The Balance
Highs & Lows
Friends & Foes
Up or Down
Laugh or Frown
Always, there stands a contradiction,
But through our intuition, we find the paradox that is these forces.
This thing called life is just a bunch of courses through the boundless levels of these forces, any level not overlying another.
What a notion for those who show contention is how we ought to treat our brother.
The New Normal
What we need is a new way.
A fresh understanding of who & what we are as individuals as well as a species.
How each one of us has a unique and specific role to partake for the better unfoldment of our reality, therefore, our experience as a collective habitat of our world.
We must come together as a whole and revive the independence that resides in all of us.
We must take responsibility for the way we live our lives.
The way we treat one another.
With no judgment of any cosmetic difference nor genetic makeup or a separate belief system, one may presume.
We need to start questioning what our core fundamental values are as a species & how we must take command of ourselves as individuals
How we each contain a power invested into the energy that drives all the madness & discontent we experience at all levels.
At what costs do we continue to entertain ourselves with unbecoming behaviors while socially accepting unsettling actions from our peers?
It is about time we lead by example through our choice to be present and really experience what each one of us is here for.
To complement instead of dominating one another.
To learn to listen empathetically instead of persecuting.
To understand what it is to be human, from the primal to the privileged & beyond.
Basic Instinct
One second its here, the next it vanishes
It has been said to “watch your impulses” like it is so shameful to embrace what comes naturally to you at particular moments of your experience here.
To me, it is crucial to our overall development to act upon this burst of life pushing us towards a natural way to experience along with forming other fresh horizons.
How we usually come to a decision is by rationalizing & weighing each factor & possible outcome that seems to benefit us at that particular moment or may fulfill a certain desire.
With impulse, you react through your first initial intuitive response to the specific stimulant.
There is no over thinking, no strategy, no plan to the act.
Just pure confidence in the present moment.
Now, of course, I do not suggest to act upon EVERY impulse that makes its way into your aura.
Context is key.
Remember, what you reap is what you sow.
Inner Peace
What is the mind at peace?
Is it all chatter put to cease?
Is that even a possibility?
To enter a silence within, so deep, that time seems to solidify.
A silence you can access at any given time, in any given place.
Do you have the strength it takes?
Once you reach the silent sanctuary within, your suffering will not be felt at the same frequency you once experienced.
You’ll see, in time, with a response through just your grin, causes a cascade of interferences.
You will surely still coexist with the random chaos that resides within this world.
Yet, once you have truly listened to the silence, you will know how to channel that random chaos into powerful intuitive guidance.