Just as it were
Not much would be different, I do believe, if I were to go invisible for three weeks. I suppose the same feeling of being unheard and ignored would just be heavily amplified. I'd walk around, I suppose, scanning my surroundings. Watching for ill willed folk and casually carrying along. I'd stop those who meant harm. Give a good scare by grabbing at a mans arm before he goes to strike the lady he is yelling at. I would perform good deeds while invisible. However, I would also tend to myself. I'd leave a note for those I loved. It would explain where I was, sort of anyway. Vacation. Yes, I went on vacation.
Now, my cat would probably freak out if she felt me and heard me but could not see me so I would not do anything to traumatize her.
I assume that I'd be considered missing after a week if nobody saw me at all so as far as that goes, I am sure my fiance and mother will be looking for me even though I left a note. I imagine not much in the world would happen due to my invisibility. Things would change some, though because I would play hero wherever I could. Give the baby their pacifier when their mom is too busy in the checkout lane, help a woman find her keys while she chats on her cell. Her keys, by the way, are dangling in her ignition.
I would be amused by the way things are.
However, I do not mean well completely. I would go to my job and cause just a touch of disorder. Move things around. Maybe drop a bottle of wine. Give them a little show. Nothing major, though.
Finally, being invisible would be way too lonely. I couldn't be seen.
I suppose that's worse than not being heard.
Because if you go physically missing, eventually, people move on. And I don't want to be forgotten anytime soon. I've too much to live for, thank you very much.
Steel Brain
You'll have a steel brain,
Some screws in your skull.
You'll have a small scar,
And really, that's all.
You'll have a little pain,
Where they opened your mind.
You'll take a bit to heal,
But it'll be with ease you'll find.
They'll dig into your world,
And remove the evil inside.
They'll be why the darkness fails,
No matter how hard it tried.
They'll free you from the parasite,
That has been trying to hide.
They'll bring you back to me again,
I'll be waiting for right by your side.
Chameleon Girl
Chameleon girl,
I love you so.
I'd follow you wherever you
Chameleon girl,
Don't you see.
You are the brighter
Side of me.
With your short brown hair,
Your tight blue jeans.
You don't know,
What your love means.
Chameleons are quite great
At self disguise.
Even you can hang
With all the guys.
No matter you're deep voice,
You're size 13 shoe.
A girl to me will be,
If that is who is you.