Fair describes me...
But can the same be said for my life?
In the deepest, darkest part of my heart...
I knew, I never deserved to live a good life...
When they said they understand, they lied…
No one truly understands…
When they said it’s going to be fine, they lied…
No one knew it was never going to be fine…
When they said they’ll always be there for me, they lied…
No one was there for me when I really needed them…
When they said treat others the way you wanted to be treated, they lied…
No one saw that I was treated unfairly though I treated others fairly…
Why? Why did I earn this life? Why not someone else?
Why is it always me who gets bad things?
Everything I’ve gotten, good nor bad, has turned bad.
Why is it only me deserving this?
Why am I good at nothing? Why?
I’ve turned into a ghost of who I once used to be.
I can’t even bring my self to look into the mirror.
When I do, all I see is an image of a girl.
It is not me. It is a girl with a perfect life.
One I had always dreamed to have.
I used to believe God is alive.
That he answers everyone’s prayers.
None of mine have been answered.
Now, I have lost faith in everything and everyone.
Those who knew me, bone by bone, knew my worst enemy.
Myself. They know my worst fear.
Giving up in life and unhappiness.
But now both of those have come true.
Why am I not known for who I am?
Why always as “his” sister?
Why do I have to live up to “him”?
Why do I have to be exactly like “him”?