Oh Lovely Summer
Slushy watered down drinks swelter on once icy cold glasses
Summer breezes wisp woodsy scents through backyard football follies
Plump-bodied June bugs buzz furiously around hot shiny light blubs
Hushed lullabies cradle babies in color-coordinated layettes
Cotton tees and sandals hang light and loose off sun-kissed tanned skin
Puppies woof and scamper when car doors slam and voices beckon
Birds chirp busily building what winter will soon cast away
Rows of yellow corn salute the sun like nature's valiant soldiers
Lovers twine in crisp cotton sheets on Saturday mornings
Lemonade kisses and moonlit strolls to nowhere
Flavored popsicle juice stain children's chubby cheeks
Warm rain rainbows dance freely on dusty puddled streets
Lazy rockers creek on sunlit porches
Hopes drifts lightly on butterfly wings
Memories beget another summer
Ode to Mama and Papa
Cherub faces eyes so wide
little ones look up at you to guide
Rails of cribs lock babies safe
they will not fail or bend or break
Handmade blankets not so warm
from what is crawling through the storm
And now I lay me down to sleep
as Papa prowls at night he creeps
Mama thinks he's quelling nightmares
as he quietly ascends stairs
But Papa truly craves a taste;
babies scream; Mama lies awake
In Mama's arms they cannot hide
sugar spirits cry and die
They're Papa's prey most every night
using them for his own delight
Papa hunts babies one by one
Mama so cruel knows the damage done
and shelters Papa's sins for years
silent terrors hide through tears
No one listens, believing rape
telling means abandonment is their fate
Others think you perfect folk
you sit in church your smiles a joke
Now even with your bodies gone
the damage you birthed was Satan spawned
And rotting chains will never break
as silent voices won't escape
From one generation to the next
your vile curse leaves haunting hex
We cannot wake you from your graves
impose the vengeance that we crave
But if we could we'd raise you up
and prove to you we've had enough
Your cursed evil made us strong
we sifted through your sinful wrongs
God won't redeem a vicious heart
the prayers you lifted in the dark
Won't save your soul and in the end
we will rise but you're condemned
What if God...
What if God’s omniscient? Let’s say it’s really true...
Then He would know the outcome of all the things you think and do
Events would be predestine, no prayer would intercede
No sacrifice or holy wars, your souls could not be freed
What if God is not omniscient? Let’s say it isn’t so
He put us on this Planet Earth, free will to live and grow
Your rituals and ceremonies, your reverent intercessions
Lifelong debt and sacrifice to Him make big impressions
So God is judge and juror taking some and leaving others
He reaps the lives of innocence – stab hearts of mourning mothers
And tell me why or how it is that babies they should starve?
Did they do something warranting the fate He sought to carve?
While evil lurks through blood stained streets casting shadows in their mist
Those hearts they beat, their lives complete, yet they live long and rich
So God wants us believing yet gives no evidence
And question Him we shall not once – whose sinful arrogance?
What hinders logic in a man confronted with a deathblow?
It’s something Freud coined long ago, it’s what he termed an Ego
Our Ego views us valuable, can’t see ourselves as lifeless
Not simply just an animal, our Ego offers purpose
We tell ourselves these crazy tales, start a practice, write a creed
A lie to comfort use from truth, but lies deceive indeed
The Bible is a work of man... you say “well just believe”
I don’t believe in fairytales or magic, can’t you read?
Or charlatans that tell you that your loved one has a message
Magicians just live off your grief and leave emotional wreckage
Yes it IS hard to know this life is all you get to live
So live it right it’s all you have, no deity forgives
I’d rather know I taught my kids to be good hearted thinkers
Then be some puppet in a show, no choice, eternal actors
To live in truth is freeing.... no fear of burning hell
So read the book and use your mind and bid your God farewell
Curse or Blessing?
Like a newborn foal she entered this world
Free, spirit-filled, full of wonder and delight
Innocent and happy living her life.
Then at age nine evil crept into her night.
The foal no longer runs free in the grass,
no longer even tastes the sweetness of it.
The foal no longer feels her spirit,
or even the splendor of the sun on her back.
Then one day at age sixteen, vile found her again.
Does history repeat itself? It must she pondered.
That scare sat restless in her not-yet-mare reasoning.
Again the birds stopped singing and
the flowers lost their delicate properties.
Once again the breeze crept annoyingly upon her skin.
Surely the foal was lost forever now.
As fate had its way with her, now a mare,
she put herself in bad pastures one night. Again?
How can it be that one life could have three,
three demons to steal her soul?
But so it was that another sought her out
consuming from her what she was not willing to give.
And her heart became blocked... clogged in fact
with a familiar rudeness pumping through her veins.
She frolicked in that filthy place, she knew it quite well
That place where smiles lie.
Now a mare to care for two colts of her own
A fresh spirit from a past barely remembered
grew into a love she was quite unfamiliar with
and the rawness and innocence of it terrified her.
Muddy thick foul which once flowed effortlessly
Thinned by a hug and smile at a time.
She would die for that love that pierced into her heart
and suddenly her world sprouted around her.
Although not whole, a part of her soul
could not help to begin laughing at destiny.
How would she teach these colts of her own
to grow into stallions, not monsters?
How would she show them to love and do right
not to hurt, not be evil or cruel?
And so it was that her newly attained laughter
pierced into her silent, cracked mind
And brought her to a place where she began to wonder
if it were all a blessing in disguise.
Pondering all that was in the sunset of the meadow,
two baby colts sat illuminating their mother.
A Game Between Brothers
Once upon a time there were two brothers
Neither knew how they came to be and both pondered their existence
They grew bored and began to play a game
The one called God placed his shiny white pieces on his side of the board
The one called Satan positioned his fusty black pieces on his side
They played and played this game for many eons
Countless times the pieces would amass
Some on God’s side, some on Satan’s, then back again
They soon came to appreciate that each were just as masterful as the other
The game grew tiresome and both became very weary
God finally sighed and said, “Let there be Light”
Satan chuckled and said, “Checkmate”