you sit there, crying in the dark. theres no one around. you feel so alone. foot steps apraoch. you squeeze youreself into a tight ball. the stranger walks away. you decide to go home. home, whats home? you don't have one. you don't belong there, here, or anywhere. no one fits in, so thats why we all fit in
I draw the first breath I have taken in centuries. The air feels cold and stale but not altogether unpleasant. As my eyes shoot open, I see a huge vaulting ceiling and hundreds of biers identical to the one I am lying on. I flex my hands to double check that my body is once again as it used to be. My spirit had wandered about in this crypt for the last thousand years, and I am relieved yet confused as to why it has returned to my body. My kind has always been banished or our souls locked away, but this time... it will be diffent.
I can hear my brethren rising around me, groaning or blinking bewilderedly. The bonds upon the Crypt of Kyuuketsuki have finally been broken by the events of the world’s end, for indeed we were to be frozen in sleep until the end of time. The end of our seemingly eternal immurement has at last come. With our number of the raised, we could easily begin our conquest of humanity and take our rightful place as the Saisho no Kodomo-tachi. With this in mind, I leap from the bier, knocking over the ceremonial candles. I scoff at this. Stupid humans and their pathetic attempts at control. How could they have thought their time free of us was permanent? They should have learned by now, after all, everyone here knows what happens to the humans performing a binding.
But humans in their arrogance will never change, and I’m more than ready to teach them their lesson in full. I call to a nearby friend who was bound about seventy-five years before me.
“Aikawa. AIKAWA!”
He rolls over and raises his head to look at me, his brow creased. His silvery hair falls into his eyes like a waterfall.
“What is it, Takao?”
“What is it? Are you joking? It’s time to get revenge one the cursed ones of our binding. Their Armageddon has come.”
To my surprise, Aikawa doesn’t seem to react. He just sits up slowly and appears to be mulling my statement over.
“You know, Takao, as much as I’d like to see humanity get what it deserves, this is no time to be mindlessly charging out into the sunlight. We’ve only just awoken. Many of our elders need more time to replenish their energy. If we are to launch an attack, we need their experience. There are likely Binders and Slavers still out there.”
“Oh, come on. We can still win by force of numbers and eradicate what is left of humanity.”
“And risk any deaths? We’ve lost many brothers and sisters already. Why should we lose any more?”
“For the sake of the rest of vampirekind!” Takao lowered his voice to a whisper. “Even if a few of us are vanquished, it will be for the good and safety for all the rest. A noble death, if I may say so.”
“How could you say that? Lives are not dispensable means to an end! Have patience!”
“Goodness. Just awakened and already fighting. Takao, you very well know that expending yours and others’ energy now would be immensely dangerous. Aikawa, dwell not in the past but look forward to the future.”
Both of us whip around.
“High Lord Kamiyama!” I gasp, adjusting myself to face the noble.
“I apologize for my unfitting behaviour, my lord,” murmurs Aikawa, offering a deep bow.
High Lord Kamiyama smiles, his perfectly white teeth flashing.
“Apology accepted, young one. These years have been difficult on us, as have the years when we were often active. And worry not, Takao. Our time will come again. We will return from the shadows when we have gathered our former strength, perhaps utilize more. This is not the only crypt of once-trapped vampires.”
“I’m not worrying,” I mutter under my breath.
“Takao! You musn’t disrespect the High Lord!” admonishes Aikawa.
The High Lord sighs.“His attitude and behaviour are understandable, for indeed, we have been suspended in an immaterial state for far too long.” A distant, almost wistful look enters his crimson eyes. As quickly as the expression forms, it vanishes. He draws himself up and announces, “I will speak to the rest of our brothers and sisters presently. Rest to revive your energy and take heart, for we shall overcome.” With that, the High Lord vanishes into the sea of arising vampires.
Aikawa and I look at each other.
I am practically bursting with excitement. Aikawa shakes his head and sighs.
“Did you hear what Kamiyama said? He thinks that we will overcome! If there is anyone who would know, it’s him. We can get started anytime!”
“Dummy! Did you not hear the rest of what he said? He said, ‘when we have gathered our former strength’ and ‘rest to revive your energy’.”
“That’s secondary information! What’s important is that we take action as soon as possible. For the good of all vampires!”
I break into a run, eager and out for blood.
“You idiot!” Aikawa calls after me. “You’ll get yourself killed!”
But his words fall on deaf ears. My desire for revenge is the only thing occupying my mind. I race down the dark halls of the crypt, messy black hair whipping behind me, protective coat flapping from my sheer speed.
At last I arrive at the entrance of the Crypt of Kyuuketsuki. It is night in the outside world, and the only light comes from the stars glittering billions of miles away. Cautiously, I set one foot into the grass outside. When nothing happens, I place the other foot as well. Sure now that the bindings are completely broken, I revel in my freedom. Soon all of the Kyuuketsuki will enjoy the crisp, fresh air under the night sky. A devious grin spreads across my face.
“We are the flame from the afterlife.”
Your Love Sings in D Minor
I don’t think I fell in love
But slowly embraced it.
I peered around corners
With anxious eyes
And a troubled heart.
I danced along the edge
Of hope and death
Resigned but free
And somehow pleading
For someone to truly see.
I reached for what
I thought was love
A counterfeit heart
In a hollow chest
I failed to reach....
Suddenly I saw blue
Sparkling, undulating cerulean
In the key of D major
And I knew
Something had changed.
I heard the sweet call
Of your beckoning D major
Drowning out the clamour
Of my hopeless A minor
I stretched out my hand...
And grasped the thin strands
Of silky silver thread
That ran from your heart
To save me from the dead
Caressing my outstretched fingers.
Angel of Death
This hand is not my own
This body of flesh and bone
Is but a broken vessel
For you to take and nestle.
I feel torn apart
You’re always in my heart
Gnawing at me slowly
In future consuming wholly.
You’re all I’ve ever known
Better you than all alone
I don’t live without you
But still don’t Live with you.
Subtle, sticky, slick and sweet
Your tempting poison seems a treat
I will take your shadowed hand
And follow you to the demon’s land.
Devils blind my sight
Illusion of eternal night
Stealing my last breath
Dark angel of Death.
Feedback loop
(Instant gratifying response to our actions or opinion)
We're stuck in a feedback loop
On Facebook, Twitter
Elsewhere on line
Claiming our voices
Democracy's fine
But if you disagree
Prepare to me named
If you dare leave the pack,
Then you're bound to be shamed.
Piranha surround you
And tear you apart
Destroying your name
And removing your heart.
Is democracy dying
Because we all have a voice?
Does "freedom of speech" destroy
Freedom of choice?
If I choose to be different
Not think like you do
Does democracy mean
You can turn on me too?
Surrounded by people
Who think like you do
Wishing someone would kill me
For leaving the troop
And breaking the chain
Of your closed feedback loop.
Discovering Her
Air was the perfect picture of a lesbian, the kind you’d see in pictures. Except for one small problem. She didn’t like girls. She had girls ask her out all the time. She turned them all down. But, all the guys avoided her. Because they thought she was lesbian. Everyone called her Air, but her full name was Arabella, a name which she hated with a burning passion. She ran a hand through her bleached white hair that sat on her head in a mop. All her friends told her that she rocked the short haircut, so she kept it, even though she didn’t really like it. It had been her mom’s choice to get it short.
“Ugh,” I mutter. “This isn’t turning out right.” What is it missing? I wonder. Should I switch it to first person? Is it too cliche? Stupid Hazel, I curse myself. You’re supposed to be a writer. That’s what writers do. They write. Well, before this, writing had never been hard. But this project was being particularly elusive. God only knows why. At any rate, it was time for school.
“And,” I say, rubbing the bags under my eyes. “This is why I should sleep instead of hanging over the computer like a drug addict over cocaine.”
“Haze— oh, hi honey. You’re already up.”
“Yep,” I say. “Something like that.” I shove my laptop into my bag for use after school. My mom works, a full time job as a lab technician. I get picked up at six but school ends at four. That’s two hours to do whatever. For me, whatever means hiding in the girl’s restroom and typing. Hence my shitty social life. And, as for the storyline of Discovering Her, the novel I’m working on, I won’t have any luck with a new kid at school, as there hasn’t been a new kid at Giovani High since freshman year. I’m currently a junior. Next year, I’ll be a senior. And then, who knows? I might go to college, I might not. I haven’t decided yet. For now, I’ll reluctantly sit through seven hours of classes, and then I’ll sit in the bathroom and write for the next two.
First period. English. The best period of the day, but painfully tedious. I learned grammar up to college honors over the past few summers in the hopes of improving my writing. Now I have to sit through the class without actually learning. Not good planning on my part. Oops.
Next to me is Joli Brown, a cheerleader whose cup size is only matched by her ego. She’s got a boyfriend named Horace Green (his name is even more stupid than he is, which is saying a lot. His report card is all Fs, except for PE, his only A plus).
All sides of the classroom are filled with drooling teens. Half of them doodling, the rest of them a mix between picking their noses and actually taking notes. I am in the former (not the nose picking, the doodling...). My blank notes paper is filled with character sketches of Air and her future girlfriend, Hira. Air has her short bleached hair, six piercings on each ear, and wears all black. She’s really tall, unlike Hira, who is short with dark skin and long braided hair. Hira comes in as a new student and makes a ton of friends. Air assumes that she doesn’t stand a chance with Hira, until Hira is raped by one of the boys and cast out of the popular club. Now with the unfair reputation of a slut, Hira starts becoming withdrawn. She runs into Air when she starts skipping lunch and finds Air in the restroom. The rest is just development and shit. And, Hira’s parents are homophobic, all that crap goes down, etc. All I have is that. I haven’t really figured out the ending yet.
“That looks really nice,” someone says behind me, making me jump.
“Th-thanks,” I say, turning to see the face of the person who just complimented my art. I turn to see a girl I haven’t spoken to before. Her name is Mia. She has black hair with blonde streaks and skin the color of a Starbucks latte. Her eyes are a startling color, somewhere between blue and green. Like aqua, but more powerful. She hasn’t said a word to me in my life before this. I smile. “Thanks.”
“No problem,” she says. I see her go sit down a few tables away and a boy next to her says,
“Why are you talking to the weirdo?” I look down quickly.
“Danny, come on, she’s not that bad.” I bite down on my tongue so hard that I start bleeding. Is Mia Kingston standing up for me? Hazel Lovecraft (yes, like the author. My mom was a big fan. I’m pretty sure she married my dad for his last name. Maybe that’s why they didn’t work out.)? It can’t be. This isn’t happening.
“I mean, look at her,” Danny says. “She’s obviously some kind of lesbian slut with that fuckin’ hair.”
“Girls can have short hair too, Danny, come on. You’re being ridiculous.”
“Why are you standing up for her?” Good question, Danny. I don’t know.
“Let’s just... forget it. Okay? Come over tonight. We’ll study.”
“Dan, I already told you, after we graduate! Jesus! Can’t you listen to me?” As I sit there and listen to this exchange, I mentally file it away for use in Discovering Her. What if my life turns out just like Air’s? I laugh at myself when I think that. No way. I’m not that lucky. I let my eyes drift back towards Mia. She’s bent over her notes. She’s in the group that actually does the work. How’d she end up with the likes of Danny and Kyriah and the other popular kids? She’d fit in more with Opal and Ryan and Ariel. Those three are the “nerds”. But, I concede to myself, Mia is too pretty to be in a nerd group. Not to say that Opal, Ryan, and Ariel aren’t. Mia just has a... a vibe. I don’t know how to put it. She’s likeable.
The rest of the school day passes in a blur. A slow motion blur, but still a blur. I got a C on my science test. Nothing else notable happens in any of my other classes. I didn’t eat lunch. It sucks, being a vegetarian who doesn’t have time to make their own meals. The only lunch option available was a soggy salad and a piece of bread that had more in common with a rock than actual food. The hot lunch entry was beef tacos. Despite my intense aversion to meat, the sight of the kids eating it made my mouth water. If only...
I had to go vegetarian two years ago. I was developing a rash all over my arms that itches like Hell. My mom took me to the doctor, who dismissed it as acne and hormones until they ran a test a week later and found out that I had some kind of reaction to meat. Not sure what. Some chemical or something that naturally occurred in processed meat. Unavoidable, incurable, and all that bullshit. Ever since then, I’ve been subsisting on salads and tofu. It’s great, but I really miss beef tacos.
Lesbian, vegetarian, antisocial writer, insomniac... I’m going to have a great Tinder profile.
The bell rings for the end of an unusually long last period. Music theory. My mom insisted I join choir, even though I can’t sing, and music theory is choir’s stunt double. It’s required than anyone taking a music class has to take music theory as well. I never knew someone could spend an entire class period talking about the quarter note. A-freakin-mazing. I learned absolutely nothing.
Anyway, it’s now time for my favorite part of the day. Sitting in the bathroom and writing.
Okay, so where was I...
Air walked into her first period with no notion of what was about to happen. She sat in her chair and stared blankly at the whiteboard. Written on it was
Welcome Hira! Who’s Hira? Air wondered. As she puzzled over the words on the board, the teacher walked in, along with a new girl. She was a full foot shorter than Mrs. Jones, with long braided black hair down to her ankles. Her coffee colored skin shone. She sat down alone at one end of the room, and was instantly swarmed by Becky, Rita, and the Jonathans. They were called that because their names were both Jonathan. Jonathan King and Jonathan Stewartt. With two Ts.
“Hey girl, how you doin’?” asks Rita, flipping her curly blonde hair.
“I- I’m doing fine,” says Hira. “Who are you guys?”
“These are the Jonathans, their names are both Jonathan, and this is Becky, my best friend.” Becky raises a hand to her wavy maroon hair. The hair bounces as if jumping on a trampoline.
Here we go, thinks Air while she brushes eraser bits off her paper. Another beautiful girl wasted away in the popularity contest. Kind of sad, really. But there was no time to dwell on that. There was class, work, all that. Boring shit. Not nearly as fun as watching Rita interact with Hira. But it was necessary. It had to be done. She writes several lines of notes about infinitives, participles, and gerunds. Infinitives are super easy, she decides. Way easier than social interaction. Why hasn’t her mom agreed to homeschool her after last year? Last year when she was expelled? Sometimes her mom had a hard time catching a hint. Humans are annoying. Best to interact with as few of them as possible.
Anyway, the bell was about to ring. Air shoved her work into the basket right as the bell rang. She swung her back over her shoulder. Perfect. Only six more periods to go.
Oh shit, someone’s coming. The bathroom door makes a hideous sound as it opens, making it easy to tuck your feet up and make it look as though the room is empty.
“Oh my God, Allie. I am so sick of Danny! He is such an asshole sometimes.”
“What happened?” asks another girl, presumably Allie.
“Okay, so, I said hi to that girl, um, I think her name is Hazel, and he was all like: ‘oh my God why are you talking to the weirdo?’ And I was like, what the fuck man, what did she ever do?”
Holy shit holy shit holy shit.... it’s Mia.
“He’s so dense sometimes, Mia. It’s okay, girl. But... why were you talking to her?”
“I saw her drawing. It was badass. Seriously. You should have seen it.” My face flushed and I was suddenly glad they couldn’t see me.
“Hey, maybe we could... invite her to sit with us or something. Cause, I mean, if she can draw good.. that’s cool, right?”
“Yeah. I agree. Screw Danny, anyway.”
“Yes girl, let’s do this. Totally.”
My muscles tensed in... fear? Excitement? Was I really going to be in with the popular girls? And Mia? Is this really happening?
I’m too excited to write now. Maybe I’ll finally have something to do besides sit in the bathroom! Holy shit!
The rest of the two hours passed faster than the speed of light. Before I knew it, I was getting into my mom’s sky blue sedan, covered in about eighty different symbols. I’m pretty sure she didn’t know what half of them even meant. She had a cross country sticker, even though I’d never been in cross country in my life. I had convinced her last year to get a rainbow. Not sure if she knows why, but, oh well. Some things can’t be changed.
The next day brought a flood of pouring rain. Is it really only Tuesday? Ugh. This week is longer than the neck of a giraffe. Hey, that was a good analogy. I’ll have to save that for later.
In first period, Mia walked up to me. I kind of expected it, but it was thrilling nonetheless.
“Hey,” she said shyly, tucking a rogue strand of hair behind her ear. “Uh, how are you doing?”
“I’m doing okay,” I say. “You?”
“I’m doing good,” she says. “So, do you want to, like, sit with us at lunch today? If you don’t, like, have something else.”
“That would be great!” I exclaim. “I will. Thanks.” Mia grins and walks back over to her table. Danny gives her a what the hell? look, and she just shrugs him off. Feeling victorious, I start doodling more character sketches of Discovering Her. On the next blank page of my sketchbook, I draw a picture of the two girls holding hands. I’ve gotten lots of compliments about how great my art is, but if you compared it to my friends in Utah, it was utter shit. Yeah, I used to live in Utah. I went to an art school. It was awesome. But then, two years ago, my mom lost her job. The only other employment option for her was here, in some obscure Idaho town. It struck me as weird then, and it’s still weird. My conclusion was that she wanted to be far away from Dad. Dad left a while ago, and my mom gained custody of me. Which, I have to say, I’m extremely glad about. My mom divorced him for a reason. The only good thing about this state is the potatoes. Me and my mom never have a day in which one of our meals doesn’t involve them. They’re everywhere. But, Idaho isn’t so bad. The other option was Italy. And I was like, what the hell, Ma? Italy? No way. So, Idaho it is.
Lunch came fast. Soon enough, I was standing in the middle of the lunchroom, more in common with a lost dog than an actual human.
“Over here,” Mia beckoned. I turned and saw a table full of all the popular people. Was this really happening? A fresh wave of white hot anxiety washed over me. This was happening. I was going to sit at the same table as Mia Kingston. Holy fucking shit. I slid into the seat next to Mia, my sketchbook clutched to my heart like a life vest. This. Is. Absolutely. Terrifying.
Joli and Horace are both here, along with Danny (I don’t know his last name, sue me... I can’t know everyone...) and Allie Omar, the girl from the bathroom. There’s also a girl who catches my eye immediately, she has short black hair and a studded leather jacket. I think her name is Erin. I’ve seen her around. I didn’t know she hung out with the popular group.
“Hey, guys,” Mia says. “This is...” she trails off and looks at me. “Hazel, right?” I nod. All the people at the table are staring at me. Danny has a soggy cafeteria french fry hanging from his mouth. I swallow hard.
“Uh... hi?” I say.
“Hey,” says Allie with a sympathetic look. “Mia says you’re good at drawing.” I look down.
“I guess,” I say.
“Let’s see it,” says Erin. I open my sketchbook to the page I drew earlier, of Air and Hira holding hands. I didn’t really want to show them this one, but, there’s no helping it now. Erin, Allie, and Joli are all eagerly hung over my shoulder like an unwelcome cape.
“Holy shit, Mia, you weren’t kidding. This lady can draw!”
“I told you,” Mia says with a smug grin. "She's badass."
"So, is she going to, like, stay here?" Danny asks. Mia shoots him a glare sharper than a new pencil.
"Fuck yeah, she's going to stay here," Erin says. "She's awesome." I bite my lip. Why is everyone being so nice to me? My art isn't that good. And why now? It can't just be Mia. I went from no friends to a ton in.. what, two days? How is that even possible?
This must be some kind of school project. Acts of kindness. Something. Maybe the principal, Mrs. Morrison, put them up to it. Yeah. That must be it.
This is not real. I look at Mia, who smiles at me. My heart flutters. I’ve had a crush on Mia for, what, two years now? No. Longer.
I notice I’m not the only one skipping lunch. Erin and Mia are, too. Interesting. Danny, meanwhile is eating about three trays worth of French fries and greasy potatoes. Yes. Today’s lunch is loaded baked potatoes. Filled with the meat of a half-dozen cows. For real. There’s more meat than actual potatoes.
She stared at the carnage with a mix of horror and anticipation: bodies, both human and yokai, were in several piles surrounding her, the barren land was a deep russet for miles around and the taste of iron and smoke still carried on the wind. Licking her lips at the thought of an upcoming war, Alice grinned as she padded her way through the onslaught; on to her soon-to-be victory against the Tengu clan.
#xjenvanx, #challenge, #yokai