100 words
Write a poem of exactly 100 words. No more, no less. All topics welcome. Have fun. Have heart. Have at it!
I am an artist
I am an artist.
My life revolves around creating.
And drawing.
And writing.
I am an artist.
If I have access to a pencil,
I will make something.
I am an artist.
I know I sit backseat at life
but I do not mind
So long as I am creating.
I am an artist.
I have drawers full of drawings,
Finished and unfinished.
I have notebooks full of poems
Crappy and lovely
Art that expresses the deepest of my feelings
And that is just about something I find cool
I am an artist,
And you can never take that away.
Blue Haiku
Write a minimum, of 3 Haiku poems 5-7-5 sylables in three lines with a common theme based on the word blue