Come back to bed
I make it home at ten past six
And I fall into the cotton and linen
Wrapping myself in the scent of you
I lay on my side of the bed, curled up
And place my palm where you should be lying
But work called you away and I lie there texting you
You apologize for not having made the bed before you left
I look at the crumpled sheets around me
Evidence that we loved here
Lived here
Dreamed here, together
Darling, the bed isn’t made until you are in it with me
Come back to bed
Come home
I won’t read all the books that line the shelves of the world’s libraries
I won’t see all the places whose names I have jotted down in my heart's itinerary
I won’t experience three fourths of half the things I hope to taste, smell, touch, hear, see
I find my corner of the earth holds beauties like all other corners do in its own right
It holds an untapped potential of memories to fill a beautiful and happy lifetime
It is worth walking through, taking it all in as if I were a stranger to the land
But the longing will never leave my soul for the distant nooks and crannies I will never explore
For the spices my tongue will never savor and books whose binding will remain closed to me
For the scents that will never drift under my nose and bury themselves in my memory
That I might recall them when my legs are spent but my words still run towards listening ears
And I will still find the names of all those unseen places rolling around in my heart
Much like the groceries in the trunk of my car on the way back from the familiar grocery store
I love home with its doors and windows, gateways to my favorites faces
And rooms with drawers full of the seen and touched and heard and cherished
But a part of my soul will always wander the streets of pending adventures
And will wonder what would happen if I had enough time to follow it down to the end
The Lost Moments
I can’t remember all the things I have forgotten
They are buried in my mind under piles of facts and fiction
Those lost moments
Parts of my life that shaped me, made me who I am
But cannot be recollected
And I wonder if that’s how it goes
All the lost things propel us forward
Into the new
I can’t remember building it
But all those misplaced memories
Lay stacked in the back of my mind
Like a decaying staircase
Which I ascended into
Today, Tomorrow, the future
And leave behind the Neverland of lost time
The faded shapes and lines
The echo of smiles and tears
The memories I once made
I can’t make all of it out anymore
Those faded moments
That lost child
That grew up and forgot
Making Plans with You
I live inside the Plan it Planet
Every minute marked upon a calendar
Appointments to work
Appointments to eat
Appointments to remember to live...
So busy planning that sometimes we forget to ACTUALLY live
And whether we're catching up over coffee
Or depositing a check at the bank
Or picking out a movie to entertain us on a Saturday night
We plan it
And I often think to myself
I miss those spontaneous moments
Those unplanned minutes of pure us
But find myself making plans for us anyway
It's what I do and I can't seem to help it
Like plans to be together for just over the horizon into forever
Plans to have you and hold you and keep you
And then I remember how much I LOVE to make plans
So, Lover, can I just have your whole day?
This whole life with you?
Jot me down on all the squares and rectangles
Monday through Friday
Pencil it in everyday of the years that go by
And I'll show up to all of them
I promise you this
I'll be there waiting for you just like we planned it
Whether I meet you for dinner after work
Or I meet you in bed after a long day without you
Because there is no one on this planet
That I want to make plans with more than with you
Remembering the Good
Not every memory is bad
And I tell myself this when it all becomes too much
The remembering
The reminiscence of time gone by that branded me
The abused one
And it gets me through when I'm in fetal position
Staring out over the balcony into this new world
Where I'm to be the adult that was never modeled
I think about these moments and revisit them
A constant redemption when I feel life is too ugly
I remember pinky kisses, finger to finger
And kisses sent via air mail
Dodging them with giggles
But knowing full well I can't evade them
He told me so himself
He said it always finds its way to my cheek
Where it plants itself and grows
Never to be rubbed away or uprooted
And I loved that notion
If only his roots grew just as deep
And it would have been harder for him to leave
I remember his Donald Duck voice
and playing Trouble on the living room carpet
He would read the newspaper and sing to me
"Doctor, Doctor, Give me the news
I've gotta bad case for loving you."
And I would laugh and think he was talking to me
and the news was that I loved him too
And he was waiting to hear it
And I would never disappoint him
I remember his work room in the basement
Where he would often sleep after an hour of raised voices
And I worried he would be cold down there
So I would bring him extra blankets from the couch
And I'd sit on his bench as he carved wooden birds
Which I'd cradle in my arms, so proud of the detail
And of my father the artist, the creator of beautiful things
On the occasions when he wasn't creating fear in my heart
As for her
I remember purposefully avoiding sleep
Creeping down the steps with excuses of bad dreams
So I could curl up next to her on the couch
and watch Dateline NBC with a glass of milk
and her famous cream cheese sandwich
And as they worked out the mysteries of the world
I worked out how this must be the definition of love
The perfect recipe for a goodnight's rest
and an excuse to get more forehead kisses
the kind you can still feel as you drift off to sleep
I recall walking through the sliding doors
somewhere in a big rural warehouse
and being greeted with the soft peeps
and the smell of pine wood chips
We grabbed a cardboard box
picking out ten chicks to take home
And I kept thinking how lucky I was
That she indulged us in responsibility and fuzzy friends
She understood how important it was
Or perhaps they were to appease her own guilt
For hardly spending time with us
I feel the need to remember all this
The things that made them human
Those bits of thawed heart that hadn't succumbed to the freeze
Instead of only remembering the monster's I see in fits of sleep
when I feel like they might have found me
I remember the good things
And try to understand how those hands that built me
Became the ones that tried to deconstruct my pieces
And I can't ever get to the knowing part
Only the part that continues to seek out the good
I have to know that there is something worth keeping
Even when most of it rotted through to the center
I have to believe there is good in everyone
Even if it didn't win
Trying to be an ethical person
I push the cart down the aisle
Fighting with the wobbly wheel
Too determined to switch out baskets
I just came in for a few things
And as I read labels, tags and nutrition
And look at all my options
I realize it either hurts me or it hurts them
And I get so tired of having to choose
And isn't that how it goes?
We have to choose in life
Them or Us
Me or You
As if there weren't enough to go around
As if shortage wasn't due to misuse of resources
or words, or time, or ideas
As if only some of us matter
Its either them or you
But I want us all to make it
I don't want to be a part of the human race
Not anymore
Because winning requires a means
With which my conscience cannot grapple
And being on top gives only a view
Of everything you cut down to get there
Black Box
It is rare to find permanence these days. People are constantly coming and going, starting and ending, loving and losing. It is even rarer, it seems, for there to be answers of why going and ending and losing must happen at all. Of course, sometimes it’s a good thing, but I feel like having some closure would make the ending a little less painful. I wish I could know the minute it happened, when I reached the defining moment…When I lost. Because saying goodbye always feels like losing for me. But since life does not like to inform me of its plans, I move on and carry those questions of “why” and “how” with me everywhere I go.
This weekend I am moving to a new apartment, a new home in a string of many across the years. During these moves, those lingering questions seem to come to my mind more during transition periods than any other time in my life. Each box I pack, each item I store, brings me closer to another chapter ending, another goodbye. One box, in particular, that I have is a black one that I have been carrying around with me for about ten years now. And not long after I bought it, I lost the keys. Each time I move, this box goes with me from apartment to house to apartment, year after year. To explain its origin a little better, it is a small safe that I bought at a time before I was old enough to open a checking account. I wanted to protect my small allowance and the meager wages I would get for teaching piano each week. I don’t believe there’s anything too valuable in it anymore, since I would assume that I would have been more determined to open it back then had there been money still in it at the time the keys vanished. I’ve kept it all this time just in case, telling myself that I’ll get around to figuring out how to open it someday. It’s a small but very heavy box that frustrates me more and more with each move, and promises are always created to make opening it more of a priority so I can be done with the thing. It’s seems a pointless piece of weighted mystery of which I can’t seem to let go. Even if I wanted to dispose of it, I am not sure where I would recycle or donate it, since it has no key and I have no idea what is inside of it. I don’t want to take the risk of tossing it when there is a chance it contains something valuable.
Each time I move I see this box that has been a spectator through so much of my life and feel a tinge of resentment. It has been an eavesdropper to all of my late night phone calls, my private rants to myself, midnight tear fests. It has heard the hurtful words I regret and the apologies I have thrown over the wounds I’ve caused. It has seen my heart break while on the receiving end of hurtful words and deep cuts. It has been a bystander, sitting on the shelf and seeming to bide its time, waiting for me to remember it. Sometimes I wonder if what’s hiding beneath its contents is something I’ve been looking for all these years. Perhaps it has seen so much of my life that it could tell me where things went wrong. Perhaps that is why it has waited so patiently all this time. It’s been silently collecting conversation across my life that if only I could find the keys, I could figure out what it was that caused the crash of so many of my hopes and so much of what I held dear. Maybe it could tell me why life chose me to hurt in such ways. Perhaps this black box has been the hiding place of answers to all those questions I’ve carried around with it from home to home (but never really a home), questions of why and where my life seemed to fall apart.
So each time I pack, I go through my bags and drawers hoping I will find the keys to this black box of mine. But at the same time, I’m much too afraid to find them. And perhaps that is why I haven’t tried too hard to get it open over the years. Because the thought of this box being as empty as I sometimes feel, that would be unbearable. I would rather leave it as it is, an untapped potential of hope. So I look at it sometimes and wonder what is in it as I throw it in among my moving boxes. Maybe it will have the answers, maybe it contains what a young girl once held dear to her heart and needed to protect, or maybe …maybe it just contains dark and empty space.
Please Give A Damn
The world is against itself
One hand is ripping off limbs
While the other desperately tries to sew together
The gaping holes with threads of humanity
And I stare at my television screen
And read articles on the internet
My own wars waging within my chest
Between feeling helplessly outnumbered
And feeling determined to make myself count
We can win this war waged on Love, I know it
There is no other choice going forward
That allows us all to live with the consequences
Every single life matters in this world
But some are being assaulted more than others
So if you aren’t lying on the ground
Or running desperately for cover
In this rainfall of bullets, hate, and oppression
Then I beg you to give a damn
Please, please care…I beg you