A Musical Valentine Special - For The Ladies
Just one small way to wish you all a wonderful Valentine Day coming up. If I could, I would send chocolate and flowers to all of you, thus the picture is the best I could do under the circumstances.
I did this two years ago and thought it would be great to bring it back at least once more.
Some of you have never seen this, some have, and others still, missed it completely. And some of you have taken sabbaticals from Prose. But I did my best to remember all of those who have been to my pages and I, theirs. I may not have the best of memories, but I do try to remember those who have filled blank pages with words worth reading.
I tried to find songs that would have your name or a portion of your name in the song, or perhaps an artist with your name or portion of. Honestly, it didn’t work out for all of you, but I would like to think the intent is there. Most are in English and there are a very few that aren’t.
I do hope this brings a smile.
Just scroll down until you find you.
… and sorry guys, you are on your own and will have to make do the best you can! But of those of you married, engaged, or dating, I wish you and your better half a great Valentine Day as well.
… oh, and one last thing, if there are one or two of you I left songs for that isn’t female, sorry about that, but some nicks are hard to determine without asking and that could be considered rude and besides, this was to be a surprise!
Also, if you feel I may have left you out, please let me know and I will add you to this list.
Now that this is in this book, it will be easy to find when you want to come back to it.,or save the link to your bookmarks.
Thinking on all this ... this could be the consummate list of music ever!
Happy Valentine Day to ye one and all!
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anarosewood - https://youtu.be/mRhePwsYjS4
Mnezz - https://youtu.be/rFdrZzz1rnM
chainedinshadow - https://youtu.be/eYv_1D8URBY
Clarity - https://youtu.be/J-_30HA7rec
Undermeyou - https://youtu.be/sK2g8NlZuHM
justaperson - https://youtu.be/Ze2TmFy0bm0
IvyBee - https://youtu.be/3zNRG-1mFoU
EstherFlowers1 - https://youtu.be/aXXqDWsCzuk
MsUnderstood - https://youtu.be/YMDrTMnm1IE
DaretoDream - https://youtu.be/_nz32FITcRA
RaineDrops15 - https://youtu.be/ebt0BR5wHYs
Jessica_Rose - https://youtu.be/qYkbTyHXwbs
IGaps - https://youtu.be/W-KGk9c9xMI
Antas - https://youtu.be/QAYkKFZjrA0
willowBending - https://youtu.be/p9JxAQqtxkg
randomgirl - https://youtu.be/cBVGlBWQzuc
writtenbyjane - https://youtu.be/ToTyU91vink
LoneGirl - https://youtu.be/pTQh3HRJSAc
JessicaJohnson - https://youtu.be/5MN74BXH4jc
bird57 - https://youtu.be/roPQ_M3yJTA
PoeticMC - https://youtu.be/eZku7yyALbc
RebelliousAngel - https://youtu.be/5af7ZN614k8
lostAlice - https://youtu.be/mOJEcEkR1a8
weather_green - https://youtu.be/Hq9b0RMBp2Y
letitbewild - https://youtu.be/MOKaeU5iRmY
SharondaBriggs - https://youtu.be/QSCibaH9AvU
Lisalove77 - https://youtu.be/VKcVDNcAVog
HexGirl - https://youtu.be/DkQ2OuDsIuc
wet_petals - https://youtu.be/6Qut1aTowSE
Tyla - https://youtu.be/Ho7S9Xb9Gls
sarahbobrowsky - https://youtu.be/7K2PHdlRnJ4
kinkinkali - https://youtu.be/p2FXQgtmPDw
Tee_Hi - https://youtu.be/x1cycm3w6Bk
EmberJoy - https://youtu.be/k6dgWg_yrtw
Vee - https://youtu.be/SRC6NEdSLIA
dctezcan - https://youtu.be/JkX8ZU_wVdg
rmshae - https://youtu.be/5aR4ZoFf8bo
BriaD12 - https://youtu.be/1gWAOzPahmc
Love2Write - https://youtu.be/E35Yzr0HGto
wildflower - https://youtu.be/ngYenAbgkr8
reiclements - https://youtu.be/93lrosBEW-Q
LyThoughts - https://youtu.be/4fm6J0NmrHo
YourMomsLlama - https://youtu.be/gYwqVEEMmPk
Immaka - https://youtu.be/IGw6xj6ckPg
Arlana - https://youtu.be/hcBBMKZGo_w
FateAndDestiny - https://youtu.be/gC0zcj43mn0
nikstiks - https://youtu.be/uBi61pgDUP8
Unity - https://youtu.be/74U4FCrsfjI
Jenna_nicole - https://youtu.be/8tLFIO1162Y
hilary74 - https://youtu.be/gua14Z09HR4
DevilishAngel - https://youtu.be/SXQXVWtAxSw
Dawndebraal - https://youtu.be/wT5ms2Nvpco
Kittysailor - https://youtu.be/7khQNR7s1Ho
JadeRain - https://youtu.be/XdM1Hw0WMq8
Hummingbird - https://youtu.be/B412Ij9IAnc
Ariana - https://youtu.be/pZAYHcJA54g
Nwesterhouse - https://youtu.be/753Gl2VlPF8
MayalSharp - https://youtu.be/dkCkN379gcw
Bips - https://youtu.be/qwBcZjYTN2A
SeraphinaLarke - https://youtu.be/GLYx_wjDcec
MediocreMardy - https://youtu.be/lhTHaJjUgQ4
LilyCamille - https://youtu.be/o7K1_g31H0s
Lumosand - https://youtu.be/VNUgsbKisp8
mOOn_ChilD - https://youtu.be/JsGj24U_wjU
CassieS - https://youtu.be/QG3Kzu24LaA
SeeMeNow - https://youtu.be/oDsWn1g3AG4
Dream - https://youtu.be/lTYe9eDqxe8
EyesofArt – https://youtu.be/FJmYUmrnP0o
ShayBertram - https://youtu.be/o_bIMTtl8X8
ana_vega222 - https://youtu.be/iljMxSh--68
Samina - https://youtu.be/_LCX-tLEoaE
Sanjana_S - https://youtu.be/oJE36RlM53E
GLD - https://youtu.be/7IQE62Vn4_U
Roses311Sublime - https://youtu.be/kFzViYkZAz4
Thereisnospoon - https://youtu.be/JhAPKLH2I7Y
poetri - https://youtu.be/LSln5JUAkko
TeaRise - https://youtu.be/AV879I_rc90
Moonsinger128 - https://youtu.be/Z6zAjPosxIY
JaneF - https://youtu.be/eEw1QqxNWAU
HandsOfFire - https://youtu.be/VFroDCsVCeY
SadieBug - https://youtu.be/AXFY6pe-oXo
Firstborn60 - https://youtu.be/ZNnXG9Et-M0
MarieAntionette - https://youtu.be/mTltWXiV8Qw
MClarice - https://youtu.be/dHz85EDUQ2E
nightscribbler - https://youtu.be/VPRjCeoBqrI
AlaskaLaurens - https://youtu.be/lTQym67anMk
slnmten - https://youtu.be/J91ti_MpdHA
mkaeleigh - https://youtu.be/9mI8fdnVvUM
ladybell - https://youtu.be/MpyVysVBfFw
AbstractSoul - https://youtu.be/4ohpmqN0Ql0
VividHues - https://youtu.be/44CWVyoy9EU
Voidkin_Killer - https://youtu.be/n8dEAS5nO5Y
StephanieMarie - https://youtu.be/If4EiYRVH2Q
Plexiglassfruit - https://youtu.be/ShZ978fBl6Y
Mara_C - https://youtu.be/o3672J_nR5k
CfromFL - https://youtu.be/9GO-fscCNdI
PaperbackFish - https://youtu.be/f1TTo9IvE7I
Trousers - https://youtu.be/NfTS7gM7zQ0
EvelynDawn - https://youtu.be/YljYL6b-xfQ
TheDreamer - https://youtu.be/ZOUZvjZnS9Q
Champagnekitty - https://youtu.be/leEmAIyQIz0
QuietSilence - https://youtu.be/Bk7RVw3I8eg
HelenaTherese - https://youtu.be/8tRJFRgjbs4
OceanofStorms - https://youtu.be/18Sua_QTDs0
athenaknowz – https://youtu.be/VHwqiqd_Lq4
LexiCon - https://youtu.be/3WG_pZFSvRQ
REllyn - https://youtu.be/7x13fh3k4XM
NessaNordhym - https://youtu.be/1HmFkmr7sGQ
Ernaline - https://youtu.be/htgr3pvBr-I
JadeRain - https://youtu.be/gSMn9thX-yw
Heartprints - https://youtu.be/O1CTPyLJCdw
Two and a Half
“Alcohol is poison.”
“If it’s poison, then why do you drink it?”
“Because there are things inside of me that I need to kill.”
I write because, similar to this scene in which Charlie Sheen from Two and a Half Men is (yes, incredibly intoxicated but) hitting rock bottom with self-deprecating humor, I am also leaning over the toilet of life, reacting on impulses yet contributing what I hope are illuminating sentences and tidbits of wisdom to an audience of viewers who will hopefully understand what I’m trying to say.
What Charlie Sheen is conveying in this scene is more than just a funny throw-away; to me, writing is something I come back to in order to kill the demons, to illuminate my addictions and faults, and to hope that someone out there will laugh, but also understand.
Shall I compare thee to chocolate?
Thou art more yummy & freshly ground
Really you shake all my ev’ry thoughts
& sometimes I end up longin’ you mo’
Sometime you are just too sexy honey
And oft’ I have to try not to kiss you
And every time my love for you grows
By chance or perhaps it will stop O no
But thy love for thee’s unconditional
Nor will it cease come rain, or sunshine
Nor shall death keep us apart my dear.
When in eternal unbreakable bond
So long as we shall live, ‘n’ breathe,
So long thy heart’ll ev’r beat for thee.
(O Shakespeare~ how did thee come up with sonnet 18?)
22.09.2020 (Mardi)
WoRDs JUst SpilLIng OuT OF mY MInD
YoU kNOw HOw iT iS
SWamP GReEn NaiL POlisH
picKLEd eGGs
LukEWarM aNGer
STiCKers On mY BEsT FriEND's LAptOp
mY hEAD iS A mEsS
LikE A bAR oF cHOcoLATe i
LeFt iN tHE cAr
mY StREam Of ThINKinG
iS SpINing
IT's WEird
DoesN'T FiT buT i WAntEd To SAy iT
oN tHIs PApeR
wAit nO ScrEeN
i SCreAM