cycle of [no] sleep
gluey sac containing me
like exhausted insect
preserved in amber
the grit from a hundred
roads I should have trod
in dreams fill my eyes
each blink a battle to
open again, just to squint
through the greasy smear
of fatigue. everyday tasks
become insurmountable
thrust high on the tip
of tectonic plate of
day meets night
smashed into mountains
I cannot climb. not today.
it will wait this day. every day.
as still the world whirs by
a treadmill of tasks, commitments
meetings and duties
slack-jaw stared at, viewed by
me and my omnipresent buddy
my befriended Befuddlement
always by my side, ever loyal
glooping along in glutenous
shuffle. a path of mistakes
and baffled spikes of emotion
littering a trail through
the lucky sleepers.
Loneliness Salivating
a boy sits beneath moonless darkness,
perched upon the jagged stump of
fallen oak, staring at the void and
counting rows of blackened crops.
he sees himself in the stalks, standing
frail and forgotten and waiting for
decimated legs just before death and
it will match their hunger when it arrives.
he wonders if they'll pray first, before
savage teeth break to bits the only
remnants of nourishment he has to offer.
or if consumption will overtake with desecration
as all he ever was is shred in hectic frenzy while
their idle talk depicts days of abundance.
and he hopes, that within the silence between
bites one may hear him fading and for
brief moment count bleak beyond the walls
with him in the shadow-stalk sea and
only time will sever the end of his isolation.
I lie with trees
And War Gods blight my veins.
There's a tell in this
A vein of truth.
I tried,
but there are, honestly,
fucks—left to give
in the darkness of days.
I lie with trees
And Morpheus persists.
Eyes bright berries, but
the woodpecker has come
for insects beneath my flesh. (He inspects.)
I tried,
but there is . . .
Leave it to Cleaver
I rest upon the havoc carried
in the wake of gloom, floating
forward soft above the surface of
swaying blades and silken spider hammocks.
I struggle for root, cleaving to the luck
of windbreak crashing earth.
but fate will leave me rolling
down the glimmered trickle of flooded
need, carrying me ocean,
to join the great seedling cemetery
and when I cross the salted threshold
I'll feel the downward thrust of fortunes cleaver
sever my chances of bloom, never to be
plucked by love, never to tickle the dainty breath
of damsels adored in cluster made of petals
worthy to die and dissipate and waft for queens.
Projections of Denial
At last I am a functional mom. Having procrastinated at least 8 weeks too long, I am making the necessary trip to the hair salon for my two youngest boys' hair cuts. As I take my seat, and pull up @Prose, a well-dressed, actual grown-up man sits across from me.
His grey designer suit matches the sobering echo in his eyes. At first, I look at him with warm sympathy, Did your wife make you bring the kids here after church, so she could attend pilates? I cringe at my cynical impression, but resign to its accuracy. A typical modern-day man with puttering testosterone.
I look at him and recognize his monochrome type. His balls live hidden in his fishbowl iPhone where occasionally he takes them out to fondle them. He sneaks peeks at Internet porn, while exercising his ADHD-quality to quickly react when he erases the Search History from his "family plan," just before rubbing one out mutely (pre-) his gluten-free muffin each day.
He doesn't dare ask his wife to blow him, and he imagines fucking his (under-developed and over-sized glass wearing) 20-something hipster secretary from behind when he makes love missionary-style to his sleepy wife on every 3rd Saturday. It is not to say that he has poor character or that he doesn't love his wife, but his masculinity is suffocating.
He fantasizes about the days when he was allowed to burp and eat red meat rare. He loves to hear homemade explosions and he feels reborn through beer-infused male bonding. But now, in his proper, upper-crust, cookie cutter Victorian, all he can do is report steadfast from 8 to 5, and look forward to the once-a-year rituals that bring his type together (e.g., the Super Bowl).
And I sit here in a stained flannel with two broken buttons, my worn black boots, heavy cleavage rising and falling (thanks to extra boozing weight), and last night's mascara hanging heavy under my EMO eyes--and he stares. I am an anomaly. He ponders my age. My son sports his preppy, private school jacket, but I look like I have yet to go to bed after a rough night of whoring.
This man in the lobby is obviously now attempting to do the math, and he shifts in his seat glancing at my respective children and then back at me. I have got a couple life lines here and there, and a tramp stamp he notices when I bend over. Pop culture discloses that I am obviously between 35 and 45, and he lets out an audible perplexity in disbelief. Responsible women around here simply do not look like me.
And just as the silent interrogation gets heavier, I drop my purse and a condom falls out. Perfect. I cooly catch his eye as I pick it up. I wink, just to fuck with him. He appears to have not seen a Trojan for years, if ever, but I bet he knows all about the rhythm method. He clears his throat with palpable discomfort.
And at the end of the day, the ironic part is that I too veil my inner self. It is debatable whether the resulting effects in this man were borne like mine. Are they self-infused or forced, and does it matter? Unoriginally, I am but the most mundane analogy: a hardened, distasteful clam shell that holds the possibility of a pearl--should someone present with an ability and interest to handle me in the necessary ways, while affording me the patience it would take for me to eventually shine for them. Tough odds considering the outward book cover I use to advertise, complicating things further.
This poor bastard isn't doing anything wrong. In fact, he is doing exactly what he is supposed to be doing. Then why, and it happens often, do I feel enormous empathy for his existence?
Comically, the man and I get up to pay at the same time. Shy with a fear that he has heard my judgmental thoughts, I avoid his eye contact. And as I turn to leave and return to my comfortable sanctity of darkness, he touches my shoulder and speaks to me inches from my face. By the way, nice tattoo: my wife has the same exact one.
I’ll leave you alone now.
Every second of every minute I think of your name, your smile, and your beauty; and how it would always consume me.
To know that you were there as a friend.
An ally, through thick and thin, to the end.
But when love struck my great tower,
You were the sun, hidden from me by that darkened, cloudy sky.
So why has life forsaken me to never be ever with thee in happiness or matrimony.
I write this with tears in my eyes counting all the whys and what if's that surround my longing for you but by the blasted bastard so many call God, I will never be happy with you. All because your beautiful emerald eyes face another and I am simply but a brother that will never know what it's like to hold you in his arms.
I'm sorry for being the freak that you don't seek. You know where to find me if it is at all necessary.
Rei, the lonely lover boy.
He watched with half-lidded eyes
as she tied his ankles to the bedposts
with his silk ties knotted tightly.
She handcuffed his hands
above his head – no escape
and tossed the key aside
feather was her tool to tickle
and tantalize his eager body
To the breaking point of lust
Never reaching peak of passion
although he begged again and again
mouth trying without success
to reach her tantalizing promises
pleading with her, he closed his eyes
awaiting culmination of nirvana
overtaking body in spasms of desire
endured for what seemed like hours
before opening eyes to take a glimpse
why she had withdrawn her teasing
he called her name but she had vanished
the phone rang all day summoning him
but he never showed up for work
he racked his brain before remembering
why she had left him tied, naked and alone
he recalled in dismay what he had done to her
he cried out in desperation as he saw his life ebb
while she sat in the park waiting for his end
smiling knowingly as she achieved retribution.