We are the founders if tomorrow’s future, how could we squander this.
That which we cannot give in to is ever closer..
We are supposed to be the best of our time, how could we squander this.
Disease and pestilence is our fate, if we choose otherwise nay our destiny changes.
We are I and We is also You, how could we squander this.
leaving behind a lost and empty world.
We are lost..
How could we squander this.
How did I let this happen?
She was my all and I let her down,
I tried most of all to forget and yet I am stuck in regret.
How can I bring her back the time lost in me, while letting her rot in self misery.
I daunt and flow and try my best to grow in such a broken scene,
I doubt she’ll be there when I show her what I mean.
If one day she saw that I could see, I’d hope forgivness, please for me.
I feel I need to plea for it and beg, that she would stay, least in my head.
Guilt I feel because she is dead.
Coming into such a place,
Leaving behind not a trace.
Oh how we come and how we go,
Giving progress very slow.
Open the door to time that’s here,
Breaking out and staying clear,
Grow and grow,
Death we fear.
Our existence to destroy and consume,
Pillage the earth for wales perfume.
We sit back with age and watch it fall,
Our tower of sins that scales so tall,
The glee we take with every swallow,
As our home only gets more hollow.
We see bits but not the whole,
And wish for more and more to hold.
Cant we see our selfish grasp?
As earth dies we take naps.
Indifferent to the chains we chose,
Broke her we have, our best, our host,
Ungrateful we were when given the most.
One day our mother will heal from the stars,
Yet always will she remember the scars.
Maybe one day we’ll stop playing our game,
Then we’ll have to deal with the shame.
The air is here and it’s there yet we breathe only lies
open is the sky yet trapped we are in its sheathe
candid is the earth yet gouge it we will
for a broken belief can ring one true to find the light in ones self
if we look for what not to do we might find ourselves
trapped in a bubble yet we reach far out
open eyes flashed and ears closed slates
the last day will be too late
broken lies from the start
we have to realize it’s all for hate
the pontiff brings it all
the daily false fate
You live in the glass house?
A monster is a battered soul ..with the heart enough to know he made decisions placing him to be a savage..therefore he knows he can make good.. but with that soul of his tsk tsk ..keeps him from being pure. So he is bad for good reasons .. or necessity .. but he also knows he can do things this way.. save a life.. protect.. or even destroy other evil..but the will. He can't do it any other way and the only control he has is for positive or negative .. this control is why he can show empathy.. which apart from man and beast..he is both.. yet seems to show more heart than man could..for that is his only desire..his only wish..
To be normal
We need change
Once there was just a speck
Once there was nothing
Left before shadows could reach the light's bounced reflection
Here again to show
Consciousness won't grow
If you force the shadow in
And keep the witness from the light's bounced reflection
Oh the day will come surely it shall
When the crow sits on the desert cow
And never caws and never moves at all
And all the people big and tall
Will see the shadow follow the sky
And be still for all time,
Away from the light's bounced reflection
In a monotone voice that yet pierced the mans soul, the winged one told him, "Of your life broken by your own kindness unknown by all, I give you a heart made of pure gold. Containing light more powerful than what you've own, it will infinitely burn the light you create. Glowing it to a white warmth to blanket the ones you so generously die for. Your heart will now be your own and its light will be protected by it has shown, all will have sight of it, and your loving contribution of your light you so willingly bleed out for them will be gifted back to you as love. All who know of you will love you and your heart. You're graciousness has granted you an eternal illumination to these of mankind far apart." And as the man heard this it was already over, his light so hot it burned the very sky he lay in as clovers, still freshly smelted from the anointed light. He felt himself alive unlike he ever had no longer needing others leftover lover to sustain his sand. He set out on his way, shining even larger for his day, and the anointed, knowing he couldnt free the man of his blindness, took praise in knowing he could at least give the man a way to keep being in sway, without having to die for it. Knowing this in itself would accomplish his hope, for even though his direct light couldn't open their eyes, giving this man who loved so devoutly a better surprise to give would be the seed. In which time would grow into the need of a visionary mankind of which all were anointed as he in his eyes, knowing that through this mans golden heart, the roots would find shelter and nurture so far, he smiled, slowly leaving the mans location. Knowing his job was done, knowing he would one day see the man change the sun, simply by doing what he did best, loving with everything he had, without condition and without regret.
He noticed though that this light came from his heart, the heart itself was black and draining itself to its last reserves produce this light. The anointed was shocked, the man was killing himself for this fight, yet couldn't even see it He continued to observe, seeing his directions ahead of people like a swerve, more than most. He saw him do acts in other's favor, like a host, he saw him touch his fellow blinded ones the most and his warmth was what they craved, but the man knew not of this light willingly, his bliss, that which others no longer only kept that last obtained amount, as if it were all they ever wanted yet that was what he did materialize and was being robbed of. Oblivious to it, he saw him do much for one he especially felt for, and once he noticed they loved him back, in small and in brief momentshe felt love like a thunders clack, yet something amazing happened to this man when such occurred, Inside the source of his light, like a blur, a bright change would spark forth, as if recharging his old battered heart But it was only enough to keep him going, and with obliviousness to it he wouldn't know it was saving him from molding and the anointed saw how his loop although not circular, ran on similar traits. His was a doomed fate, willingly dying so others could feed on his wake, his light, even though unseen it was still the most sought after thing. His life would end giving his last breathing gasp to another, he felt sad for this man, almost as a mother, but could not pity him it wouldn't get past the smoulder, so he decided he would bless this man in a way he had never done. He revealed himself to the man, in full spectrum of his awing throne, almost blotting out the mans own light entirely out of sight. The man for this moment, bathed in such light, could see the anointed, could feel his might, he panicked to the sudden appearance of such glory, giving the anointed only enough time to do his task, he reached out his hands spilling of the light. He placed them over the mans life, light of all color pouring into his black vacuum of a sight, filling it past boundaries, the light was so much the man began burning from it. Crying in agony, the anointed only ignored his shouted pleas, only saying one thing.