"Kidney function is a privilege, not a right. " - Hansol Chwe
I think people don't really do this..but tell me about your bias from a group
What I mean is, if you like a certain celebrity or kpop idol, please explain why!
Ended July 31, 2021 • 1 Entry • Created by VxrnxnSxungkwxn
Angels And Demons
I want to see what type of writer you are! Drama, or Romance? Mystery or Adventure? Thriller? Show me in a story that has angels and demons! It can be a love story, or a story of hatred. You choose >3
Ended February 23, 2021 • 6 Entries • Created by VxrnxnSxungkwxn in Fiction
Describe yourself without ever mentioning how you look
Tell me about yourself, using no words telling how you look. It can be how you behave, eat, sleep, or even what you like (because I believe that makes you up too.)
Ended January 30, 2021 • 25 Entries • Created by VxrnxnSxungkwxn
Make a Fantasy short story from one of your own worlds
Go wild! Do anything you like. If you don't have your own characters or a world to put them in, then use this chance to make some!
Ended January 2, 2021 • 2 Entries • Created by VxrnxnSxungkwxn
Write a love letter to anyone, fictional character or otherwise
Must be at least fifteen words
Cannot have too much cursing
Ended December 25, 2020 • 6 Entries • Created by VxrnxnSxungkwxn in Fiction