Beings of Fleece
Plush enthrallers, expounders of joy,
On emotional sinews you toy,
More intense feeling do you spark,
Than more similar creatures embark,
For, though being of fur, tail, and paw,
Your knack for empathy invokes awe,
Greater knowledge of foundation known,
Than beings of investigation shown,
And though our time is seldom as short,
A mark transcending time -- you report,
Like parchment airplanes soaring through wind,
Short lived beauties we continue to send,
An endless cycle, never to cease,
Between us and beings of fleece.
Buried beneath the crust,
Soaring amongst the dust,
Brimming with hubris,
Yet truly wondrous,
Embellish manors, fueled by grandeur,
Demolish towers, tall no longer,
Writhing in the dreary,
Thriving with each query,
Relinquish to hands -- needy,
Clasp at riches -- greedy,
Leaping towards salvation,
Though falling to damnation,
Vitality upon soil... bestowed,
Rot into others... imposed,
Stumble on cryptic jumbles,
Reveal truths and worlds crumble,
Bombarded by endless change,
Conflicting thoughts unyielding,
Forever see to turn the page,
Else plunge to depths unfeeling.