The Lonely Rock
The winter was harsh this year. It was unfair to the once flourishing ground and the sweet elderly, neither cared for it. The birds also stopped chirping, meaning the sound of cars racing past at all times of the day became even more prominent. No one was happy with the frost, except for one girl: Flourantine.
Flourantine had a way about her that seemed to attract happiness. Whenever she entered a room, you could feel it become a little brighter and warmer. She was an extraverted bundle of joy, always chatting away. While you could imagine this to be a nuisance at times, this was not the case. Everyone knew Flourantine was the loveliest girl at the table and would not do harm to any living soul.
This is why it came as such a surprise when I came across Flourantine in the forest. Alone, she was sat on a lonely rock, surrounded by snow. It was hard to tell if she looked sad or peaceful, but either way, she seemed disconnected from the real world. The cars were still racing past, but she seemed too far away to be bothered by them.