you wrote our names in a constellation of colors
with a little piece of chalk
me and you til the rain washed it away
mere seconds we were etched on that rock.
we rode that carousel round n' round
til sun hung low and it was dark
when your mother called you back for cabbage soup
we took the long way home through the park.
i miss the long summer nights we used to have
rain soaking the heat from our aching bones
i never wanted it to end
'cause then i'd finish those nights alone.
it was a conundrum for sure
how i was supposed to carry on
once the endless nights had left me
and you were gone.
as years pass and i look back
i remember us with bittersweet delight
whether it's now or in fifty years
our love still burns bright.
What did you expect
Why did you leave me?
Crying on the floor
Tears pouring down my cheeks
Where did you go?
Said you'd be back in an hour
but it was longer.
Why did you make me come here?
They don't understand me
my screams go unheard.
When are you coming back?
I don't think I can make it much longer
These walls are a prison not a sanctuary.
Hours have passed, or was it days?
You came back for me
found me curled up on the ground.
Why am I crying?
It's the first day of preschool.
You left me on the linoleum floor with
a teacher who won't let me go to the bathroom alone.
What did you expect?