"Anything you can do, I can do" a small grey cat with greenish blue eyes. The cat was a female cat and she was fighting with her guy friend, he was also a cat. They both had a lot in common except the grey cat was competitive and the other cat who was a brown cat with shimmering light brown eyes. He didn't mind winning or losing. "Actually i agree with you but you can't do everything like I can't do everything you can do better" he said. The grey cats green eyes softened as she slouched down. "Meh...fine" is all she said falling asleep. The brown cat said goodnight and sighed.
Am I mad?
"Am I mad" asked a girl with shoulder length hair and foggy green eyes. Her hair was messy and her eyes were foggy and dull. You could even predict her to be the dead coming to life. Her mom was at the local hospital doing her job as a doctor while her dad worked as a artist. He worked at home in his own bedroom. She seemed to look insane. Not the average normal but not exactly the insane stereotype. She might be insane but who really does know. While all of this was happening she asked her neighbour that question, her neighbour replied with "Aren't we all? It is what makes us human, correct?"
The girl stared at her. The neighbours name was Kate and the girls name was Belle. The girl agreed with her neighbour but concludes with a answer of "indeed, I will meet you for tea tomorrow, Ms. Kate" Kate said goodbye closing the door humming while Belle, the purple haired girl. She walks back to her home preparing tea with all of her stuffed animals. Oh? Did I mention that she is ten.