are not the only danger. Buy nothing, sell nothing, don't shake a hand or make a promise or give your name. You are in danger, every moment you spend in the company of another.
Oh, you'll be different? Only one woman has ever evaded the fae, my dear. And yes, she was different.
But she suffered, in the end. The fae were angry and they could not be stopped in their wrath. The girl is alive, but the moment her heart stops beating she will be a servant of the fae, her soul belonging to the monsters.
Why do I know?
Darling, don't ask that. Ask what you can do to stop her, stop her from giving up her soul to the fae.
Because she will be dragged down into the depths of hell, but perhaps her soul can stay.
Yes, take it child, take the girl's soul. Stay away from the demons and survive, survive this night. The fae will have the girl but not the soul, and your world will be safe.
Why do I know?
Well, darling, whose soul do you think you'll be taking?
This is an End
"Seven," I whispered as I open my eyes from the dream I had. I took a few deep breaths to ease the heaviness I feel in my chest as I slowly remember what I saw in my sleep. It was full of haunting images of which I cannot understand, but with a single low and loud voice in my dream - or more like a nightmare, I somehow saw the last week, last seven days of humanity.
I was not sure how I should take this "end of the world" knowledge. Should I announce this on social media? Should I travel the world and pursue my dead dreams? With all these anxious thoughts, I spent my whole last seventh day thinking.
I woke up the next morning feeling like I didn't even blink my eyes. I felt like I didn't sleep. I felt like my mind was over-thinking the whole six hours of my slumber. I stared at the mirror after getting up, asking myself, "Is this real? Or am I still dreaming?" I slapped my face to only be woken up by my stinging cheek.
I called my friends and told them everything I knew, but of course, they all thought that my "last living days" dream was just symbolizing my struggles in life. I just laughed and ended the call. I spent my sixth day watching the news full of child-rape and murder.
I only realized that this is my last fifth day when my clock sounded at 3 in the morning. I'm supposed to have a quick jog today before going to school but, who cares? It's the end of the world.
I got up at 8 and went to school by 9. I didn't know we're supposed to have a quiz on every subject and as usual - I failed. I'm not sure whether I was not listening or if our quizzes were just a surprise-fail-my-subject idea of the faculty members.
I passed by the faculty room and saw a parent giving our Math teacher an envelope full of money. I paused and wondered whether Mr. Square-root will accept or not. As his hands move towards the white envelope, I left and pretended that I don't know that I only have four days left before every living creature on this planet dies.
I spent my fourth day sitting in a park, watching a beggar get pushed away by these people. I heard him asking for food, and since I wear these loose and over-worn clothes, he must've guessed that I don't have anything to give him. But I do have this burger. I'm not hungry and decided to walk to him, and guess what - he just stared at me like I was offending him. I just shrugged my shoulders and left.
My third day wasn't that great either. I saw my neighbor hitting his dog for chewing on his slip-on. I sighed since I usually feed that poor dog whenever his owner leaves him out. I opened my door and was about to stop this monstrous neighbor I have when I saw the dog lying frozen on the ground. I bit my lip and looked away when my neighbor's eyes and mine locked.
The news wasn't great either. The last piece of land that has trees in our country will be burned tomorrow. They are planning to build a useless mall next month on the land. I heard there are 20 species of insects living on that piece of land. Maybe I can start a rally to stop the burning and tell them that the mall will be useless since we're all going to disappear after two days.
I heard the gossips that the corrupt politician living in our neighborhood was released this morning and that the trees in our country's already turned into ash - that's great two news for my last two days. I laid on the couch and stared at the ceiling. I tried to count any last good memories I have before the world ends, but all I can remember was the cruelty I watched.
My tears started to stream down as I feel a piercing cold in my chest. I curled my lips as my breathing runs fast and deep to catch my heartbeat. I never wanted to end the world, but right now, I wished I'm living in tomorrow.
I didn't notice that this was my last day - humanity's last day. I watch as a blinding light succumbs to the sky. A loud sound of a trumpet echoes on the earth.
Aside from the idea that the world's ending, I just realized that humanity already ended a long time ago. Before we can even invent smartphones; before countries won the war; before I was even born. This isn't the last day of humanity. This is an end to inhumane acts.
Chapter 1
After slamming the front door of the brownstone that she loved to escape another ridiculous argument, she marched down the perfectly lit street. Not knowing where she headed didn’t matter. Getting out of there did. Muttering to herself in her mind, she vowed it was over, and she was going to do something about leaving. After a block or two, she thought she could really use a drink.
Where the hell am I? Damn, dumbass, you outa pay attention.
Ahh, there it was her favorite bar. It was what she imagined a speakeasy would have been. The hotel it was in was one of the most subdued yet well-appointed boutique hotels around.
She pulled the large brass bar across the smoky glass door and stepped inside. The cool air brushed her hair back from her face gently and embraced her in a way she’d like a man to hold her. Standing just inside the door, and pausing she looked around, getting her bearings. Subtle jazz music filled the dimly lit space. Glasses and bottles on the mirrored wall of the bar sparkled and seemed to call to her to come and sit and partake. There were several seats at the bar and some at the bar tables. She decided the bar was the worst choice because it would make it clear she was alone. She chose a table along the wall of windows that looked out over the outdoor seating and lush atrium.
Her phone had been buzzing in her purse since she’d left, but she refused to get it out.
The cool leather seat felt terrific on her back. She’d gotten slightly warm in her angry walk, and her cotton button-down felt a bit damp in spots. The loose trendy ripped jeans were perfect for this sort of place. Kicking off her sandals, she pulled her feet up and sat cross-legged in the stool.
As she listened to the music wafting through space, she ordered her favorite cocktail from the busty, sweetly, young waitress. Yes, a Tanqueray martini, dirty and dry with two olives would be delicious right now. Sitting comfortably and trying not to think about anything, in particular, she finally looked at the trio playing the music. The keyboard player was looking her way, but she didn’t assume it was at her. As she looked back, she saw the corner of his mouth turn up ever so slightly. She held his gaze, attempting to prove herself wrong. He didn’t look away, but instead ever so slightly dipped his head in acknowledgment. She tried to do that thing one does to see if the nod was sent to you or the beautiful sexy woman behind you without anyone noticing. Re-thinking that she held his gaze. What did she have to lose?
Oh, but then it all changed.
Shit, they are taking a break now? What the fuck was I thinking, looking back like that? Being bold and daring…
She decided this was her queue to go to pee. Surely, she could avoid him if she was gone for a minute. She put the cocktail napkin over her drink, slipped into her sandals and scooted off her stool to the ladies’ room. Looking in the mirror, she picked herself apart, so she was sure it wasn’t her that he was looking over to and acknowledging. After applying some more lip color, she went back to her seat. The seat was cool again, and it calmed her again as her heart was pounding in her temples over this situation.
Still refusing to reach for her phone, she rolled her head back and closed her eyes. Trying to relax and enjoy the atmosphere, she went into a meditative state. When she opened her eyes, she was startled to see a small intricate plate of cheese and bread. Not realizing she was hungry, she found her mouth-watering. Looking around but not knowing who or what she was looking for, she decided to partake. After her first taste, her eyes rolled back in her head, and he appeared across the small table from her. She opened her eyes when she heard him speak.
“So, I guess I made a good choice. You like that?” he said.
Startled again, she said, “Why yes. Yes, you did. How did you know?”
“I recognized you as a woman who likes what I do, so I was convinced you’d like this snack plate, and I was right.”
“You’re spot on. I don’t know how you got it from a glance, but you did,” she replied.
“There is something about you. If that isn’t being too forward. I didn’t have a doubt. I knew I could choose to satisfy you, and it would be the right choice. You need to be satisfied, don’t you?”
She didn’t even know how to reply. YES! That is what she wanted to say. She wished to grab the front of his shirt and pull him up against her. Kissing him was all she could focus on for some reason. Maybe it was the martini, which was almost gone. Perhaps it was his pure sexiness. His dreadlocks and ebony skin all made her more curious to know more about him.
He said that he had to go back to his keyboard for the next set. He asked if she’d be staying. She said she would. As he went to his position, another martini showed up. Again he dipped his brow to her and she to him.
Listening through the set, she stayed proud she hadn’t looked at her phone. The music played and soothed her, and she watched him stroke the keys. She imagined him stroking her the same way.
The set completed; he came straight to her. He extended his hand and introduced himself.
“Hi, I’m Aaron. And you are?”
“Hi Aaron, I’m Bridget. How are you? Oh, and thank you so much for the snack and drink. Your group is great. I loved the music,” she nervously blathered on.
“Well, thank you, and you’re welcome. It’s wonderful to meet you, Bridget. Do you have any plans now? I don’t, and I’d love to spend some time with you.”
Thinking twice about going home, she said, “No, I don’t. I’d like the same.”
He paid her tab, and he asked if she’d trust him to take her to his place upstairs. He lived above the bar. She decided since he was well known there, it would be safe.
Chapter 2
Climbing the wooden stairs, she listened as they creaked and groaned when their weight taxed them. Once inside, he showed her to the sofa and excused himself. She sat and attempted to slow her breathing. His place was bohemian and welcoming. She felt at home enough to take those sandals off again and curl into the corner of the comfy furniture. He came back wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Smiling down at her, he offered to make her some breakfast. Realizing how hungry she was, she welcomed the offer. He popped some champagne and pulled out eggs and bacon and bread and started to cook. They sipped the cold bubbly and talked with ease. Sitting at the counter, they ate the simple but delicious breakfast. They chatted and laughed easily. Then she felt his hand on her thigh. She knew she was more than tipsy, and that this more than an attraction. He took their plates to the sink. Standing next to her stool, he turned it, so she faced him. Reaching down, he tilted her chin up toward him, and he looked at her as if he’d known her forever. When his lips touched hers, there was a fire that nothing could stop. They were both breathing quickly and touching and caressing one another like they’d never been touched before, or not for a long time.
She stood up, and they were in full embrace. She felt week in her knees and giddy at the same time. Kissing and trying to catch their breath, they both paused and laughed at it all. Then he lifted her to put her arms around his neck. She naturally wrapped her legs around him and could feel his excitement pressing against her in just the right place. With his strength and finesse, he laid her down gently on the sofa. Then reaching up, she tugged on his shorts to set free what she imagined she’d felt there in the embrace. When the shorts moved down, it fell out, and she was wowed! Her mouth started to water. Her pussy started to quiver. Then he leaned down and straddled her.
“Do you wanna suck it?” he asked.
“Oh my god, yes, I do,” she replied.
Hovering just above her lips, he dipped it in and out. Just getting the tip nice and wet and making her beg with her eyes. Pulling it away, he leaned over and gave her a long wet kiss that made her positively soaked. Standing, he removed her jeans and top and then her panties. He took them in his hand and spread the damp crotch wide and buried his nose in it, breathing in deeply. He wanted to smell her sweet musky scent and suddenly entertained the idea of keeping them. All that was left was her bra. He was relieved it wasn’t complicated. Just a soft bra, he could pull over her head. When he did, the weight of her heavy round tits fell silently and beautifully there for him to touch.
He reached down and scooped each and lifted them to his mouth. While running his tongue around the nipples, he reached down and felt how wet she was. He was surprised to be touching hair, though. So many girls these days were shaved clean that he didn’t expect to feel the soft down of her pussy hair. It turned him on. He was hard and wanted her right then, but she had other plans.
Sitting up, she brought him to her mouth, and though it was a struggle, she took him. Gagging a couple of times, she settled in and let him hold the back of her head and thrust into her mouth. She licked the length of it when he pulled it out, and he moaned.
“Damn baby,” was all he could manage.
The next move took her by surprise when he grabbed her hips and pulled her down onto her back again and kneeled in front of her. He inhaled her perfect scent. Now dying to taste her and drink it all in, if he could make that happen, he worked her pussy expertly from the inside too while licking her clit firmly and with conviction. She could not be quiet. She whined and moaned and writhed under his mouth. The quicker he worked his fingers, the faster she reacted. She could feel it coming. She hadn’t warned him how much it could be but also knew that once it started, she was incapable of holding it back.
Talk about flood gates! Shit, I wish I’d told him to watch out.
As she got closer, she instinctively raised her hips. She was tightly up against his mouth, and then he pulled back and thrust his fingers in and out quickly, building the urgency for her to let go and let it flow.
She screamed, “Oh fuck, Aaron! Holy fucking shit.”
Knowing what he wanted, he withdrew his fingers, and she pulled her head forward to ride it out, and it showered him. His face was dripping and hair glistening. At first, she just stared at him in disbelief. Was he going to back away across the floor or want more? His grin told her all.
He laughed and said, “That was incredible. Could we do it again?”
She, in turn, chuckled and sat up, leaned forward, and held his face in her hands. She put her forehead up against his and said, “God, I hope so.”
They kissed and cuddled and talked. Then he was hard again, and she wanted all of him. From the cuddle on their sides, he felt her make sure she was still wet, and the slick was still very much there. He slipped his dick in and parted her lips to give her all of him. He went slow. She was feeling the length and width of it all. It no sooner filled her, and then she was moaning again. The sense of urgency was there, and she knew she’d be flowing hard all over him in seconds. He reached around and held her tit and squeezed it. Lifting her top leg, he pushed it in even harder and with conviction and purpose. Reaching back, she felt his flat hard abs and the fine layer of sweat that had popped up. He was hitting her so hard the couch creaked and scooted some on the floor. She was bracing herself from the front so he could go as hard as he wanted. Without coming out, he moved around to be on top of her and put her legs un against his chest. He kissed her feet and looked down at her. With the next deep penetration, they both called out, “Oh fuck,” and then started to laugh. He kept at it, and then while she rubbed her clit, they came together. The release was mind-blowing, and doing it together made it monumental.
He dropped off to her side and lay his arm under her head, and they both panted for a bit. He got up to get some water, and she heard her damn phone again. She decided she needed to at least look at it as it was very late.
Reaching in, she retrieved the phone. In disbelief, she had her husband’s phone.
How did I pick up his phone? Well, that’s just great.
When she tilted it, she could see all the banner messages across its face. He’d never gotten the upgrade, so this phone only needed a passcode. She could put it in, but the notifications told her all she needed to know. Someone had been messaging him every few minutes. Her name was Leslie, and she could fucking have him. She had Aaron.