(Entry 65 - 01.10.2019 )
Bread - symbol of living
When men is stripped of everything
Bread alone still sustain life
Necessity and essential
Of cause, metaphorically speaking
I’m in no position to speak for all cultures
Point is, very little needed to sustain life
But what about the soul?
I can survive on bread alone & be happy
However, bread consumption takes little time
Even if 3 meals a day, plus tea brakes
Then what happens after the stomach fed
Hypothetically, human population can thrive on bread alone
But apparently, it’s far from the truth
Many people talk about suffering & hardship
Seems keeping the mouths fed doesn’t solve all problems
We have minds , and we have souls
They need to be attended as well
Attending those needs can complicate things tramendously
And that complication could lead to human extinction
Many Hollywood movies have convincingly portrait that
By far, no satisfactory solution has been found
among all living things, we pride ourselves for our intelligence
But we seem to be the only one capable of self-destruction
As for me, my life simple enough like bread
I’v done my best to minimise complications
But it takes every ounce of my energy to be a minimalist
Because we are living in a consumption driven society
This consumer culture trains every living brain
Into forever wanting more of everything
And there is no end
Perhaps until the dooms day
(Entry 64 - 24. 09. 2019 )
‘Bread and butter ’
‘Bread-winning ’
Popular expressions about bread
Really is about survival
As for me, for an entire year
I lived on bread daily
What’s so special about that?
But, I’m of Chinese ethnic origin
For a Chinese
A whole year without rice
It’s like cave living
Abnormal, unthinkable, foreign
As for me, I found bread
It started off as basic necessity
Then turned into a social experiment
Culminating as a success story
A story of ‘This Time Last Year ’
Basic necessity - not only bread
But also everything else
My life has reduced to a simple formula
I lived off a small suitcase
I wear the same outfit everyday
I paint the same view from my balcony
I live in a small studio apartment unit
All this for an entire year
And it’s been a success
This minimalist life style
Might just well be feasible anywhere in the world
(Entry 63 - 17. 09. 2019 )
’Kindness in ourselves is the honey
That blunt the sting of unkindness in another ′
Meanspiritedness is obvious
But kindness is dangerous
By the theory of relativity
Meanness usually jumps right out
While kind words & sweet smiles blend in
People are not stupid, they know
But why? We like to trick ourselves
Into a false sense of security
Stay away from meanness - self protection
What nature had intended
Kindness, smiles, words of comfort
Tantalisingly attractive, just like honey
We remember the sweet sensation
And we like to hold on to it
Truth is, this is not what nature had intended
The extreme opposites exist in everything
It’s a phenomenon we must acknowledge
Get familiar with, hopefully embrace
But why? Survival of the fittest
Just as acknowledging the thorns of roses
Tolerating the sting from bees
Being able to handle Meanspiritedness saves lives
Unfortunately, there is no easy way to learn
Neither as pretty as painting a picture
Nor as seranading as playing an instrument
One must face one’s own fears
The fear of losing the existing comfort
The fear of being harshly criticised
The fear of our own mortality in any way
Cold turkey or not, we must face the music
(Entry 62 - 11. 09. 2019 )
′ The mediocre teacher tells
The good teacher explains
The superior teacher demonstrates
The great teacher inspires ′
So they say, and we understand
And I like to add to it -
The bad teacher misleads
The awful teacher destructs
In life, the good, the bad and the ugly
As well as the awful and the nasty
In fact, these are the most common ones
Learning from adversity - life’s essential skill
That is ' each & every way you turn
you hit a wall ′ experience
What to do? Run away?
There is a wall there too
I’v been there, I know
There is no way out
The next immediate thought: survival
Would I make it? What must I do?
The following decisions demonstrates
What you are really made of
Because they are life & death decisions
Should I persist? Should I surrender? Or else?
The moment of truth
Truth about myself even I can’t deny
You know what I did next?
I was so persistent, and head straight to the walls
The very next thing was a miracle
Through the walls I went and arrived on the other side
Not only I survived the last calls
I became this genius thriving in the everlasting eternity
Of cause, I have no objection here
Truth is, now that on this side of the fence
Things are quite the usual, no surprises
I guess I have already faced the ultimate surprise of all - my own mortality
(Entry 61 - 03. 09. 2019 )
Life in general, a learning process
With teachers, without teachers
Academic success has limitations
With good teachers or not
At crawling stage, 1cm at a time
Hand-holding &duck-feeding still works
Once a certain level reached
Self-teaching & self-managing inevitable
Resourcefulness & finance is one thing
Schematic development specifically tailored is another
To do that, one must know what one is doing
No teacher can creep in one’s tummy & read minds forever
Should you find yourself a coach
They would ask what you want
But most of us really don’t know what we want
Then the coaching would have to rely on much guess work
Then, misinterprete, mismanage & misguide
Resulting in misunderstanding, missed opportunities & misfortune
Does that explain so few actually make it to the top
Whereas most still ever so vigorously struggle to make ends meet
As for me, academic experience long gone
But learning process never stopped
At 50, learning is still much of daily working progress
Led by no one, but my own gut instincts
Fine Art
(Entry 60 - 09. 08 2019 )
Painting, fine art, still relevant?
But movies, tv, photography
As a hobby - my craft
Painting is everlasting
Monet, impressionism, struggled
Unpopularity, anonymous exhibitions
His generation, the next & the next
The Avant-garde took its toll
The impressionistic force, took off
Art Nouveau & Arts and Craft movement bears credits
Movements, closely rooted from utilitarian commerce
Profits speaks louder than momentos
Centuries of painting narratives
Generation after generation after generation
The state of perfection has no room for anything less
A bit like ‘American Beauty ’- the movie
Impressionism finally won
So did pop music, Woodstock & computers
But that pursuit of perfection still hanging in the air
Seems we somehow never change
I’v travelled, to many countries
Underneath the differences
We’re all bloody the same
There is no escape
Reality, downtoearthness, cruicial
Perfect commercial bubble kills
My escape - painting on daily basis
In the name of art, I am fleeing
The only justifiable thread
I paint from reality - a real landscape
The breathtaking panaramic view of the city
Helps forgetting about its commercial cruelty
When I come up with a decent painting
Firstly, I -the painter -feel good about myself
Secondly, I feel good about this ‘reality’
The bubble effect worked again
But I never lack reminder of the harsh realities
It seriously contradicts my art practice
Survival of the fittest on daily basis
The bloody foodchain effect
Casualties, sacrafices, ruins
In each & every direction I turn
Under the cover of perfect exteriors
The blood perfection
Painting landscape is therapeutic
But no longer realistic enough
The way Monet struggled in his time
No less severe than we are now
The pretty commercial bubble of Impressionism
As the current exhibition has portraited
Has bursted for me
A new direction is emerging
( Entry 59 - 06. 08. 2019 )
Idleness for adolescence
It’s so not fair!
Youth, physiques & so much time
Yet idleness bore them to death
Unless you are the 'exam type'
Then youth and physiques irrelevant
Time is never enough
The everlasting pursuit of intellectual status
As for me, idleness never left me
Neither constantly bored
Nor never-ending thirst for knowledge
Credit for all exams - ultimate goal
Never much of a planner
For one , things are always planned for me
For another, I just haven’t got the drive
That idleness never left me.
Now 50, still pretty idle
If idleness the equivalent of adolescence
I’d gladly accept that
That adolescence never left me
I start to wonder if it ever will
You know, old people are unable to change
It’s not so bad, is it?
I don’t feel a hint of discomfort in that
In exchange of their adolescence
The 'idle type' just went on as usual
The 'exam type' became professionals
And I - the inbetweener - still got bit of everything
Not exactly jack of all trades
But whilst enjoying that idleness
A handful of skills did thrive in their own right
Idleness does bear fruit
What’s more, adolescence never left me
No youth, no physiques, still so much time
No profession, no possession, still so much to do
The best thing - that idleness never left me!
(Entry 58 - 30.07 2019 )
The circle of fifth
Much imbeded concept within
Should it be introduced to me earlier
I wouldn’t have the patience
Music theory is dry
As dry as mathematics
But singing and dancing are not
I have always been a good singer
‘Mother said I started to sing before I could talk ’
‘I started todance before I could walk’
It’s true for ABBA
It’s also true for me
In my growing years
Singing was always there
Almost like a friend
A conceptual friend
Music theory was never necessary
Whenever I sing
I always sing with perfect pitch
I sure surprised many of my music teachers
But learning an instrument is a different story
The circle of fifth is essential
All the majors and minors
Memorise them, identify them, play them
And this is just a beginning
Lucky I have got patience now
All that I need to do
Is playing one note at a time, accurately
(Entry 57 - 23. 07. 2019 )
Let's have some fun!
Children love having fun
Yellow wiggle, red wiggle, blue wiggle, purple wiggle
Singing, dancing, all the primary colours
Thomas the number 1 tank engine
And all his friends
Edward, Henry, Gordon, James & Percy
Tidmouth Sheds & the Fat Controller
'Bob the builder, can we fix it? '
'Bob the builder, yes we can! '
And all his helpers
Lofty, Muck, Scoope, Rolley & Dizzy
And the ultimate thriller - Star Wars
Darth Vader, Luke Sky Walker &Han Solo
And the Lego blocks in every child's toy box
From kindergarten all the way into adulthood
Not to mention the international hits
Disneyland & all it's characters
Sesame Street & all the residents
Ben Ten, Astro Boy, Toy Stories & Harry Porter
Only pity, childhood is too short
How could any child embraces all these & more
It's crazy, buzy & intense
And fun? Not if it's become a race.
Nowadays, when I turn on kid's tv programme
Even as a 50 year old, I can not help feeling the pressure
The pressure of the newest, latest & the popular
The peer pressure shoots through the roof
When these children grow up
They will impose the same pressure on their cubs
The pride of their own pride
' One day, you will become a king '
(Entry 56 - 16. 07. 2019 )
Ultramarine blue with a dash of black
On the dark side of the moon
Cool yellow with a dash of white
On the bright side of the moon
The rest of the night sky
Any shades of yollow & blue in between
Would do justice to it
I can already visualise the picture
Nowadays painting &colour mixing
Rules my days, all day, every day
Sunny, cloudy, rainy
Rosy, glary, merky, be a challenge!
According to my landscape painting experience
Days require a lot of white
Nights require a lot of black
And the rest of the day, in between
One colour takes a bit of challenge
Without which all paintings would look dull
That colour is red
It took me 6 months to actually get a grasp of
Be it days, be it nights
If red is missing, you would notice it
It does not require the trained eyes
Anyone can tell something is lacking
Now that I have experimented with the red
It really does add extra dimension to the painting
Familiar with the colour wheel thoroughly
Has fundamentally changed the way I paint now
Music is the circle of fifth
English language is the alphabet
Mathmetics is the roman numeros
Painting is the colour wheel