Anything Really?
Is there really anything to live with and to die with?
Will I be there when you grow up?
Will I remember my truth?
Will I be sucessful?
Will the world prosper?
How can we be truthful if we can't stop the lies?
How can we live if they die?
Life nowdays is different
We could've be prospering
But instead we turn to crime, time, and slavery
Who can live in a cycle if we cannot look at ourselfs and say we have hope?
Who can stand and who can sit?
How could we destroy our planet
But we can contiune or we can stop
So become better
make sure that you have hope
And that you make a difference
For something most important
We seem to forget
Our end
Yet we go on escapades for what?
To end or is it a purpose beyond
The beyond sees and dares us to look in
The unknown or is it?
Death is a part of life
Yet we don't and won't know the truth
The truth is not simple
Death haunts us
It's our end, why wouldn't we fear it
But is that truly just our emotions
Is death truly the end or is it a begining
It's unknown
But have hope
One day we might outlive death
And as humans we will find out the truth
So the unknown will always be known
As death
The starlight is almost upon us.
Diseases spread like fires that engulf.
Miracles absent, surrendering to disasters
People are scattered
The world is changing.
Whether good or bad we are consumed
We looked in the wrong ways and were distracted.
Now we are equal in worth and difference.
All but memories still stand.
The world is changing.
The bergs burst; beasts beaten in the black brine.
Animals disappeared, fallen, unknown.
The air smells of sulfur and ash.
Continents are no more.
The world is changing.
The water is dangerous to the touch
Life has vanished, irrecoverable
Cracks are on every surface hard or soft.
Volcanoes erupting devastatingly.
The world is changing.
Earth the ancient one, has only days.
Until, it feels Helios wrath.
We had so much pride and greed, we forgot our meaning.
All is lost, the world, the people, and the animals, gone from time.
Our world has changed.