Failed Exit
I sit within her room now
My doubts are crystal clear
I came for understanding
She tried to get too near
I wander weary days of pain
She tells me we’re the same
A victim of the reapers scythe
Raging at the world to blame
Demons dance around her
Temptation unveils her skin
Was there something I was missing
Only lust completes this sin
Her eyes are full of desire
Her nails tailored for this art
A vessel for debauchery
Arousal for her heart
I refrain and attempt to leave
But seduction comes to war
She whispers me into her plan
And twists the lock on the door
I pause on forbidden lips
Where she insists that flesh is the answer
I try to escape what can’t be fixed
But pain doesn’t have to end in disaster...
© Richard Withey. All rights reserved.
Angel o’ rain <3
Someone who hates your profession but not you,
Someone who has so much better options but chose you.
Someone who suffers with their psychology, but chose you.
Someone who, when needs to get advice, chose you.
Someone who, as their one highest priority, chose you.
Though sometimes it does not seem like it
Though sometimes your mind tries to trick you within
Though sometimes you doubt yourself a bit.
Though sometimes you feel like you do not get in return
You actually do.
But you not see it.
You're in their head all the time.
You're on their mind all the time.
You're at their heart all the time.
You're of their kind, eventually.
And I love you, unconditionally.
PS: My Angel gives rain :)
My best friend Integrity
You have to be your own best friend. Your best friend won't keep quiet as people speak badly about you. She won't stand idly by if someone is physically hurting you. No! she will stand up for you. She will never let you do wrong. She always encourages you to do what is best for you, what you most desire. She will DARE you to face your FEARS and CONCUR them. She rejoices in your successes.Your best friend lifts you up when your down. And Prays for you in your darkest of times. She will never let you give up.
Nothing to say
I'll never say I love you,
If I did it'd be a crime,
I'll never say I miss you,
It's never the right time.
And if you say you love me,
the next time we cross paths,
I'd stay right there with you,
if I only had the chance.
I know deep down I miss you,
I'm not sure what it means.
These words will never leave my mouth,
you only love me in my dreams.
Why does everyone always leave me?
Why did you listen to her?
Why did I let you in?
Why did I trust you?
Was it your kind words?
Was it because I needed someone?
Why did I ever believe you?
Why am I never good enough?
Why am I always apologizing,
When you were the one who broke me?
Why did you ask for an open relationship?
Was I not enough?
Did I no longer make you happy?
What did I do so wrong?
Why do I want to cry whenever I see you?
Why do I get so quiet when we are in the same room?
Why did you have to hurt me so bad?
When did you decide you weren't going
To keep your promise?
That you would never purposely hurt me.
When did that go down the drain?
Why can't I bring myself to hate you?
How come whenever I hear my phone go off,
I still hope that it's you?
Why did you stop wanting me?
When did you realize that I wasn't what you wanted?
I gave up so much and tried so hard,
Just to stay your friend.
Why can't you do the same for once?
Why does my throat get dry whenever I hear your name?
Why do I still get butterflies whenever we touch?
Even if it's just a bump out in the hallway.
Why do we avoid each other?
Why did we stop being friends?
Was it something I did?
Do you regret ever being with me?
Why did I say yes?
Why did I agree to do something,
That I knew would leave me broken?
Why did you have to break me?
Why didn't you stay?
Why was I that easy to give up?
We used to talk everyday.
Why did we have to go back to being "strangers"?
Why do I still love you so much?
Why can't I stop?
Why do I do this to myself?
Are you ever up at 3 A.M.?