
Diatribe Tribale
In germana "Zungenbrecher" se percepe ca "ruperi de limba". Ceea ce ar si trebui sa fie aceste exercitii de dictie: perspective diferite asupra limbajului, in peisajul legaturilor sonore fonetice care reies din diferitele dialecte incetatenite icet incet intr-o structura mai recgnoscibila si palpabila prin cazna. sa nu exageram. Fara tagada aceasta este menirea acestor giumbuslucuri de situatii de rascruce fonetic-sensuala.. ..spune-mi acum care e poanta in "sase sasi aduna sase sasi in sase saci"..ii sfarteca? - sau cum?!?
Ale mele sunt mai subtile. Asta e dictonul oricarui artist. Nimeni nu-i perfect...sau toti suntem perfecti..asa se spune despre artsti ca se cred perfecti, dar eu cred ca as fi perfecta daca n-as fi artista, dar nici artista nu ma cred, deci as putea foarte bine fi perfecta. Vezi?- arta e ceea ce ma face imperfecta.
Perfectiuea e o aratare, atinsa acolo unde nu poate fi recunoscuta ca atare.
Arta e atinsa de starea de aratare ca atare.
"Tell them I'm gone and nothing's wrong." Diatribe Tribale. 1nov.
Author: fixvoiceGenre: Horror/Supernatural
I'm so mad to love you and your evil curse!
Sunt aici. Am venit. Sunt cu tot ce stiu eu sa fiu aici..acum. Si o sa incep sa fac un sens din toate astea. Printre programe incalcite si planuri intretaiate, printre tastauri diferit distantate, printre aplicatii de messenger si amintiri scrise si niciodata retraite.
Sunt si eu pe aici si o sa va zic cum si de unde vin..
Poate e doar o reintalnire dupa atatea ipostaze de vreme. Eu stiu ca mai pot sa sar si sa ma invart. Dar mai stau cu voi o vreme, poate in fiecare zi, in loc de plimbare, o sa fiti voi plimbarea mea.
O sa ajungem si "acolo" daca o sa ne infoiem suficient de tare. Deocamdata incercam sa incepem ceva la timp, ca sa mai apucam sa ne cunoastem.
E vreo cursa?
Da...cred..ma gandesc... ca e greu sa te concentrezi sau sa tastezi,
Eu cred ca e un concurs de minte agera dar hai sa vedem care sunt structurile formate deja, cae sunt ostacolele? E numai pacat cand.... nu mai stii unde sa te intorci sau daca te invarti in cerc....
dar macar avem coloana muzicala!
Si "de data asta". E si niste "data asta" de data asta.
....Istoriografic vorbind, din studiul erelor autohtone, sunt in epoca psihodramei, a fundalurilor muzicle si a avantului intuit.
Apoi ....Brusc imi dau seama ca nimic nu s-a schimbat. Situation ain't so real ...
Vremurile sunt infuriate, ingrasate, indopate si noi orosiroposhitzi.
Si sunt multe meme-uri macanitoare in jurul nostru..."me"- "Me.."..."-me "!
I'm here to offend you. To take your words and turn them against you. To trouble your morals, to help you jump to conclusions without a safety net.
But I was not born, I merely showed up here.
Bids are on. Give me what you have. I'm here to listen to your feelings, tour through your emotions and picture them in your intentions. I'm here for your imagination.
Dream me, so I can fade away. Your goals are your fears of delusion.
Dieting habits
It's in the air I breathe.
Maybe it's a chemical reaction triggered from the impulses in my brain, that might change the substance of my breathing-feast. I'm choking on frustration, chewing on anguish, fasting on potential.
I'm grubbing down the possible outcomes, my dessert is coated in dark luscious predestination, confirmed. I munch down my conformity and fill up on self sufficency, I need people to like me.
Take that as an invitation to dinner.
Would you like some half-empty cup of air?
Half shaken or stirred?
There is no eternal God that you can pray to, anyway.By the time you get your prayer straight, it has no new laws of conduct of the antimatter to apply to, and your laws of attraction do not have the quality of retroactivity, so neither of your Grandsons or lateral heirs won't be able to access the benefits called upon through your summons. THE ONLY WAY TO MEDITATION CROSSES THE REALM OF THE WRITTEN WORD. Therefor, you can see your writing as a form or divination. You can summon your gods onto your creation, but it's only you who will understand its consequences. Be careful what you wish to understand for your followers!
Cotton Jones-I am the Changer @IlFilostrato
Dedicating this:
You know I'm the changer
The rearranger
I'm always a stranger
And a liar, got a tongue on fire
I will cut it off
I will cut it off
When I do, I'm gonna let you know
Gonna gonna let you know.
For his piece:
Written by IlFilostrato in portal Poetry & Free VerseOwninowned
a month ago
It's pretty, but is it art?
To think it's labour,
To think it's pleasure,
To think with favour,
To think with leisure.
The pen bled, the mind waxed weary,
The bed is stained with acts in theory.
Impressed with beast, destroyed by beauty,
Missing first light out of filial duty.
Awake at night when vision means little,
Embalmed in wordplay, pursuing the riddle.
Of time, of death, of love, of doubt,
These are the things one can live without.
To mark a page, to smile part wistful,
To ignore the life instead of the vigil.
To think insightful,
To think Descartes,
To think it's tasteful,
To think it's art.
Intentional Chance
You can't really choose, events unfold and you react to them according to what you have programmed yourself to do. There are no conscious or unconscious choices, just different ways and voices used to tell a story. You don't get to decide, you get to analyse, through a limited perspective, the variety of possible outcomes. Choice is not important itself, the value of "choice" lies in the sacrifice that you are willing to make, what you are willing to neglect and leave to "chance". But you don't really choose, you just narrow your perspective of hopes and intentions. Choice is therefor just a result of the chaos of chance that you immerse into, when you "decide" to focus on something and neglect all other possible combinations of outcomes. It's not something that can be quatified, not even on the scale of importance, it's a marginal value, an attept to achieve a predictable result, deceiving yourself that something can be repeated, predetermined, manufactured. Choice is of no real importance, it's your intensity of intention that can be important or decisive in how chance unfolds.