Martha Skewermann is an investigative journalist with over 25 years experience, recent chronicler of the administration of R.S.Chump
A Timely Revision of the US National Anthem
O hey can you see, We the People’s dire plight,
With the heartbreaking sight of our proud nation’s reaming,
By the billionaires fixed on fiduciary might,
While in hardship we live, and for justice are screaming?
And a conman, thin-haired, and enablers to spare,
Give proof, through their greed, of their absence of care;
O say can still justice our nation yet save
From corruption unrestrained, and our White House depraved?
To play the tune...
Love Martha Skewermann
Investigative journalist extraordinaire
Founder, Global Allegorical Journalism Foundation
Author, “Dire and Puny”