What do you do when you think you loved someone, but you never got the chance?
You thought you moved on, and perhaps you did for awhile.
Just then a glimmer appears and brings everything back.
You're overwhelmed with feeling but you can't show it or use it.
You can't talk to them because it was their decision in the first place; if anything they were over it long before you were.
What do you do when you can't get them out of your head.
Emotions are such a silly thing.
Don't tell me you "aren't" something.
Anyone can be anything they want.
It just takes believing that you are.
You want to be funny; Think you're the funniest person in the room.
You want to be confident; Stand up as tall as you can and do everything with you head held high.
You want to be happy; Make sure you're always smiling.
Don't say you'll be.
Don't say you're going to be.
Don't say you're trying.
Say you are.
Say you are.
Say you are.
From the second you decide what you want, become it.
This applies to any and everything you could possibly be.
You need to believe this if you want change. For, if you don't believe it. Who will?
You want success? You've got to LIVE success. If you haven't been successful it's because you haven't really lived it. Make the change.
Ask yourself. "What would a successful person be doing right now?" And do that.
Don't misinterpret this though. Successful people don't just do work for success. They balance their family, friends, free time, self time, and work. If you don't properly balance this you won't live success.
In the end. Success is what you make it. But only if you make it and don't just wish it.
Do good.
Religion is crazy, all of it. All these customs and habits just because an old piece of paper said so. Just because things have been around for a time doesn't make them right. Religion can drive you in the right direction for a time but people need to begin thinking for them self at some point.
Treat others properly, nicely, the way you like to be treated. We're all good at heart. Everyone grew up good. Unless you're treating people well you're probably not going to export ends the best of life. There's no way. If you don't all sorts of negativity is going to come out of it.
You should just do that because it's really you. Not because you were told to but because that's who you are. That's how you live well.
Figure out right now what the most productive thing you can be doing for your life and for those around you and for those that come after.
We as humans realize everything wrong with the world and everything that's wrong with ourselves, and we know how to fix it. We all "know" that we should keep ourselves completely healthy. That means a healthy body, a clean spirit, a clean and well functioning mind. Once you get that fixed you'll really experience life. Many many people have never export emceed their own machine working at optimal performance. With a good machine good actions will come along easier too. You'll start to acknowledge others' existence positively and they'll acknowledge you as well. Do small good things like opening doors and giving compliments. Just do the most good you can possibly do.
Don't only do good for others either. Do good for yourself and act on your own desires. Do what makes you happy. Don't think you can't either, you can do whatever you could possibly want and nobody can stop you. How powerful is that? Do what will make you happy what what will best serve you so you can better serve others.
We can all do it. The sad thing about that is not everyone realizes that either. It goes right over people's heads that they can do the most good and do whatever they want. Who knows why this is. Do good your self and others will follow suit and soon it will spread. Spread the goodness. For yourself and others. You can do it.