Chapter 9: Maidens of the Moon
I stood there is complete and utter shock. Who were these people? Better yet did they have my foster dad? Clearly the old woman knew we would be here but how? Was she the witch doctor Silvaus had mentioned.
Three woman appear and sliently walk down the stairs. One seemed to be of Asian descent. Possibly Japanese. The other two had slightly darker skin and a complexion close to mine.
All three women stopped near the end of the stairs. The older woman slowly made her way down the right side of the stairs. She makes it to the end of the stairs and the three bow.
I couldn't move. My muscles tense up and my mind was running wild. What the heck is happening? I turn to Julian who stood there slightly, grabbing the end of his cape.
"Welcome. The stars have aligned to bring you two here I presume?" The old woman implies, making me wonder if this was the right place to be.
"I suppose so...who are you all? We came here looking for my foster dad, Silvaus. Is he here?" I quickly ask trying to get a expected answer. He better be here! I swear he's dead when I see him.
The old woman looks up and smiles. She turns around and points her cane down a hallway. "He is here but he is resting. Don't worry little pup you will see him soon. I know you are beyond worried and rather annoyed by his actions" she assures me.
My mind was at ease. Thank god he was here. Still going to scold him though. The man of the hour drunk and nearly getting himself killed. Typical. I still needed to know these peoples names. Were we heading home after this? Part of me doesn't want to because the whole riot would probably get worse.
The darker woman with braids in her hair coughs and the older woman gasps. "Ah yes, Lyla. I almost for got to introduce ourselves. I'm the witch doctor who you might of heard of, Thando" she pauses and turns to the three younger women "This one here is my granddaughter, Lyla, the one next to her is Cia, and the last one is Mika."
Mika walks up first. Her black hair and snow white skin put off guard for a second. I notice her blue kimono tightly wrapped on her body. The print was of white petals or tear drops.
She sits down on her knees and bows once again.
"Welcome, I am the leader of the this group called Maidens of the Moon. We have been expecting you. As well as the Prince of Blood. His awakening is crucial to our meeting" she states, eyeing Julian behind me.
"What are you talking about? Prince of Blood?" I question raising an eyebrow.
Mika quietly gets up. "You will know in time, Gold one.
Lyla steps foward next.
"I'm of course Lyla. My grandmother has already stated that as you heard earlier. Your caretaker had come to us in a hurry. He claimed you are rather difficult when you are determined. We are here to help you and your friend. Do not hesitate to ask questions. However, Mika is rather all talk and only that" she chuckles.
Mika glances at her and sneers in disgust. "They're supposed to find out about the exciting stuff on their own. Don't force feed them!" She protests. Her quiet and graceful demeanor had quickly fallen short from Lyla's teasing.
The third woman butts in, "Sorry about these idots. I'm Cia. Welcome to this mysterious castle you found in the middle of nowhere." I could tell she had a little bit of a spanish accent.
I was beginning to feel a little more comfortable. I really wanted to go home but maybe this wasn't a bad. I knew for a fact that this might clear a few things up.
We all seat ourselves down at the long dinner table in the dinning hall.
The dinning hall has similar colors to the walkway of the castle itself. The chairs where linned with gold and the seat cushions where blue. A chandelier also hung above us.
Mika places a worn out book in front of us. I pull it towards me and slowly open it. Scanning through the book caused more confusion than talking to these women.
"What is this supposed to be? Not trying to be rude or anything. Is it records of history or something? I'm so lost..." I ask, staring at the book in mild confusion.
Mika sighs and glares at Lyla. "I told you someone had to explain this mess! The book's too much for them. For us! Like who wrote this?!" Lyla huffs and leans towards her grandmother. "It's so old that we aren't even sure of it. Did you pull this out of nowhere?"
Thando clears her throat and closes her eyes. "Listen my young pups. I'm going to tell you the a summary of this raggedy old book. Listen closely." She demands.
We all close our mouths and look at the elder. She begins:
"This is the book about the beginning of the werewolf tribes. Some branched off and migrated into Europe, leaving traces of history. It also started the legends some common folk know today. As the centuries passed more countries around the world created their own versions. Today we stand here witnessing a new evolved bred. The Maidens of the Moon. These special werewolves are categorized by the time they are born. Under a few special moons."
She ends and opens her eyes. Thando raises her arms and forms a circle. She then puts her arms down and looks towards me.
"You my dear. Your the golden supermoon are you not?"
I quietly nod and look at the others. They stand up and Julian sits there puzzled. I look towards him and return the confusion. What was the point of this? Was I a super werewolf or something?
Cia and Lyla leave and disappear into the hall. Mika sits back down and I hear a yawn from across the hall. There stood the one and only, Silvaus.
My eyes widen and my heart skips a beat. Oh good! He's alive...I know Ophira is not happy right now. I still can't help but blame myself for this mess. It's not that easy for me to accept certain circumstances but as long as she's happy. That's all that matters.
I'm still quite confused though. Did these women know about my past? I never seemed to want to open up to Ophira about it. It didn't seem like the right time to do it. I trust her but is it worth it? Does she know her past? Part of my past is linked to my overwhelming guilt. Why? It's hard to explain.
Ophira growls and crosses her arms. Silvaus winces and slowly approaches her. "I'm sorry kid, I just worried too much and now were here in this mess. I really wanted to find some help" he apologizes, looking at his feet.
Ophira huffs with irritation. She walks over to him, wraps her arms around him and nearly squeezes him to death. "Oh I'm angry all right. At least you're alive still. I'm at a lost about those psycho hunters who wanted to kill us" she says giving him a worried look.
Silvaus pats her on the head and takes a step back. He places his head on his chin and looks up at the ceiling. "Werewolf hunters, huh? I nearly escaped their stupid asses. Can't believe you guys made it out clean" He rants.
The older werewolf takes a good long look at me and his eyes widen. "What happened to your neck? Are okay?" He asks, staring at my neck wound in horror.
I nervously laugh and point at my neck. "Oh this...its nothing. Just a scratch. The hunters you mentioned...they're uh...dead." Silvaus stares at me then at Ophira. "Holy hell! At least he can fight. How though? You don't seem to have a weapon on you. Ophira can use her claws and fangs just fine" he asks curiously while examining my wound omce more.
Ophira quickly interrupts "Oh you have no idea. That doesn't really matter right now. We're alive with few battle wounds and your alive. That's what matters." She puts a hand on my shoulder and smiles. "He's the one who not only got the most kills but saved my furry butt in the end" she surprisingly praises me.
I turn my head around and glance around hall. Did she just say that? I enjoy the hugs but this is too much. In front of her foster dad as well...what? This is too much. My heart is beating rapidly and I feel my face flushing.
I take a step back and rub the back of my head. "So, when are eating? I feel like I haven't had food in forever."
Chapter 8: Dark and Creepy Castle
It had been at least an hour after the ridiculous ambush. It was a surprise to me that the woman who let us stay at the was a threat. I'm having this itching nevre not to stay oblivious to strangers.
I turn my head to check on Julian. He seemed content but at the same time his shoulders were slumped, eyes tired, and his walking speed was a little off. The power he had awoken...was it too much?
I slow myself down and face him. He stops and slowly looks up at me. His tired gaze turns into mild confusion. I place my hand on to his forehead. Cold.
"Your vampiric side is kicking in. I can tell. Your body temperature is decreasing" I whisper in concern.
He sighs and straightens his slouching body. I can see his skin has become even more pale than before. Was that even possible or am I just forgetting how he looked a while ago?
Julian gently pushes my hand away. "Don't worry about me. I'm fine. We need to keep pushing on" he mumbles and drags his feet past me.
I sigh and shake my head. This man I swear! One second he's playful and then the other he's dead inside. Is this hereditary or something?
We come to a dead end...well more like something I sort of expected. This creepy forest sure knows how to stir us in the right direction.
The faded cobble stone path had lead us to the most gothic and old castle I had ever seen.
There was a steel rusted fence that some how remained intact. The grass around it had faded away. It seemed dark and hollow inside as the windows were dark and slightly cracked. The stone exterior was perhaps gray but the darkness covered it all too well.
I slowly walk up to it and place a hand on it. The coldness brushes my fingertips as I slowly trailed them down the wall. It was amazing how long this place was here. Maybe hundreds...thousands of years? I take my hand of it and look around. Silvaus wasn't outside; he was inside and I felt it. He had to have come here for a reason. Why?
Turning around to Julian, I watch as he examines the door. "Hmph. No draw bridge. A little too weird if you ask me." He says.
I huff and take a step near the entrance. "Well, here we go."
We enter and a cold blow of air hits me. The lights suddenly flicker on. I look up to see a beautifully crafted chandelier. The interior of the castles was linned with an old wallpaper. The floor was carpeted with red as well as the stairs that followed up to a new floor.
My nose wrinkled at the old scent. In other words it smelled like faded oil and burned bark. Weird combination for a place like this.
My instincts kick in and I look up at the top of the stairs. A rather small old lady stands up top. Her head is covered by a blue cowl and a wooden cane stands by her side. She slowly raises the cane with a smile.
"Cia, Lyla, and Mika! They have arrived! Do not keep them waiting."
Chapter 7: Ambush
I sit at the wooden table in the lobby of the inn. Spite that "incident" from last night, I had trouble sleeping for some reason. Julian slept like a rock while I tossed and turned. Something in the back of my mind lingered but I didn't know why.
Tapping my fingertips on the table, I glance around in search of Julian. He said he had to use the restroom but this park didn't seem to have a porter potty anywhere. Weird...
I slowly rest my arms and head down on to the table. Drifting off, I close my eyes.
I feel a light tap on my shoulder and raise my head. Turning around I let out a sigh. There he is...finally back after five hundred years of powdering his nose.
"Oh you decided to come back after all" I yawn.
He smiles ane chuckles. "I had to make sure to release any issues for now. Did you take a nap? When I came over you didn't seem so comfortable."
I growl and faceplant myself into the table. "Phira...are you okay?" I hear him ask. I slowly raise my head up and see concern written all over his face. "Yeah...lack of sleep. That's all" I answer back.
His gaze softens and he lifts my arm with his hand. "We still have a long way to go...with no map at all."
As we walk the forest seems to be getting more dark. The trees were like swallowing the sky. They were everywhere and I wasn't sure if time had even passed. There was no sign of day...just darkness.
My gut was uneasy. Something bad was going to happen soon. What that is? I'm not sure. I had to be prepared so I transfomed.
Raising my head, I sniff the air. My eyes scan the area as we continue to walk the stone path. Julian seemed uneasy as well and I could feel it. He trailed behind me but not too far.
My ears perk up by a few rustles in the nearby bushes. I quickly turn my head and growl. Someone was watching us...more than one person. Thieves? Assassins? Whatever or whoever it was, I was not having it! If they wanted to be ripped apart by a still half asleep werewolf then so be it. I wasn't going to die today.
"Should we? Not sure if this wolf needs muzzle or a bullet to their mangy head."
My heartbeat quickens and my stomach turns. Werewolf hunters!
Ophira stopped moving. So did I. The voice sounded like a hunter and this only meant one thing. This was a trap. By who? I have no idea.
A person steps out of the bushes with three other people. They were all wearing some type of odd uniforms. I couldn't make it out well except for the fact that it was camouflage. Three men and a woman.
Her face wasn't very noticable but her scent was familiar...the inn?! No it couldn't be...could it?
"So, you really think we'd let you pass? Your little hybrid friend and you are done for. No one enters Shadow Forest and comes back." The woman says with a smirk.
Ophira stares back. "Silvaus...were is he?" She growls and bares her fangs. Her ears draw back and she postions herself for an attack. I step foward and place a hand on her. She doesn't budge and slowly turns her head towards me. Her eyes trail from me and back to the hunters.
"Oh him? That's for you to see. For now we're going to have to see if you can even survive. Two to four." One of the male hunters says with a smug look.
Ophira snarls and pushes me aside. She lunges at the their lead and reaches a claw out. She manages to hold the hunter's gun down and pushes her down. One of the male hunters pulls a dagger out and the other two run back, keeping a distance. I quickly rush in front of the attack. The dagger comes down and hunter slashes the side of my neck. I stagger back and place a hand to the wound.
Something was stirring inside me. I couldn't remember what my body was trying to tell me. Something about my blood though...
The hunter takes a step back and the woman hurls Ophira off. The leader whips the gun out and aims towards Ophira. Ophira dodges a few shots and then turns her head towards me. I could tell she noticed the wound as she fiercely jumped towards the hunter with the dagger. She throws him off his feet and swips a claw at him. He drags his body and screams as she sinks her teeth into this shoulder. She flings him and the leader takes the opportunity to aim and shot again. This time I was too slow to let out a warning.
Ophira yelps and drops to the ground. She drops to one knee. A bloody hole appeared on the her left leg. She grasps her claw around the wound and glares up at the female hunter.
I run over to the fallen hunter and grab the dagger. I wasn't quite sure what I was about to do but it was crazy enough. I roll down the sleeve of my right arm. I look at my wrist and wince. Placing the dagger to my wrist, I close my eyes and slice.
I let out a breathe and turn my arm over. Blood drips down my arm and on to the ground. A few second later the wound on my neck and neck start burning. I lean down and the slash on my wrist starts to bubble up. More blood rises up and a stream twists around my arm.
I turn my head towards to the two and they stand there gasping for breathe. Ophira was still fighting with a wound in her leg and the huntress was trying to hold her off. To her surprise that was last bullet.
The woman curses under her breathe and yells for back up. The two other hunters leap out and I whip around. The second male hunter turns to me and backs up. "What the? What type of voodoo is this?"
I grin and swing the blood whip at him. He flies across the forest, hitting a tree stump. The third hunter starts shooting at me and I morph the whip into a sword. How was I doing this? I don't remember really having powers for some reason.
I rush over and swing the crimson blade at him. I swing the sword and knock the gun from his hand and with a swift thrust I stab him through the stomach. I pull the blade out and he drops to the ground, writhing in pain.
I turn to Ophira wrapping her jaws around the werewolf huntress's neck. With a quick snap she drops the body. She looks up at me and her eyes widen. "Julian...what is your body doing and why are your eyes red?!"
I slump to the ground and return to normal. Examining the gun wound in my leg, I let out a cry. "Crap! I need like pressure to stop the blood or something." Julian gaspes and coughs. I turn my head towards him. "Do you need to do that vampire stuff or something?" I ask. He looks at me and says nothing at first. Then he walks over to one of the unconscious hunters. I turn my head and hear a scream. Placing my hand on my head, I sigh. Yep, he may be a hybrid but he needs both things to survive.
He walks over to me and and bends down. His eyes were normal again but his wounds still seemed fresh. Julian flips his wrist over and blood starts dripping down his arm. It forms into an odd stream and wraps around my wound. The bullet pops out and what's left is a circular ring of dried blood. It wasn't scar because I wiped a finger and it smeared. Ew, this is amazing but really gross.
I let out a sigh of relief. "So...you blood powers. That's unusual."
He glances down at his wrist. The blood had dried as well as the gash on his neck. "I suppose so. My body felt off when I my neck was slashed. Then the rest happened but hey, it heals doesn't it?"
I wrap my arms around his waist and hug him. He freezes for a moment then returns the hug. I rest my head in the crook of his neck. "I'm just glad we made it. Your not dead and that matters" I muse. He laughs and I feel his body warm up. It was warmer than usual. Maybe him drinking blood again did that? Never mind that...I'm glad the mini murder party was over.
"Let's find this stupid place...I feel the worst has just begun" I say with a sigh.
Chapter 6: A problem with one solution
Months later and everything seemed fine until I continued to receive more threats. Silvaus had somehow disappeared and my world was starting to fall apart. Maybe I could just move...no that wouldn't fix anything. There was only one chose left. We had to leave.
I fear that if Julian were to stay here any longer, they would come after my head and tear him apart. I really want to avoid this mess and I still don't know if I can take a whole guild of manly wolves. One female with a possibly confused about his identity hybrid wouldn't make the cut.
The last thing Silvaus said to me was something about a lost castle and a Oracle. This sounds fun and I guess were going there now. It's either death here or resolution elsewhere.
I open my eyes with a groan and slowly pull myself up. The digital clock had been buzzing for 5 minutes and I wanted to smack it. With sudden realization, I jolt out of bed and scurry to the bathroom. This was the day we decided to leave.
Julian stretches his arms out and glances at me with concern. I could definitely see the tiredness in his eyes. He was basically up all night worrying and trying to make a plan. I'm sure he'd come to realize we're screwed as of right now.
"Phira? Are you alright?" He asks me with a slight yawn.
I quickly turn my head towards him, "No, we're both going to die and the cause of it...is me." It's hard to believe but yes I told him that. I made a mistake and now my foster dad has ventured off probably drunk or whatever.
Julian looks away from me for a moment. He turns his face towards me again. "I never meant for this to happened. Maybe I should just leave..." he whispers in response. I stop what I'm doing and turn to face him. "Oh no your not. Look, you're my responsibility. I'm not dropping you to go save my life!" I scold him. Julian shakes his head with a quiet chuckle. "Yes, mother. I'll obey" he teases me back.
I decided that we hermit ourselves in the house until midnight. It was probably a bad decision since the big bad wolves like to wander about. However, they never go near the house. Not even once.
I tip toe out with the door slightly open. Julian follows behind and tries his best to avoid noise. His boots on the wooden floor of my house are a little...loud. I look around for a bit then I dart for it. I hide behind a tree and signal him to follow. Turning my head for a second, a loud oof catches my attention. I turn my head around and sigh. There's Julian who is completely unharmed but lying on the ground face foward. Did this man really just trip over his own feet? In the middle of an escape?
I shake my head in disappointment as he scrambles to his and feet and approaches me. "Sorry that...wasn't planned I swear" he coughs in embarrassment. I roll my eyes and grab his arm, tugging him along.
I swear I didn't mean for that odd incident earlier. I'm trying my best not to get us both killed. At least I trust her. She's the only werewolf not trying to kill me right now. I promised myself I wouldn't screw this over. At least for now...
The sky was now flooded with stars and my legs grew weak. It had been at least several hours from when we left. Ophira was cutting the to the point and I dare not complain. I just want everything to get better. I never meant for this to happen. Only if I could tell her in person.
I look up and sigh in relief. The sight of an inn was just a few steps away from us. I really need some warmth and rest. She does too. I know she does.
We step inside the inn and Ophira closes the door behind us. A cozy fire with seats, wooden interior, and hanged animal heads. It seemed like something I grew up seeing.
"Oh! Ophira. What brings you here?" The innerkeeper asks with a look of concern.
I find her eyes trailing over to me. The woman raises an eyebrow then looks back at her. I feel really uncomfortable somehow. Maybe she actually knew about this werewolf hunt? Ophira seems to be a local her. Silvaus may have also brought her here several times in the past.
I shake my hear and try to calm my thoughts. This was all still new to me. Never mind that...I should probably listen quietly and not say a word.
"Oh just traveling out. With a friend" I response blankly. The woman looks up in confusion. She doesn't say anything at first then sighs.
"Silvaus came here no too long ago. A month or two maybe. He was rambling about this castle and Oracle or something. Did he send you any info?" She informs me with a worried look.
I was taken aback...did she say that he was here? Seriously?! I could've just looked here all along. Well I guess there's a reason I didn't even bother. Still he say the same thing to her or just aloud. What did it mean exactly. Hopefully this wasn't a setup becaise I don't want to risk any lives. Even...Julian's.
"Yes, he left a note saying the same thing...why? I have no idea" I answee back not looking at her.
I glance to see the Innkeeper continuously eyeing Julian. "I think it has something to do with your friend here. Did they meet each other?" She then asks in curiosity.
Now that I think about it...no. Silvaus sort of stayed away from him. Now I'm worried about this. Was Julian a secret weapon made by his family to wipe us out? Silvaus knows something we don't. It's really annoying and I never asked for this mess.
"Not that I know of. Can we just rent a room please?" I sigh impatiently.
The brunette nods and caculates the one night stay. "Okay...two for a one night stay. That'll be 35.90."
I gulp. Geez that much?! I was so uses to Silvaus paying when I was younger. Whatever though...It's just one night.
I pull the money put of my pocket and hand it to her. She leads us to the room and we walk in. There was only one problem...one large queen sized bed. Two of us...really?
I close the door behind us and let out a heavy sigh. I go over to the bed and sit down. Looking up, I see Julian standing there. A hint of pink spreads across his face. I roll my eyes at him and pat the bed. "Look, this is the only way. Unless you'd rather sleep on the hard cold floor. You pick not mine."
I see him frown and he slowly makes his way towards the bed. He sits next to me and looks away. I also turn my head and my heart races. I know he's used to his own space but...what's the worst that could happen? Just one night...probably suffocating and cramped next to each other. Lovely...just lovely. Why am I even thinking about this?
We finally go to bed and try to gave each other space. Well we have space but Julian and I agreed to disagree. It was peaceful was the next few hours.
I decided to move just a little bit closer for body warmth. Once again he felt warm and cold. Wasn't sure if it was normal for hybrids like him. I'm used to a large blanket in the cold for my only warmth but this was fine. Until I heard a oh so familiar noise...did he just?
I jolt upwards and hover over him. Julian's eyes shot. He let out a wheezy laugh "Sorry...it's a defense mechanism..." I glare and grint my teeth. "Oh so funny. I'm definitely choke slamming you out of this bed!"
Wild Side
To everyone she is a normal person
What they dont know is her secret
She lives a fairly normal life
Her secret is what is forbidden
The moon is a friend and the darkness as well
A loud howling pierces the night Animals scurry around in fear
That's when something's not right
A standing beast leaps off the hill Midnight wild fur and claws if steel Amber glowing eyes ready for the night
She is a sight that no one can seal
You better run if you strike her fancy A human no more but a wolf you swore
Unleashing a fury that no one can bare
She'll send you packing and break your score
The wilderness and wind at her call
A creature that hides all day
A creature that stirs inside
What are you to say?
To everyone she is a normal person Holding a beast until dusk
Prowling ever so slightly
Run! You must!
Shame on you
They say that every time
What have I done wrong?
Nothing! Nothing!
Their words tug on my thigh
I lie here and weep
How do I feel the light?
Suffocating every night
The words echoing
Circling around me
Cutting off my circulation
Shame! Shame! Shame!
Oh! This will never end!
Chapter 5: Wishful thinking
Silvaus stares back at me with utter surprise. "You mean to tell me that you're having him as a roommate. Are you sure about this?" His eyebrow raises and I hold one arm with the other.
"I didn't want to be mean. He doesn't look like a threat at all and he isn't exactly vicious so...yeah"
The older wolf shakes his head in disbelief, "If there's one thing I know about you it's that you won't give up helping anyone. One of those people is me...I can't say much now." He says awkwardly turning his face away from me. I roll my eyes and turn around. I take off knowing I can do this.
Julian perks up and rushes to me, "What did he say?" he asks with his eyes widen in fear.
I give the dhampir a reassuring smile, "Silvaus is rather concerned but I think he's fine with it."
Julian sighs and wipes his forehead with the back of his head. "Close call if I ever saw one" he chuckles nervously. I silently laugh back and turn my head from him. My head was beginning to whirl. Was this really a great idea? I had just met this guy and the old furball was probably right. I shake my head and glance at him.
Julian was now sitting near the river stream, watching the flowing water. He seemed rather invested in what was front of him. I knew he definitely was not from this era of time. Possibly the 1800 century but still, I felt bad. Bad enough to leave him if I was like the others. Why did they truly hate him? He had a human side but I guess that just makes it a better excuse for their bigotry. Being a hybrid is probably something totally sinful to them.
I sigh and walk over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Julian, it's fine. Don't worry about it. Stress can give you a headache and I don't think neither of us need that right now, okay?" I half heartfully joke. He looks up and grins, "Thank you. No, I mean it. No one's ever been this nice to me since I woke up in this new world" he pauses for a few seconds then continues "do you mind if I call you Phira for short?"
I smile and nod, "Yeah that sounds nice. I'll call you Jul if you don't mind."
Julian frowns for a moment then laughs "It sounds like a pet name not that I care."
I mischievously grin back, "You are my pet, You have to do everything I tell you to. If not, no treats, no sleeping in the house, and no friends to call." I playfully punch his arm and he blushes, scratching the back of his head.
An unwelcoming howl startles us and we both look up. An unhappy werewolf stands across from us. I brace myself and Julian quickly steps back, hiding behind me.
"Didn't you know you don't play with our enemies? Silvaus was wrong for taking you in. He's always been too soft on everyone." He growls while eyeing Julian.
My bones crack and shift into place. Black fur sprouts out from the underneath my armor and I stand there puffing my chest out. My now amber eyes are fueled with fury. I was smaller but that never bother me. Not one of these idiots!
We lock eyes and I leap towards him, gripping his left arm. The other werewolf bares his fangs and goes in for the kill. I quickly move to the side and sink my teeth in the back of his throat. He yelps and throws me off. I circle around him and glare, putting my claws out in front of me. He lunges towards me and I quickly
I stand there heaving and then a sudden rush of anger takes over. I run towards him and tackle him to the ground. We roll down and small hill. The brown werewolf flies off and tumbles to the ground. I'm still on the ground as he then proceeds to quickly launch himself at me. I raise my arms and legs and push him off as he lands.
The werewolf slams into a tree and lays there unconscious.
I turn my head to see Julian standing there in shock. He quickly runs down the hill and throws himself at me. We both land to the ground in a thud.
Before I knew it, we were both on top of each other. I didn't expect myself to be so forward yet it wasn't like that at all. This wasn't like me at all. I have never been so worried about someone in my whole life.
I raise my upper body up and stare back at Ophira in embarrassment. Her long curly hair was splayed out and she was completely dumbfounded. "I'm so sorry...forgive me. I was so worried back there. I just had to see if you were hurt or something. I should probably get off now" I turn my head and clear my throat in embarrassment.
She looks up at me and her face flushes. "I kind of don't mind it but, yeah you should get off. I don't want assumptions to happen."
I nod and push myself off her quickly. I scan the area and take a deep breath. Good no one was around to see this. I really need to not do things like this!
I hold my hand out and she raises an eyebrow at first. I was basically shaking now and I didn't want here to know that I was having a cold sweat. Ophira takes my hand and we stare at each other a little too long. Her eyes were so soft yet fierce. I hadn't seen something like that in years. I felt protected but I knew that there has to be a way for me to protect her. There was no way on this earth that I was going to let that happen again.
I wake up in reality again and pull myself up from the ground, grabbing his hand. He looked at me a certain way and that was something I couldn't forget.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to act that way...I didn't expect that at all or anything that happened today" I replied in a quiet tone, looking away for a moment. I felt off and it was a new feeling mixed in but what?
Julian shakes his head, "No, I started it...kind of. It's the least I could do." He replies back with a weary smile. I hesitate again but not for too long as he lifts his arm to his side and points an elbow towards me, "Shall we?" he asks. I nod and wrap my arm around his.
Chapter 4: A wolf and knight
This woman was adorable. So innocent and friendly. I couldn't just throw my myself at her. That would be entirely too rude.
I hear a someone call her name. However, I'm too focused on her to investigate the voice. Her midnight black hair bounces as she turns around, nearly smacking me in the face. This woman was something else. I can't explain what just yet.
I see a armoured man standing on front of the guild. His hair was black and had a few faded spots with gray. I wrap myself in my cape, looking away. I didn't want any conflict, not after the incident in the guild. My eyes slowly trail up. I watch as the two interact. Was he her father?
A few minutes later, Ophira turns back around, heading towards my direction. She looked embarrassed. What did he say to her? I glance up and the man disappeared into the building.
"Are you alright?" I ask, frowning at her.
Her russet brown eyes slowly look up at me, "Y-yeah. He kind of set me up or something...he was just checking on me. I'm sorry about everyone else. You made them kind of uncomfortable" she replies, looking down at her feet. I chuckle and she looks away. I frown again. Was I embarrassing her? I didn't intend for it to be this way.
"So...are You planning on doing anything? Today I mean...after that stuff that happened. She questions, tilting her head to the side. I ponder for a moment. Am I doing anything?
She folds her arms, "I can take you out to eat...if...um...you want?" Ophira suggests quietly. I give her a small smile in return. "That sounds lovely. Right now?" I ask in confusion. She nods and walks past me. "You can follow me or stay here. Either thing is fine. I have to go back home and get my money and stuff." I decided to follow her.
I stand in the doorway of Ophira's house, staring at everything. I could just walk in but...would that be rude? It was weird for me well, this at least. I had never been in a normal modern house before. It was relatively new for me.
I slowly walk in, closing the door behind me. The furniture was cozy looking. I seat myself on her couch. My hand runs down the arm of the almond brown couch. It felt like leather. I look up to see a screen of some sort in front of me. What? What is this exactly?
The screen was pitch black and the only thing that I could see. The oval shaped table near my lower body had a long silver looking device laying on it. I reach for it. The back was completely black and the front had an array of buttons. I was so confused.
One of the buttons had a weird symbol on it. My finger presses down on it. A red light turns on the object and at the bottom of the screen. The screen is no longer blank. My eyes widen.
The sound of my Tv reaches my ears. Did he turn it on?
I shake my head and sigh. Why was I getting worked up when I met him two hours ago? Maybe it was a neutral reaction of some sort, I don't know.
A colorful purse hung on my doornob. I grab it and head down stairs.
I reach the bottom of the stairs and look up at the Tv. I frown and wrinkle my nose. Ew this movie? Seriously? "Ew, dude, why are you watching this?" I ask in complete disgust. Julian turns his head, facing me. He looked so lost. "This is...so odd. What is called?" He questions pointing at the tv screen. I sigh and respond, "Twilight...ew. It's basically one of the worst book series to be made into movies." Julian raises an eyebrow, "Movie? Books? That's new..." The uncertainty in his voice worried me. He had definatly been asleep for a large amount of years.
"Anyway, shall we proceed to filling our bellies?" I ask, trying to sound goofy. The way I said it sounded a little weird at first but, he laughed.
I get into my car, closing the door. He opens the door, standing there awkwardly. I sigh, "You have to come in. I can't leave without you." Julian stands there for a second then steps into the car, bumping his head. I stare for a moment, "Are you okay? You hit your head?" I ask in concern. He quietly laughs, rubbing his head. "Yes, I'm fine...I guess I'm too tall."
I buckle myself and he does the same, well it took a few tries. The car engine turns on as I place my car key in the slot. Julian stares in awe. Something was really off but, what?
I watch as Julian stares down at his plate. "What is this?" He asks poking the slice of pizza in front of him. "Pizza. Do you want me to show you how to eat it?" I reply in amusement. He nods, still looking down at it before looking up at me.
Okay demonstrating how to eat a pizza slice steps...this should be fun. "Here" I command, taking my slice into my hands. "You take it off the plate. You hold it like wise" I instruct, holding it in my hands then folding it. "You can eat it like this, folded or you can eat it the way it is."
Julian picks the slice up. He stares at it for a second then proceeds to fold it. He takes a bite and hands it to me. "No, you...it's yours. I have one" I respond calmly, pushing his plate back towards him. I laugh, shaking my head. He was like a child. An older person with a naive childish mind. Then it hit me. What was he? He looked like a human like me but, he acted very odd around somethings. Like he didn't know such things like a Tv existed.
"Uh...Julian, can I ask you something real quick?"
He looks up, "Of course! What?" I pause for a moment then reply, "What are you exactly?" His face goes completely blank. Now I was really worried. "Are you in bad relations to anything?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. His amber eyes widen but, nothing comes out of his mouth. Then he asks me, "What are you?" "A wolf...a werewolf? You?" I respond then ask him suspiciously. Julian sits up straight, "I'm a hybrid. A dhampir" he replies bluntly.
I blink then gasp. "Oh! That's what you are. You're a human and a vampire. It's not so bad. You have human pros, no?" He shakes his head, "Ophira, I'm immortal for the most part. I was asleep for who knows how many years. I woke up two days ago. I don't even know half the stuff you do." I frown, looking down at my pants. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to offend you in anyway" I apologize. I feel his hand touch my and I avoid his eyes. It was oddly warm for what he was. Was he supposed to be warm? "Don't. You didn't know. What surprises me the most is what you are. You didn't even bat an eye and turn back around at the guild. I noticed you when I first walked in but, I didn't approach you directly. They would have killed me in a blink of an eye if I had stayed. I'm actually glad I met a nice one...you of course." He states. There was a hint sadness to his voice. I didn't want him to cry. It seemed as though he was neglected for years.
"Thanks...you didn't have to say that. It's thanks to Silvaus, the ma. I was talking to a few hours ago. He's like a father to me. That's probably why I'm not like the others; he's like me surprisingly. Either he was raised like me or...he learned to accept others not like him." I reply looking up at him, my eyes boring into his. We were slient for a few minutes.
"So, do you want to head back? We can box the pizza." I ask softly, trying to break the silence between us. He gives a currant nod but, says nothing.
Do you have anywhere to stay?" I ask. Julian sighs, "No, sadly..." Hearing that made me get worked up again. I was having my new emotion flurry. I did have a guest room and a couch...I guess it won't hurt to let him stay.
"Y-you can stay here. Just don't rampage around my house and do other unnecessary things, okay? I assure him. He smiles, "Really? Thank you...I promise and I won't try to eat all your food and other stuff." He quietly laughs.
I was going to have a roomate, a weird but friendly one. I wonder what Silvaus will think of this.
Chapter 3: Ophira (The Hybrid)
Again, I could not believe what I was seeing. This guy was all sorts of weirdly attractive. Well, maybe to me. His outfit was something I couldn’t really explain. I just know that it was red and black. Maybe from the Victorian age.
The guild had returned back to normal after the odd encounter. I didn’t seem like anyone cared. There were a few faces that seemed disgusted and angry, even annoyed. Whatever it was, Silvaus didn’t seem a tad bit annoyed. He was more calm then anyone else.
“Go after him” I hear Silvaus whisper.
I turn my head and frown, “Are you sure? He might think I hate him like the others and run as soon as he sees me!” I answer back in an angry whisper.
He chuckles “I’m pretty sure a beautiful young lady like you, would soften him up.” I narrow my eyes and frown at his teasing words.
I Then place my hands on my hips, “So be it. If I die, it’s your fault.” I let out a heavy sigh and head towards the door. Behind me, I could hear the voices of some concerned werewolves. Yep I’m sure this is a great idea!
I step outside. Then I hear a huff. I take a couple steps foward, scanning my surroundings. Surprisingly, I spot him.
My body tenses and I stand there, watching him. The man was sitting near the river, head hanging. Taking small steps towards him, I hold my breath. I did not want to die. Not like this.
I stand an inch behind him, waiting. Would he notice me? A minute or two passes by and still no response. Okay I guess he doesn’t know, time to leave...maybe. No, I couldn’t leave! I somewhat made a promise to Silvaus...sort of.
I slowly yet, cautiously place a hand on his shoulder. My insides were screaming. My heart was beating out of my chest again and I felt I was going to faint. This was overwhelming and my insides felt like that were dying. I had no idea who this random person was.
I take my hand off his shoulder and turn around, attempting to return inside. Then he speaks,
“I know you’re here” he whispers so softly that I somehow hear it.
I jump and slowly turn around, meeting his gaze. He was looking me but, only with half his face turned. It was like a small glance.
My body forcefully makes me walk towards him. I sit down next to him, avoiding his eyes. For a split second I glance at him, taking a better at the longest set of hair I had ever seen in a man.
I sigh in frustration. Did he know I was that I was looking...glancing at him? “You have uh...really long hair. It’s nice” I awkwardly compliment him. His eyes flutter open and I hold my breath. Even his eyelashes were long!
“Your not like most woman I’ve met” he replies, looking down. He quietly laughs looking up at me. Darn it! I didn’t want him to look directly at me! Now it was making me feel weird and everything. I force myself to look up at him and smile.
“Thanks?” I answer in the most confused way possible.
He chuckles heartfully “No, what I meant was all woman come flocking my way. It’s rather annoying. You...your approach was different. I like that.”
I turn my head quickly. My face was heating up. Was that flattery or a compliment? I was beginning to feel emotions that I had never felt before. It was confusing.
“Thank you...it’s not necessary...I think” I reply in a whisper, clearly embarrassed. He laughs and I cover my face. Why does it have to be me? Did Silvaus set this up?!
He gently takes my hands away from my face, placing them in his. They were cold and warm at the same time. Body heat problems? “What’s your name?” He asks, gazing up at me. I pause for a few moments. “Ophira, Ophira Tala. You can call me Phira is you want...” I reply back. My face was heating up again. Why did he keep looking at me a certain way?
“That’s...a beautiful name” he beams. He faces me, his eyes lighting up ”Julian Knight.”
Chapter 2: Ophira (Moon Guild)
I step inside the guild, shivering from the cold blast of air that greets me. It smelled of musky odor. A very strong musky odor that is. Werewolf.
The walls of the Moon Guild are decorated with pictures in wooden frames of previous members, glass cases of medals or rewards, and some really freaky mounted monster heads. However, this is my home, my life.
Some greet me as I walk through, looking for Silvaus.
"Aye! There she is. The speedy gal!"
"Hey, Phira!
I give them a weary smile and shake hands with a few. Then I spot him, sitting on a corner with a few of his friends. The man himself, barely holding his liquor.
"Silvaus!" I shout "What on earth are you doing?! You have a job to do."
He peeks up and I told my arms with a glare. The middle aged werewolf scratches his beard and sighs.
"I know...you act like its the end of the world. It's my off day. You can handle it." He quietly chuckles as I step closer.
I smile and roll my eyes, "Of course you would take this day to do this. Remember your probably losing brain cells" I tease. He rolls his eyes back and a sudden blast of cold air hits the back of my neck. The guild grows quiet.
I turn around to met a very unexpected and unfamiliar figure standing near the entrance.
His eyes were amber it looked like and he had long brown hair that reached the halfway point of his back. He was like some nameless god that had been reincarnated into a human of some sort. However, I looked closer and soon saw the paleness of his face. It wasn't sickly, rather apart of him. He was born this way and that only meant on thing. He was a vampire.
The man quickly glances around the guild and rushes out in a nervous hurry. Just before he did, he had met my curious gaze.