If I can give my life to my country why I can't I drink?
The answer should be obvious, one would think.
If I can give my life to protet my brother's rights
What about me what about my fight
While sitting next to my fellow soldier who needs to distress
He orders a beer, while the bartender cant fill my request
A simple beer is all that I ask
Maybe a little vodka in a flask
Al I ask for the sae right as the soldier sitting next to me
A simple beer, how hard can that be?
A father gives it all expecting nothing from his son
Loving his kid wheter he's lost or whether he's won
He's at all of his games through sunshie or rain
He's there all his moments in happiness or pain
To walk beside him is all that he needs
To hold him up if he falls on his knees
My father is all that for me and so much more
To be just like my father is what I'm inspiring for
Do you ever feel so tired?
Where you wish you were fired
But you reaize you don't have a job
So all you can do is sob
Because this is school
And you can't pass this brutal rule
I just want to get some sleep
With a blanket as soft as sheep
I begin to fall asleep and I'm like this is a thing?
Then 5 minutes I hear a ring
And that is for school
My nap was totally not cool
Bobo is the name of the dog that I cherish
My heart will break if one day he begins to perish
I've had him since he was two weeks old
When God made him he broke the mold
Bobo always sits when he is told
He is nicer than silver, and brighter than gold
Bobo sleeps next to my neck most of the night
He snores loud like my dad, but that's alright
The perfect friend, that is my dog
Never complains, just sits there like a log
Yes, that it Bobo
My friend, my dog
Two Sides
Two extremes of one side or the other
All respect is lost bewteen you an your brother
You satnd for this and he stands for that
No common ground for either, that's where we're at
All sense of decency has flown out the door
No one cares for the sick, and no one craes for the poor
Everyone is seeking self-interest, with no one else in mind
Oh dear God I pray, that common gorund we will find
The Rain
We need you in order to grow
But what inconvienence evertime you flow
The fields are all mudd,y disgusting, and wet
You can't even walk through without seeing a mess
I have to wait till you leave to access the damage
The havoc you cause, you're such a savage
No that you left, I don't know where to start
What were yout thinking? Do you even have a heart
I've worked all day long, and now I am parched
I hate you today, but I'm so thankful in March
The Game
It’s time to play a game
If you win you will recieve fame
But if you lose...
Nevermind I can’t tell you the news
These challenges are smart
You will have to take some to heart
You will have to look North, South, East, and West
To complete this difficult quest
You must complete all my tests
Or else you will face me and my guests
Enemy Rap 2
Sorry I can’t help you
And you know I don’t want to
In my dreams
We are never on the same teams
Because you would hold me back
For there is so much you lack
You’re like the devil
You’re under my level
You can talk to the hand
You can follow my command
Since you act toward me with mistreatment
I’ll give you back the same maltreatment
But at least I have a reason
You’re trying to be better than me
But that is something you can never be