In our prime, my wall of perception was that of Berlin’s
A barrier zapped by just the words out of your lips
I find life pulls me around you
Your smiles squash me in school
When walking zombies duel
over the next gossip renewal
I’d say these things personally,
but rejection’s a bitch
Just know when you message me,
My butterflies twitch
And so it pains me—
I’d rather bite into a jawbreaker.
To be the denim on a pant taper
Instead of the fit you need
Current state of mind
When the snow comes a grinning
And you’re safe inside
No light-hearted decision
Will cover my lie,
A thousand lies actually.
I’m a broken robot
The crowd wants emotion;
I give them Sinatra
The girl wants my notion;
I give her a double entendre
Fields of laughter
Now frozen in time
The heart’s gentle pattern
Now separate and blind
How low can loneliness go
With two tired lovers
Here comes the jovial question
Adorned with everything festive
It hides under the floorboards
And swings it’s premises like a tempest
Are you ready for the new year?
Deep down you know there’ll be snow
And goats and girls with endless throats
Maybe even fear’s fear somewhere in the rear
To make it scamper like a dog
Or fulfill its resolution’s jog
Tell me honestly,
Have the halls shown a different shade?
Is the lady gonna change her ways?
Will your conscience ever be clear?
And are you ready for the new year?
Stories crawl around the avenues
Cold weather spreads it’s rampant blues
For the sunken fellow and his mogwai companion
Sleeping behind the horse’s wagon
Tell me more about your firework cannon
Tell me more about the shared love through foggy windows
It’ll echo in this concrete valley
Once the blanket pulled over the fire,
And by jove it did,
The sandman was distorted into my liking,
he grew much, much higher.
Other than hippie hymns and trippy pins
I think being unconscious in bed is the best it’s ever been
The past gave the future,
who promised the present a pleasant pheasant with no result,
a star filled with hope the shape of a bison.
There was an obvious liaison,
So the present caught notice and mangled the star into a bat.
Chaos ensued and
we have only but to thank the trio for 2020 being so crap.
Black lashes of intimacy, murder, and mischief fluttered
She wore a bob and called it
the product of kismet and her mother
She came to the bar, like others, enthralled
Midnight was coming
Like the cider sidecar she had called
To start this New Years running
Suddenly something arose from down the hall
“Are you ready for the new year?”
My plan for 2021 is to make my eggs more geometric
I want to witness the bombs go off
I’m tired of seeing this year shed it’s skin
With hypnotic rain dancing atop acid streets
You’re no lizard king, y’know
We’ll erect a different steeple,
Or climb a separate cyprus
Now you have the opportunity to turn that vampire studio
Into a field filled with poppies and the cure for polio
Change is coming into fruition, my friend
Believe me
We all came together in the place with no darkness
Towers scrape the heavens and shed a blinding hiss
Dogs ears bled
The girl with the bob drank water instead
Paramount, the spirits abound were compared to the hissy-fit smoke
Look! An artificial aurora of seducing lights!
Speeding, and weaving, and feeding
Let us not waste the night we have patiently waited for!
They all said “You want some lights? Here's some more!”
This isn’t the pool to dip your cautious toes into
This isn’t some run-of-the-mill lightning-patterned pantomime
The stage presence is very much so different this time
Listen to the coliseum crowd go wild
Now let me whisper it with a smile
I’ll say it again, but in the intervals of earthquaking cheer,
Are you
For the
New year?
Meaning Of Being
Checking in with the hub
Things are going great
Sales are going up
It’s all great, grand, and straight
We’re all just flies on the ol’ racquet
Waiting for waffle-patterned bliss
Keep my mind steady while I hack it
Show me you love me by measuring my wrist
I couldn’t hear ya over the fiery pipes
Sounding like a demon’s road trip jam
Panties uprooted, a float, and on strike
Meanwhile, the meaning of being is counting the lines on its hands
Her snores rattled like a sprinkler
His diatribes made the moon roll its eyes
This is the cycle I see as the mingler
And it’s more tiring than a 9 to 5 sunrise
Some say the glass enjoys its half
I’d ask where the famous filler hides
I’d ask his meaning of being for Moses’ staff
And then split your sea for the night
I couldn’t hear ya over the blinding stripes
Substituting for copious tons of alakazam
Shake, swivel, pivot those handles on the trike, love
Meanwhile my meaning of being struggles to find a test worth a damn
Bingo Pajama
You can’t turn away
From the props on her stage
Don’t blink before you shake
In the river of mistakes
’cause you’ll miss it
Her fiery business
If you were lookin’ to filibuster
She was off in another room
Her peace found persuasion
Behind the blonde alley of doom
And my eyes turned to stoplights
As she wiggled through the sauna
The ladybug looping around my tie
Is named bingo pajama
the moth feeds off the bulb
And her shimmer turned eccentric
A smile sneezed through
When she decided to be electric
The magic in her eyes
Makes you hurry up and wait
You loiter in her greenhouse,
confession in hand
But time chooses today to parade
And my eyes turned to stoplights
As she wiggled through the sauna
The ladybug looping around my tie
Is named bingo fuckin’ pajama
Ya dig?
CAG Monster
Persuasive bets under the table
Render me enticed, famished, and obsolete
Beside the bathroom with a double ladle
You were endorsing such intense magazines
Gleaming in the foil, a dotted surprise
Your vitals ran cold a long time ago
Boards creaked under your alibis
As the morning jog turned into a midnight jolt
I’m knighted by the disorderly
And I switch on my smile
For the CAG monster accordingly
Don’t crank her cogs
Unless you’re fancying a fever
She’ll step on your eggs
And echo crossed lions
When you know full well that you don’t need her
I’m knighted by the disorderly
And I switch on my smile
For the CAG monster accordingly
The News’ Grasp
A brawl broke out at the nursery home
Two men fencing their futile frustrations
Each inflamed insult pierced through thuggish bone
Blasting batwing doors of biased implications
The News’ grasp is thicker than pudding
Augmented angles redacting the truth
Praying the runner loses his footing
As they moan for a turn in the kissing booth
Famished lenses circle the pompous men
Waiting for the rotten stage to crumble
Graffitied scriptures haunt the mic’d playpen
Reminding us how far we have tumbled
Lest our patriotic blueprints entertain the numbers
Who cavort through jiggly-eyed marches
That bloat emotions bound by rubber
I’ll stay home mastering my catharsis
Social shackles bind us indubitably
Eventually we’ll drown in a ruined sea