I agree to the terms and conditions
I love you
The three biggest lies ever told.
Sometimes loving someone means agreeing to terms and conditions that you didn't know existed and laughing with someone into the darkest hours of the morning.
You lied to me. You lied every time you said I love you. You said that you weren't lying and that you really do love me but I can't shake the feeling that all of your pain is because of me and I don't know why.
You say, "I'm sorry- it's not because of you- I don't want to hurt you or say something that isn't true." But I can't get rid of the feeling that it is because of me. I'm sorry.
I don't know how to say it any other way.
You lied to me. And not only you but all of the others. To me- if you say I love you or I still love you it's just a lie and I'm guilty of that.
I told you that I still love you and now it doesn't hurt to think of you anymore. It doesn't hurt. To me- it took a lifetime to get over you and maybe deep down part of me will always love you and that's okay.
Love hurts and I'm sorry that I hurt you. I'm sorry that hurt you and that you're in pain. I didn't mean to. I really really didn't mean to hurt you. Why would I hurt someone that I love? It was an accident. Just like how I accidentally fell in love with you. I didn't mean to- I swear. It just kinda happened.
I'm sorry.
I love you.
To Rest in Peace
The Sandman got some old grains in his eyes, and dammit man! the evening was pressing on. He had a job to do, despite his eyes being bleary and red. He yawned to himself, quite irrationally cheery: "Blast it now I've been doing this for years---everyone knows I can get it done with my eyes closed!"
So he mustered his grit and groped his way to the door.... every man, woman, and child thoroughly annoyed. Everyone in a sleeping fit. Sand all about! Sand in the mouth, sand in the ears, sand up the nose---Not a single eye that could restfully close. Ugh! the horror of it!
The tormented would be sleepers wriggled and squirmed--- just ready to die's the thought that they inadvertantly formed... And the night watchman chuckled. The evening had gone according to plan. He brandished his scythe in his left hand, ready to bid us all a Very Good Night.