Force of darkness
Let the hate flow through you the evil emperor said
It's surprisingly simple
To let it consume me
I cannot let go
And the more I think about it
Then the more I think about it
Thoughts spiraling out of control
Easy to slip down the path of paranoia
Littered with pits and sink holes
Leading to depression
Slip down one like a game of Chutes and Ladders
The climb back up is always harder
So tempting to stay there, in the dark
And not put my foot on the first rung of the ladder
Sunshine and Shadows
Sunshine girls always get what they want.
They charm with sultry smiles and hypnotic eyes,
seduce with sway of hips as they saunter away,
thick hair tossed back over creamy-skinned shoulders.
Confident it will go their way--
because why wouldn't it?
Who would dare ever deny them
when they pout and beg so prettily.
Like Veruca, they want it all
and there's hell to pay if it isn't given to them now.
Shadow girls rarely get what they want.
Closed-mouth smiles never quite reaching their lowered eyes,
they slink away, with shoulders hunched,
ponytail hanging bedraggled down sensible-cardigan-clad back.
Accepting their place--
because why wouldn't they?
Who would ever notice them
when they whisper their desires so quietly.
The eternal platonic sidekick, too proud to beg,
their wants unnoticed and unmet.
It's silly
to be jealous when
the game is genetic lotto.
Pure luck,
not like poker
where at least skill tempers chance.
Yet the shadow girl still longs for her chance.
Standing in the dark, far behind the sunshine girl.
Waiting to feel the light
and daring to hope
that she will emerge
and matter,
to someone.