I was told
I was told the rich were the only ones able to fully grasp what evolution and science had to offer, I was told a life of luxury was as close to perfection as we faulty humans could ever live, I was told that every single one of my questions would be answered and every problem would be solved.
I was told about green papers that could twist and bend your life at their pleasure and make you do all the things you never thought yourself to be capable of, of golden rings on every finger just waiting for the time to put themselves together and lie around your neck, about diamond necklaces as sharp as shattered glass.
There is so much money can buy, I tried to reason, but what you’re looking for isn’t there.
I have every different bill nomination and if I don’t, I can have it in a blink of an eye, I have as much gold and silver as my fingers can carry, I have a diamond necklace to put on my loved one for her to forgive me…
I was told you'd be here.