Ten Song Titles
1.) Beatbox Heartbeat
2.) Love till it hurts
3.) Living gone wrong
4.) Tomorrow is today's Present
5.) He's no Cinderella
6.) Loving to the moon
7.) Star-Crossed Wish Wash
8.) Our fate in the stars
9.) Destiny sealed with a Kiss
10.) No Hope, No Prayer, Let's Go
All original titles out of my head.
I still remember the day as if it was yesterday, even though it was five thousand three hundred seventy six days ago. I had been to a doctor's appointment that morning before going to work, it was a Wednesday, no significance to it that I could think about that day. The morning was a typical spring morning, warm but damp with a light cloudy morning and a light mist filling the air. Leaving the doctors office, my mind was numb driving, I passed a familiar rode that I traveled frequently and my gut told me to go that way. I ignored it and just kept going, I was already late for work and had no time to dilly dally around.
I arrived at work and made haste getting started, at the time I was working in construction as commercial and residential painter. The home I was working in had a deadline for the weekend, so I had to get moving quick, the couple hours being late that morning only put me behind.
My radio was blaring and I was rolling the paint up and down the wall, my phone had been ringing but I didn't hear it. Soon I was brought out of my concentration and daydreaming with the music by a friend yelling at me from the doorway. I turned and immediately could tell something was wrong, first of all he shouldn't have been there, he was on another job across town and second his eyes were red from tears and his skin as white as a ghost. I quickly turned my radio down and checked my phone to see the time and realized I had missed about fifty calls and a hundred text messages. Frowning I looked up to my friend and his next words to me left me sobbing in the middle of the floor, in that moment my world stopped turning and my heart was ripped from my chest, only to pause the pain for a moment and it to start all over again.
Years before that a young girl had befriended me, she would soon become more than a friend, she was my sister, my children's aunt, my moms child, there was not a memory from the day I met her, until that day that she was not in it. She was the one that never judged me, would stand up to me when I was in the wrong, had been my shoulder to cry on, and the cheerleader I needed in my corner when I needed the boost or courage to carry on.
The news delivered in that second was that she was gone. Just like that she was gone and I would never see her again. I screamed and cried, it couldn't be true, I grabbed my keys and left out of there like it was on fire, once I arrived home I was again reassured that she was gone. It was five days after her twentieth birthday, April 26, to be exact, and after that day, my life would never be the same. She had been to the barn to take care of her horses that morning, the funny thing about it was, that the road I had passed that morning on my way to work was the same road that her barn was on, and the time that I passed it was the same time that she had arrived at the barn. The police said that when she entered the barn her boyfriend was sitting in the hallway with a shotgun. He turned the gun on her and killed her where she stood and then turned the gun on himself also taking his life.
I think about her daily, she would have been thirty-five this year and I wonder where she would be, would she be married, would she have kids of her own. Life is never fair, we are never promised the next moment, words that I have grown to live by, Live life to the fullest in the moment, for the next is never promised.
Thank you for taking time to read. This is the first time I have ever sat down to write about that day. I think about her daily and she is always in my heart, my memories live on of her and my life was ultimitely changed for the good when she entered it.
No ordinary fairy tale
With the hectic times of the days we live in, hopes and dreams of fairy tale lives have diminished and faded away into nothing but a memory, no one seems to believe in happily ever after or true love anymore. Seeing the outcome of the chaos created, the twins Fate and Destiny decided to step in and dabble with the outcome of one’s future. The twins had the same in mind as to what needed to happen, but as fate is set in stone and destiny is merely what happens as a result of your life choices.