Cage Free
The emotion within me rather strange
Ensconced in my thoughts for so long
Not sure if outdoors I belong
Now COVID has gone, and I am cage free
There’s nothing to hold me back, but me
Simple pleasures of life denied
running chores, going to work, meeting a friend
hanging out without fear or doubt
I am born again, I dare say
This quarantine has taught me how to pray
Church is filled
I look around
Joy and hope is abound
Grocery shops, malls and beaches packed
There’s an air of calm despite the rush
One lesson we learned: kindness and compassion
this invisible enemy it took to crush
But, human memory is short lived
Road rage, bullying, speeding, screaming
Lying, cheating, division, derision soon begin
Thank goodness, we are back to normal
All this love and kindness was making me sick, like an unwelcome tick
Covid, A fleeting memory of the past
Must be first, I can’t be last.
Standing for hours in line for a black Friday sale
Shoving and jostling to get to the front
Hours of screaming sounding like grunts
And just in a snap, the unthinkable happens-Bringing all the madness to a full stop.
T’was was the very thing that brought us to our knees
The dreaded COVID sneeze
2020- A year of Clarity!
Just a few months ago
The champagne popped, we were giddy with glee
Ushering a New Year, with no cause for fear
2020, we screamed, with jokes galore
As we laughed away, not knowing what lay in store
2020 vision for you and for me
Oh what a year of clarity it would be
Laughter filled the air, and none had a care
Ironically, how blinded we would be in 2020,
But then, it was too hard for us to see
With jobs, economy, stock markets
And “ME, MINE and I” on the rise
Yes, self-centeredness does come with a price
In a race against time, 24 hours a day not enough
Oh we needed more- to make more stuff
In a race, just running here and there
All without fear, of it being taken away
And suddenly, it struck- a virus came from afar
As if it were a shooting star
Bringing life to a pause
And life as we know it, soon came to a halt
As everyone echoed- It wasn’t our fault
No malls, No games, No theatres to go
No parks, No ballet, Non-essential places, no more
Grocery shops the only place to be
To line up and buy till the eye can see
People losing jobs, and some on furlough
Tough times ahead, a cause of much dread
The only way to fight this scourge
A commandment of love that we knew all too well
But seldom followed, it wasn’t too swell
Love thy neighbor as thyself- the prescription today
To defeat this virus each and every day
Be mindful and caring and generous of heart
To fight COVID, selfishness must depart
This virus did strike each of us in its own way
It got us to think what matters the most,
No longer the things of which we boast
But family and friends, we should cherish the most
Vital lessons it did teach us
Make more with less
Oh, how wasteful we had become, we must truly confess
COVID-19 taught us what’s important all right,
By gradually exposing our inner plight
And bestowing upon us our much needed sight
It humbled the whole world
On bended knee, looking heavenward -Making a plea