My dear love
The words from the combination of 26 letters are not enough to describe you...
The flowers on this beloved earth are not worth to be in your lovely silk hair...
The world's best Coco chocolate cant be as sweet as you ...
You my dear my sole mate nothing can be like you...
My love you are unique form all my other lovers
Something which you don't want to be with you but it will always be with you whenever you don't want that... this is called fear...
Fear can be a boon or bane to us depending on how we take it...
Sometimes fear will lead to our failures and sometimes that fear itself will lead us to Victory depending on how we take it...
Sometimes when we fear of doing something we either won't try or we try with more precautions.... The one who doesn't try will fail and the one who tries will win...
So have fear but take it in a positive way... :)
Inner peace
What's inner peace ...???
Achieving great things in our life...??
Just reaching our goals as soon as possible...??
Is when we win something great which we never thought off..??
If you ask me none of the above things will give me inner peace ...
It's when we see the happiness in the face of the people to wome we help to achieve their dreams in their life that's what give us true happiness that is inner peace