A life-weary mother of 5, crazy cat lady and Scrabble geek supreme!! Move along, nothing to see here.....
Stranger than fiction. Write a piece of 15-to-50-words in any style or genre, featuring a real-life strange occurrence.
it can be anything that's happened to you or even something you've heard of happening, so long as you're sure it's happened. (or at least pretty sure.)
Talk someone out of suicide
What would you tell your child, friend, family member, etc if they came to you saying they were suicidal? Some people don't have anyone to turn to so let's give them a place for some hope.
One rule: No negativity. Suicide isn't a joke and it's not something to be ashamed of or made fun of.
The world is not black and white. The problem today will be replaced tomorrow. There's always problems, it's how we choose to address them that's the issue. Go to bed, sleep and tomorrow, see how it all is. Imagine the worst case scenario, then realise it hasn't happened, because you are still here. Ride the wave and see what happens - if you want to be dead, you owe it to yourself to see what really happens. It won't be pretty - but it won't be the stuff of nightmares, believe me. I have trodden this path: I am still here, still living and here for you, if you want.
Describe freedom in 15 words... with one caveat: you can't use the words free, freedom, freeing, freest or freer (even in the title).
Once Upon a Time...
This 15-word challenge is actually an 11-word challenge, because the first four words have to be: "Once upon a time"! (humor, as ever and always, is greatly appreciated!)