Molten Blood
Faceless and nameless, I will hang
your portrait on my wall of fantasies
brush strokes of secrets and lies
painted by my carmine rage.
Portrait of passion ignites
with drops of molten blood.
Your rapture shines in sanguine fluid
dripping claret syrup onto canvas
as you lay like corpse upon my bed,
my frozen fingers dipping paintbrush
into fresh container of crimson liquid,
the bruised wine of fresh grapes.
Blemished hands clamp together
skimming droplets over crumpled skin.
I cherish my masterpiece of copper art,
shining face of rapture, as pigment
spurts in air and congeals in my memory.
Hues dry as I recreate your life before death.
Whisper My Name
You run your words along my spine
when you whisper my name.
Husky voice of passionate embrace
bringing me to heights of want,
surfing your waves of need,
yielding to wafted passion
cushioned deeply in my ear.
You tenderly wrap my name
in gossamer tissues of love
opening to my name
chiseled in granite
for all eternity,
murmured flames
of my identity.
Name resonates
through floating echoes
and is absorbed
through my skin.
Tiptoeing along the golden halls of heaven
I find heaven with you, and I truly hope that the Gods do not notice we have sneaked into their territory because they would cast us down in a split second. These bones of ours were not built to survive such a paralyzingly fall, so for the sake of this little paradise we have risked everything for, let us please remain quiet.
Never Again
A sharp edge of your anger.
An empty pit of my remorse.
Collided, and lit on fire.
Both will lose.
None will see the light again.
Say goodbye to your steady smile.
Say hello to your new sense of self.
It's the end of what the wind blew so freely. It's the end of what you knew so well.