Last Words
We live in a society that often romanticizes death (usually without meaning to), leading to unhealthy fantasies regarding being able to choose when to die, planning it out, leaving a note. So, in this challenge, I am not asking for you to write suicide notes- instead, I am asking for you to write out what you would want to tell those you love if you were to die suddenly and unexpectedly. Write the last thing you would tell those on this Earth before you left it- whether it be short, long, funny, or sentimental. As always, tag me @dream.
To my sister
You never understood the pain I was going through. But I'm no longer mad at you for that.
It was a lucky happenstance that you were chosen to be loved and I've been chosen to be everybody's scapegoat.
We were born and raised in hell. One was the punished sinner, the other was the apprentice demon.
My mom, my dad will never admit their abuse. You choose to close your eyes to it.
But know this, you, and you, and you killed me.
Although your hands are clean.