Unsung Superheroes
No red capes,
no flying powers.
She is, but no bird;
no plane!
Mere woman, so rightly said.
Child - frail and delicate;
fathomed affection nowhere
but in the cradle of mother's arms,
by the touch of her bosoms,
and her heavenly odor.
No red capes,
no flying powers
He is, but no bird;
no plane!
Merely man, so rightly said.
Stumbling, struggling, staggering
fumbling with its steps;
child holds on,
to father's wholesome finger.
No longer hobbles.
Mother and father;
The embodiment of compassion,
fellowship and fidelity.
Superheroes, in their own capacities.
Father; one's anchor.
Mother: one's roots.
Masculine and feminine counterparts,
one's support system
since life first bloomed.
From comforting the grief,
of a stomped flower in the yard,
to succoring, love lost,
child's superheroes persisted
The time shall come,
when my woman brings children for me.
The kid shall look, as its superhero;
up to me. Unaware,
I still look up to mine, up in the heavens!
No red capes,
no flying powers.
They are, but no birds;
no planes!
Merely parents, so very rightly said.
Destined; Obliged.
Destiny is something so fascinating that it escapes the bounds of human conception altogether. As our lives unfold with time, we see how fluidly is everything set up, how perfectly the plan works out to put us in the situation we are supposed to be in at the precise moment!
As absurd as it sounds, we are agents of itself. The choices we make apparently seem to be our decisions, but how indifferent would you feel when I tell you it is merely destiny which drives our conscious to make that particular decision.
The people we come across everyday, the ones who have no impact on our lives anyhow and the ones who inspire us to the limits of the limitless, the ones who are just temporary and the ones who stick by our side no matter what, long enough to mourn our perishing from this world are all part of THE PERFECT PLAN. It is its directives that you and I are very much obliged to follow and subconsciously do so, living and breathing the virtuality of our power to make decisions for ourselves!
Joyride Of Misery
The moments of innocence I loved having with you, are nothing more than dreaded memories now. The little things that we did together, the songs we'd recommend and talk about, the gossip, the mutual friendships we shared are still here, everything is still here; what isn't is you. You aren't here anymore. Your absence haunts me. The constant reminders of your absence drag me back to the good times we spent together, which I now fear more than I once thought I would cherish, ripping apart my resilience.
When you left, you took with you a part of me. A part of me still resides within you, and the hollow it created still aches. No matter how hard I try to forget, the very pain that I want to avoid reminds me of you, all the hurt, all the heart-ache you left me to suffer with. You're the part of me that I don't want to live with anymore, like a parasite that feeds off of me, making me drown in my own failure to get rid of your memories.
You must be wondering, its the same old love and hurt rants from yet another boy. That must have become a constant part of your life annoying you down to your bones, no? Why shouldn't it be so, you're so beautiful after all. So elegant, as if God granted you the power to wound Gladiators with a single look in the eye and a smile on that dime of a face! Apart from the quicksand of your blinding aesthetics, what I fell for was the honesty and innocence and sincerity that you once showed me. Being one of the dumbest kids at school, when no one actually cared but all they did was make fun of me, it was you that stood by my side. I, for one loved you and respected you from the core of my existence. I smiled like an idiot just at the thought of you. You being nice to me at a time when most people were cruel bullies from the slightest to the meanest of ways, made me fall for you flat on my face.
I went from having thought "there's no such thing as true love" to wondering "my life seems pointless without you" and then back to accepting "there's no such thing as true love"! It bewilders me that why did God put me through all of this, only to get me back to the point where I started! This was a journey, a short-lived joyride perhaps, the destination of which was only my former unconfident and lonely self.
In the abode of silence therein,
Duelled a soul, longing to scream.
A body its containment,
Enslaved to will of the mind.
Many wars alike,
Are fought on the fronts of one's conscious;
Where rebellious desires confront,
Rational suppressions lead by the mind.
Battling to be set free,
Choking on its own misery,
Breathlessly insisting,
The spirit ached with imprisonment.
Heart and soul joined hands;
"Beware the brothers in arms.."
The cries echoed, growing louder
The mind's trumpets diminished awhile.
Hammers and sledges drilled through the skull,
Every effort to break chains still.
Only then was there light,
Seeping in through skin.
An army so tender,
Hypnotically determined
To war against melancholy:
To tame vivid morbidness.
~Maaza; collaborative work with BleedingVeins
Perfect Silence
I'm thankful up to unimaginable extents to God for people who understand when something is wrong just by the tone of my voice.
Times when I looked towards the night sky in hopes of finding someone who I won't need words to communicate with, are over. Just sitting with them, in complete silence felt more comfortable than the deep conversations I had with people earlier, only revealing to me later that those meant nothing.