My life is turning out to be Kafkaesque when I thought it would be like a Ghibli movie. I don't like it, therefore, the moody writings.
Butterflies. Symbols of change, endurance, hope, life, and rebirth. Write a poem, directed to a friend(real or imaginary), about butterflies, linking to their significance--you can choose to make up your own if you like. I do want to see what you guys have for me. Do tag me, I want to see your entries :)
Challenge of the Week CXCIX
From being encased by uterine fluid to the bright light of day one: Write a poem about being born.
I'm a souvenir of misplaced priorities, handed down from the miscalculation of desire and deciet.
A storm beneath sea, rising like a mountain above pierced clouds. As time rippled space. Her rain broke as she thundered for wind. Cracked the gates with lightning arcs. As the thunder decibels peaked, the mountain slowly collapsed and shrank. Stumbling forth like a rainbow that as tainted the sky, horizon. The burst of air that flooded my lungs, made me spill the secrets of tears.
It was loud.
It was wet.
It was what I didn't expect it to be.
It was... Me!