Wisdom is nothing more than healed pain (2015).
Determined to gather knowledge despite my trials
My emotions have been slain
Wisdom is nothing more than healed pain
Needing to acquire common sense during my misfortune
Pushed to the edge of being insane
Misery needs a pleasing medicine
Wisdom is nothing more than healed pain
Ranked last in the class of discernment
Sanity I will never attain
My sufferings need eternal relief
Wisdom is nothing more than healed pain
Sorrowful experiences will make me wise
I hope to be whole again
Wanting a cure to rid me of my demons
Wisdom is nothing more than healed pain
Unpleasant sensations distress my emotions
My scars will forever remain
But I will continue to strive on
Because wisdom is nothing more than healed pain
Childhood Mind
I remember all that I could be,
The memories and the cotton candy
Wishes piled up on dreams
The whole being of me.
I wonder at my limited sanity
At my internal stream of profanity
The multiplication of anxiety
I'm stuck onstage, alone with me
I remember all that I could see
My imagination controlled me
I created things that couldn't be
Alone in my insanity.
You are a tin man, traveling
Walking between worlds
Driven by despair to find
Something that is true not
Only to your mind
Tin man, do you still believe
The emptiness inside of you
Is treatable entirely with curative intent?
That medicine, or magic, as you choose, can make you feel
Anew – as with a human heart
I will say this
Travel and doubt
Fight and struggle
As much as you please
Unaware that what you search
Has never left you
Indeed –
If you are looking for a heart
Stop a beat. It is right there
In your chest, keeping your
Blood in motion
On the rhythm of sinus and math
Murmuring of hydraulic science,
Infinite human love and compassion
Prayer for Love.
i inhale Your majesty
exhale my prayers.
Heavenly Father,
give me my
and let
a sweet aroma,
incensed offering,
to You.
Heavenly Father,
give me my
and let
to You
"Ano li
Heavenly Father,
give me my
and let
us be
a living
of Your
Your Healing,
Your Miracle-Working,
Your Wonders.
You are our Healer!
You are our Restorer!
You are our Deliverer!
You are our Waymaker!
You are our Wonderful Counselor!
You are our Everlasting Father!
You are our Prince of Peace!
You are ours, Heavenly Father!
Ano li v'dodi, v'dodi li.**
Let me whisper that
into my
basherat*'s ear.
Give me this
of my heart.
-the half-beating heart of a dreamer
[Author's note: *basherat- Hebrew for "soul mate" **Ano li v'dodi v'dodi li - Hebrew for "I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine." ]
I think I have Synesthesia
(this is actually a true story about me)
If you're not familiar, it's something with colors. My name is Angelie, so since the A is red the whole name should be red, except it has two blue E's which should make it blue. The blue and red constantly fight. If my name was blue it would be an oceany blue, and feel cold and wet in my fingertips like water. If it was red, it would be a rough, scratchy red, like the sounds my voice make when I have a cold. My two best friends have green personalities, which is soft and calm and reliable. I like to think my personality is orange, which represents superficiality. My math teacher has the strongest color: a dark, pounding purple which feels like anxiety and pain and confusion. Sometimes when people scream I can almost see a purple or red haze surrounding them. The only thing that doesn't have a color to me is taste. I think all of this has always been inside my head; I thought it was normal. Each letter has a decided color, except U, which is either yellow or gray. It's not even decided. It's how the color feels to me, it's how a texture feels to me, it's how a voice feels. Some voices feel like smooth leather, some like water and some like sandpaper. I can close my eyes and see it.
Innocence Lost: A Prose Original
Greetings Prosers,
It's here! It's live! And it's time for you to find out if your entry was included in the very first Prose Original series.
Around a month ago, we set a new Prose Challenge of the Month, whereby fifteen of you would be chosen to have your entries placed in our Prose Original book. We also announced that each winning Proser will receive 5% of all book royalties for life!
We will be launching another Challenge of the Month if this book proves to be popular, so share the book with your family and friends and get them reading this incredible anthology. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Happy New Year to each and every one of you, let's kick 2017's ass.
Until next time, Prosers,