When I was dazed and confused about my life.
Hope came in the form of a butterfly.
Its fluorescent wings bright against the blue sky.
I saw my spirit guide with my naked eye.
Whenever I am filled with fear.
White butterflies make my path clear.
I proudly tread on solid ground.
With a vision clear and sound.
And when I don’t go outside.
My butterflies follow me inside.
See them on my walls, windows and door.
Feel the wind from their wings at my feet on the floor.
My butterflies
I need them. I need my spirit guides.
They hear and heed to my cries.
My precious immortal butterflies.
I saw you in my dreams last night
I saw you in my dreams last night.
I did not get a fright.
You are still as beautiful as you were on earth.
I hope you visit the woman who gave to you, birth.
I saw you in my dreams yesterday.
Oh, you had a lot to say.
You shared pieces of your life with me.
That is how I know about your family.
I saw you in my dreams yesterday.
I do not want to forget any of the things you said.
I hope it was you.
I hope what they say about dreams, and the departed, is true.
I saw you in my dreams last night.
One thing I do not remember is your smile.
You are fading... everything is fading.
Visit me again while I am aging.
I saw you in my dreams last night.
Before you left I gave you the longest hug,
Because after the... conversation we had, it struck me...
The last time I saw you and spoke to you, was on the 23rd of June in 20 seventeen.
I looked at you and remembered how I had been trying to get used to your absence since.
Joy is what I felt in your presence.
You are missed girl born in July.
Girl who I saw in my dreams last night.
Margarita ’mare
I was partying with my girls.
Doing booty shakes and some twirls.
Dancing with my demons till I was jaded.
I soon became intoxicated
And they vacated.
Swimming in a sea of margarita.
Losing my senses like a retard.
Felt light headed and dank.
While my conciousness sank.
My mind began to play on me, a prank.
I woke up in a haze.
Eyes barely open, me in a daze.
Next to me lay a sambrero.
A man came running screaming, “Ai, viento!”
My skin was scorched.
The sun was brighter than a torch.
Wind slapping my face.
Grains of sand headed to the heavens at a great pace.
Eyes widening.
Face reddening.
My heart erupting.
My mouth screaming.
I grabbed the man, who had seized his sambrero from the mischievous wind.
“Sir, please tell me where I am.”, I began to plea.
“Ah, senorita, estas en Mexico.”.
The only word that left my mouth was, “No.”