Away in Heaven.
The angel held the demon all night long.
The demon counted the stars
As the angel sent out his prayer.
The demon began to feel weary
As the angel grasped him closer.
The demon whispered Do not fret,
Then lost his breath.
The sky began to fall.
The trees began to shake.
Out of the chaos and rage, the angel let
A single tear drop.
The angel returned to Hell to tell
The King of Hell
That his brother had fell.
Out of grief and horror, the King of Hell
Traveled the depths of the underground
To find the demon's soul.
Too late, the demon's soul was hidden
Away in Heaven.
I Am From
I am from the tortured past
From the yelling and fighting
I am from never getting away from the pain
(Black, sinister,
filled with despair.)
I am from the back and forth
The trouble of going from house to house
Like it was yesterday.
I am from hope and love, from heart-break and tears
I'm from the "We need to talk"
And the "You're not welcome back here."
I'm from the agony
With not knowing what will come next
And scared for the outcome.
I'm from the stable and the unstable,
A house one night, and a new every few months
From the safety,
To the barely enough food
Hoping for something that will never happen
Wishing for a different face this time
Even though it will never happen
The hurt,
The misery of having to deal with it
To put on a happy face,
Even though you're dying inside
I'm from the fear of never being good enough.
Bathed in Blue
On the outside I am happy,
joyous and excited.
On the outside I am a child,
yearning and carefree.
On the outside I am bathed in blue,
rich and deep.
On the outside I am suitable,
the perfect bride.
On the inside I am weak,
scared and lonely.
On the inside I am an old soul,
gray and lifeless.
On the inside I am harsh,
cruel and nasty.
On the inside I am alone,
no one knowing what I really want.
Note: This poem is based on the Elizabethan era.