Fuck You
I see you watching me,
But you don't see me.
I can hear you talking,
But you can't hear me.
I see you staring in history,
But you like her, so why me?
Are you really looking at her,
and not me?
You the one who I said I liked,
You set me free.
Yet you are there watching me,
Do I run, or will you set me free?
Answer me. I want you to,
Answer me, why wont you,
Answer me, I need you to,
Answer me. Please.
When I lost all controll
"Hi, I am Alex. I suffered from schizophrenia and the man that was living in my head was absolute hell to put up with. He was constantly keeping me from friends and from boyfriends. Every time I so much as think about a boy he 'punished' me. Of course this was all in my head it felt so real. Then he became real. His name was Johnathan. He was real, and this is the story of how I met him in real life.
'I was at school when a new guy came to school. He was emo as fuck and his name was Dean. Navy blue hair, snake bites, and gauges. He was already sexy just looking like that but then throw in a british accent and I was madly in love. Of course Johnathan was not a fan of this. When I feel asleep every night I would wake up chained to a table naked with a ball gag in my mouth and he would walk up and whip me and hit me until I promised not to look, talk, or think about him. Of course I never kept the promise it was to hard, and Dean was such a good friend to me. Then Johnathan left for a while. At the time I didn't think much about it. Dean and I went on a journey to find my birth parents. We went to a hotel right off the highway. Johnathan went to the MacDonald across the street to get us food, and then I was kidnapped. I was drugged and didn't remember anything about the past and I didn't try to hard to. Johnathan had ended up kidnapping me. He changed my name to Alice and I lived with him. He waited two weeks before he did anything to hurt me. But after both of us came back from a club high and drunk we did it. He started it. He had ripped my clothes off and violently kissed me. Then he got to second base. Then he took it all the way home. I never asked for it, but I guess I enjoyed it. Because he said I did and it happened every night for the next 2 months. Then that's when I saw him. Dean, but I didn't recognize him. I was with Macy (who was mortal) and Georgina (who was a demon and Johnathan's right hand women). Johnathan said that he must have thought that I was someone else, and after a while of taking my headache medication I forgot about him. But I kept seeing him and he kept saying that I was Alex and I needed to come home. But I kept ignoring him because I always saw him at the club we went to. Macy was the one who finally got me so drunk that I went back with Dean. And if it weren't for Macy (who is still my best friend) I would have never gone home. I would never be here telling you this story, and I would probably be dead.' I finished telling the cop
'Honey, if what you say is true then you need to see a special one.' Bob (the cop assigned to my case said. So I did and they helped me out so Johnathan would leave and never come back. Every now and then I have a terrible nightmare where Johnathan tries to come back, but he will never make it. I hope that my story has inspired you to seek help because trust me, it really works. Thank you for your time see y'all next week someone else who has had a schizophrenia problem was treated and helped will tell their story" I said as I ended this weeks meeting, walked out to see my husband who I have happily been married to for 2 years now with a beautiful baby girl in the back seat. We were going out to celebrate me being free from schizophrenia for four years. Or mommy's 4 year anniversary of being Johnathan free so my baby girl says says.
It was almost a good day.
But then he got me.
I have never been more ashamed in my days.
But I let him get me.
He is said to be black and red,
but when he came to me he was black and blue.
He met me in my bed,
and he took my half of life and I turned to goo.
I now wait and wait for him to finish the job.
I see him in my sleep and I see him when I daydream,
He calls me a slob.
He said that he will finish my life when I have a full dream.