I've been here on Prose for such a small amount of time, but I am humbled and grateful to be part of such a talented group of writers.
I have never before seen such descriptive attention to detail in the written word and this is not to blow smoke up anyone's butts, but, I am staggered daily by the standard that is set by you all.
It only goes to illustrate how much I have left to learn and I feel I'm in the right place to learn it.
Prose, and its members amaze me. I'm so glad I chose to set up camp here. I guess I just want to say thanks for opening my eyes to what writing of substance can achieve.
We can only go from strength to strength, and who knows what talented people lie outside our group unaware that we exist.
Prose has a very bright future indeed, isn't it just staggering that a small team at Prose HQ, sat down and came up with this glowing app, and as well as running the whole shebang, and social media output, still find time to contribute daily to a great read.
Here's to Prose.