A happier place
Come with me,
to a happier place,
take my hand, wipe the tears from your face,
come with me,
you will be safe,
hold on tight, we are leaving this place,
say goodbye, to those we leave behind,
follow your heart and clear your mind,
I know its hard dear, just take a leap of faith,
have trust in your heart, recognise your place,
come with me, the truth will bend,
to fit this racecourse we call home,
right till the end.
The end.
So near.
As I fall.
My life.
Cut so short.
As I fall.
I can sense your hesitation,
But I have determination
To succeed,
You shall conceed
And You will fall
Until the only thing you see is your life,
In a single snapshot, a Polaroid picture.
The end.
So near.
And you must have no fear.
For this is it,
This is the end.
And we will fall together.
Further And further.
What would it be like to be free?
To escape reality?
How would it feel to not be trapped?
Within these four walls,
I pace back
And forth
Surrounding myself in what I thought I once lost
I think to myself
About who I would be
If I could for one second,
Escape reality
Would I be brave?
Like the warrior tribes,
Would I be able to open my eyes?
To see the whole world,
With a fresh perspective?
Or would I be small?
Scared of my own narrative?
What would it be like to be free?
To escape reality?
I don’t really know,
What’s right or what’s wrong,
and no more at night,
shall I cry for so long,
for this is free,
this is my reality.
What I meant
Once upon a summer day,
I asked you if you‘re here to stay,
I meant no hurt, nor pain or greif,
I only wanted not to weep;
from all the pain comes desperation,
drowing me, in vast emotion,
I can’t stand another day,
without knowing you’re here to stay.
I meant no hurt, nor anger or hate,
I just wanted not to wait;
another day, without you here,
upon my cheek, another tear.
I cannot lose you, not right now,
and everyday I ask myself how?
how did I get this luck on my side?
this time last year, I never laughed,
only cried.
You tell me that you’re here to stay,
it doesn‘t take the pain away.
You promise me, you’re on my side,
I cannot run, I cannot hide,
from love that runs, deep within,
the old scars upon my skin;
kissed and cherished, like never before,
I hope and I pray,
that you’re mine forever more.
When I was a child,
frail and small,
I looked up to the sky,
and I asked for it all.
The good, the bad,
the happy, the sad,
I wanted to live life,
oh, how i dreamt.
When I was a child,
I wanted to be,
whatever my heart and my mind
would lead me to be
wherever my soul,
took me along,
wherever my heart
felt most at home.
When I was a child,
frail and small,
I looked up to the sky,
and I asked for it all,
the love and the laughter,
the joy and the pain,
oh, I never thought I would be here today,
writing this poem,
as trivial as it may seem,
is bridging the gap,
between who I used to be,
and who I am now?
I ask that one too,
I guess we will find out soon.
I will listen to the stories,
the ones you’ve never told,
I will laugh at all your jokes,
even when they seem old,
i will hold you hand and tell you,
all the things you need to hear,
i will hold your body close to mine,
and whisper in your ear;
that you’ll never fear the thunder,
not when I’m around,
you’ll never have to feel the pain,
it won’t even make a sound,
you won’t have to stop and wonder,
if the things i said were true,
for I will always be here,
right there next to you.
But I don‘t think thats enough,
especially not for you,
because when it all gets tough,
you’ll leave me like they do,
without a second thought,
pack up your bags and leave
and i will sit here,
entire distaught,
struggling to breathe.
all i want is to be happy,
like the birds singing their song,
and when i think it’s going right,
i couldnt be more wrong.
I will listen to the stories,
the ones you’ve never told,
I will laugh at all your jokes,
even when they seem old,
i will hold you hand and tell you,
all the things you need to hear,
i will hold your body close to mine,
and whisper in your ear;
that you’ll never fear the thunder,
not when I’m around,
you’ll never have to feel the pain,
it won’t even make a sound,
you won’t have to stop and wonder,
if the things i said were true,
for I will always be here,
right there next to you.
But I don‘t think thats enough,
especially not for you,
because when it all gets tough,
you’ll leave me like they do,
without a second thought,
pack up your bags and leave
and i will sit here,
entire distaught,
struggling to breathe.
all i want is to be happy,
like the birds singing their song,
and when i think it’s going right,
i couldnt be more wrong.