Take an Abstract Concept and give it Life (Part 2)
Take an abstract concept such as Love and make it meet its polar opposite. What would happen? For example would Love & Hate bicker for eternity? Is Hate the polar opposite of love or is it apathy? How would Death & Life interact? Would Anger & Joy be best enemies or mutual friends who understand the necessity of the other?
No limits. Explore the possibilities. Explore your own preconceptions of these abstract concepts
Ended October 31, 2020 • 4 Entries • Created by MoStories
Write a 100 word story
Max 100 words. Any genre. Any Subject. Any Topic. Shoot for the Moon
Ended October 24, 2020 • 5 Entries • Created by MoStories
Write a story (500 words max)
500 words is 1 page length single spaced. Any Topic. Any Subject. Go Crazy.
Ended October 17, 2020 • 0 Entries • Created by MoStories