Ancient Pursuer
I traverse me down paths O'ye memory ancient pursuer...
Of his conquest I'm aware- make no voice of my notice-I don't dare
Takn me further from me souls own gates...
His presence must not entertain this night- I'm so late...
Attire ye dark composure so vain, yet still not disguise...
ye vehement aim for the prey in those eyes...
stoke them not O my soul,
tis no healing of his wound ~for control....
His conscience has driven him here for a plea~
Return! for the years I have yet to retrieve for thee lady~
Carry on ~O give not up for waverings~or delight in his rare find
Move along~my pilgrimage near ceasn~overturn ye futile finite mind!
for the eternal huntOye crow
Past the vile feastsO ye brotherhood~fear not the fires O their souls...
the sacrificial remains left upon their altars the winds & rains don't quite away blow...
Call up ye royal reminder & summons me golden chances~ for I've cried~
Prove to me now ~O lord huntOye crow ~ the higher stakes for wich I've died!
Was there a day when he made not war with my soul?
give not ear to his reasonings ~his devices are cruel~
Where is divine cause for his endless pursuing?
seeds of doubt to weed out for the everlasting purge~
hunt O ye bludy ol crow
There where the royal weepings of Etin endured for a night
& the lord of D'parting made biddings for his guests of the flight...
Those who sang for the glory of their wedding day procession
were not heard of the queens flocks~awakening at their descension...
SongOyebludy peckers~huntOyeolnestOthe crown~
Securely enthroned there in ye guilded cage~so think ye to be?
Regalings of ye fair weathered fineries in their feathered privy~
Take ye heed ~be not alarmed ~ the hourglass breaks~
In the chain O'command,Lord huntOye Crow...Alas, tis your turn to bake!~