I’m Freed From Problems in Two Ways...
1) Fighting back--trying to solve them, perhaps make them smaller before attacking them, and
2) Walking away if the situation calls for it, reminding myself that life's never perfect and I will never be able to fix everything.
Dismal as the second option may seem, it's actually quite liberating to see life that way: all the pressure disappears when I allow myself to be human.
A Perfect Life
Is the only thing I cannot have. Everything else is available to me through words. If I want something, I give the same desire to a character and have them devise a way of obtaining it for themselves, though they don't always succeed. However, it seems as though no matter how much we gain, there's always something else we could have that would make our lives even better; what we are really pursuing is a perfect life. Unfortunately, this is impossible to find. It is a fool's errand to strive for it; the wise thing is to make the most of what we have and pursue our passions, surrounding ourselves with people we love. Though our lives won't be perfect, they will be full of purpose and meaning, and in this broken world, that is the best we can hope for.