I love to read, dance, sing, write songs, and I want to add writing books and poetry to my "expertise!"
What is your biggest dream, and do you think it can come true? How can a dream that seems impossible to reach come true? Tell me about one or more of your dreams that might have come true.
Ended June 20, 2021 • 0 Entries • Created by RayOfSunlight
Singles Awareness Day
Singles Awareness day is on February 15th and I'm asking all singles to tell me their benefits of being single. Tag me, I'll be happy to read your entries.
Ended February 15, 2021 • 0 Entries • Created by RayOfSunlight
What If...
Make up a few "What if" statements, but here's the catch, each statement must start with, "What if, in a parallel universe..." Have fun and get creative!
Ended February 17, 2021 • 6 Entries • Created by RayOfSunlight
Best Pickup Comeback
You know how there's always that one annoying pickup-line that is repeated a lot? Well, I'd like to read the best comebacks to these pickup-lines. Write the pickup-line first, then come up with some smart comebacks. Make it clean! Funniest one wins.
Ended February 22, 2021 • 19 Entries • Created by RayOfSunlight
Best Quote
As the title says, I'm looking for the best quotes. I love playing with quotes because it makes a bad day go right. So make up a quote (or more) and tag me. Have fun!
Ended February 16, 2021 • 16 Entries • Created by RayOfSunlight
Starlight Star-bright
Write a poem or song with the short nursery rhyme of starlight star-bright. Tag me, I'm looking forward to reading your artwork.
Ended February 15, 2021 • 3 Entries • Created by RayOfSunlight
An Original Piece of Art
Write a song or poem, but it has to be original. I look forward to reading your unique pieces. Have fun!
Ended September 27, 2020 • 26 Entries • Created by RayOfSunlight