I came to a Pride event today. Why? Because no one told me I couldn’t. After being in a relationship where every aspect of life was controlled by someone else, that is my reasoning for why I do a lot of things lately – simply because I can. This event challenges my perception of love and acceptance. Today I have seen examples of love without restriction. Perhaps I will explore more than my freedom today. Maybe today is the day I love and let myself be loved in a way I’ve never known, and I just now believe I deserve.
Side Eyes
Every neighbor has a nickname, a descriptive moniker that may or may not be deemed offensive should they ever be uttered aloud. My neighbors include Loud Ass Millennial Chick from the apartment above me, Business Suit Bob on the left of me, Older Indian Lady to the right, and Side Eyes across the hall.
Looks like Side Eyes won't make it to the monthly cook-out the apartment management throws for the residents. I hope my new neighbor is a little less sketchy. How hard is it to find a Nerd Girl or Hot Construction Dude?
The Science Of Emotion
Emotions are a science yet explained
In the terms of human comprehension.
Paltry understanding can be attained
By logical minds that pay attention.
The energy of emotions can’t be
Created or destroyed, ever present
But changing form; swirling chaotically
Within us, waiting to be somehow spent.
Emotion lies in every soul, waiting
For the catalyst of passion to cause
A reaction, chemistry creating
everlasting and insoluble bonds.
Yet, many times these bonds evaporate
With no physical science to equate.