That Bitch, Depression
Before you decide to “cross over to the other side”, please tell me what brought you to this point. I want to understand why you are in so much pain. I want to hear what you have to say. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’ve done, I am not here to judge. I will be the last to “cast a stone” - because I have been in your shoes. Life can be a BITCH and depression is the SON of the BITCH.
Unload your burdens and let me be your friend. I could use a friend, myself – and if you leave this earth, I will miss the opportunity to get to know you. Allow me to help you out of this hole. Allow me to find you whatever help I can. Let me be with you in recovery. Hell, instead of an end, maybe this can be a new beginning for both of us.
True, Literally
Vanessa was beginning to irritate me, anything anyone else had done, she'd gone one better. To Clara's gingerly offered poem, Vanessa had poetry published. To Rose's excitement about a catwalk opportunity, she had walked for "names" Apparently Vanessa had modelled, had books published, sang with a band, and started her own company. Not that I thought she was lying, just gilding the lilly a bit.
Finally she turned on me
"and what interesting things have you done" she asked with a sneer
"Well, one wet Wednesday I walked out of Sirens Strip club with $23,000 in my pocket"
Vanessa gulped and suddenly needed to go to the ladies
As she left Rosie burst out laughing
"Are you going to tell her that you are an interior designer and had just finished project managing the new bar"
"No" I replied, smiling